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Example sentences for "fleete"

Lexicographically close words:
fleer; fleering; fleers; flees; fleet; fleeted; fleeter; fleetes; fleetest; fleeth
  1. The Lord Generall commanded all Captaines and officers of the fleete to resorte vnto him aboord his ship.

  2. Maie the wind being Northe and Northe-east, we in the fleete of Roterdam, being 20.

  3. The sun South South-West, we came with fleet our whole fleete before the Groine, where wee found the great newe ship of Amsterdam vnder the Towne.

  4. There was a great alteration a litle before; a whole fleete of boats, now to be reduced [to] 2 onely.

  5. This vexed us sore to see such a fleete and such an opportunity come to nothing, foreseeing that such an other may be not in tenne years.

  6. Sir William Eastfield, mayor, 1438, conveyed water from Teyborne to Fleete street, to Aldermanbury, and from Highbury to Cripplegate.

  7. The aforesaide ships were of an huge and incredible capacitie and receipt: for the whole fleete was large enough to containe the burthen of sixty thousand tunnes.

  8. Cholmley tells me, among other things, that he hears of little hopes of a peace, their demands being so high as we shall never grant, and could tell me that we shall keep no fleete abroad this year, but only squadrons.

  9. Coventry to peruse and send to the fleete by the first opportunity; and so pretty betimes to bed.

  10. The Dutch fleete is not gone home, but rather to the North, and so dangerous to our Gottenburgh fleete.

  11. We are not sure that the Dutch fleete is out.

  12. Pen and I by coach to White Hall, and there staid till the King and Cabinet were met in the Green Chamber, and then we were called in; and there the King begun with me, to hear how the victualls of the fleete stood.

  13. Most think that the gross of the French fleete are gone home again.

  14. Thence by coach over the ruines, down Fleete Streete and Cheapside to Broad Streete to Sir G.

  15. No newes of the fleete yet, but that they went by Dover on the 25th towards the Gunfleete, but whether the Dutch be yet abroad, or no, we hear not.

  16. The fleete is at Portsmouth, there staying a wind to carry them to the Downes, or towards Bullen, where they say the Dutch fleete is gone, and stays.

  17. In our way back we come by a little vessel that come into the river this morning, and says he left the fleete in Sole Bay, and that he hath not heard (he belonging to Sir W.

  18. Coventry sent me word that the Dutch fleete is certainly abroad; and so we are to hasten all we have to send to our fleete with all speed.

  19. He tells me how the fleete is come into the Downes.

  20. They are at Bullen; and our fleete come to St. Ellen's.

  21. We think our fleete sayled yesterday, but we have no newes of it.

  22. But the Generall with the rest of the Fleete were separated from vs, making two fleetes, for the surer meeting with the Spanish fleete.

  23. Gratiosa, where the Admiral and the rest of the Queenes fleete were come together.

  24. Helena Northward, which is able to receiue any Fleete of ships of great burden.

  25. Secotan, and the same day came aboord our Fleete ryding at Wococon.

  26. Fleete ankered at Hatorask, and there we rested.

  27. Ships, chiefly at the kings cost: And hauing in his fleete 200.

  28. Fleete ankering at Wococon, we weyed anker for Hatoraske.

  29. And some of our Fleete which had lost all (of vvhich number was the ship appointed for Maister Lane and his companie) vvas driuen to put to sea in great danger, in auoyding the coast, and could neuer see vs againe vntill we met in England.

  30. Coventry tells me the Dutch fleete shot some shot, four or five hundred, into Burnt-Island in the Frith, but without any hurt; and so are gone.

  31. And indeed he tells us that he believes no fleete was ever set to sea in so ill condition of provision, as this was when it went out last.

  32. This day we hear that the Duke and the fleete are sailed yesterday.

  33. This day I have newes from Mr. Coventry that the fleete is sailed yesterday from Harwich to the coast of Holland to see what the Dutch will do.

  34. We have laine a good while with a good fleete at Harwich.

  35. Pen's, who is to go back for good and all to the fleete to-morrow.

  36. A Fleete of Englishmen, Danes, and Flemings, arriued at Ioppa in the Holy land, the seuenth yeere of Baldwine the second king of Hierusalem.

  37. And here the lord Henry Seymer vnited himselfe vnto the lord Admiral with his fleete of 30.

  38. The fleete of Noua Hispania, at their first gathering together and setting foorth, were two and fiftie sailes.

  39. The number of mariners in the saide Fleete were aboue 8000.

  40. The Admirall and chiefe commander of those ships and Fleete called Aluaro Flores de Quiniones was sicke of the Neapolitan disease, and was brought to land, whereof not long after he died in Siuillia.

  41. At the same time the Spanish Fleete was escried by an English pinasse, captaine whereof was M.

  42. Likewise the English Fleete following vp hard vpon them, ancred just by them within culuering-shot.

  43. This Fleete set saile from the sound of Plimouth in the moneth of April towards the coast of Spaine.

  44. And it is other waies of late certified, that of this whole fleete that should haue come into Spaine this yeere, being one hundred twentie and three sayle, there are arriued as yet but fiue and twentie.

  45. Gallies, so well appointed in all respects for the warre, that no necessary thing wanted: and this fleete houered about the Streights of Gibraltar.

  46. As they were sailing along, there arose such a mightie tempest, that the whole Fleete was dispersed, so that when the duke was returned vnto his company, he could not escry aboue 80.

  47. Coventry that he should tell him, when he come down to the fleete with Sir G.

  48. That the Dutch are in very great straits, so as to be said to be not able to set out their fleete this year.

  49. Nobody knows who commands the fleete next year, or, indeed, whether we shall have a fleete or no.

  50. Up, and to the office, where all the news this morning is, that the Dutch are come with a fleete of eighty sail to Harwich, and that guns were heard plain by Sir W.

  51. The King there: and it was about considering how the fleete might be discharged at their coming in shortly (the peace being now ratified, and it takes place on Monday next, which Sir W.

  52. All is lost: This fowle Egyptian hath betrayed me: My Fleete hath yeelded to the Foe, and yonder They cast their Caps vp, and Carowse together Like Friends long lost.

  53. Then God forgiue the sinne of all those soules, That to their euerlasting residence, Before the dew of euening fall, shall fleete In dreadfull triall of our kingdomes King Fran.

  54. The Ottamites, Reueren'd, and Gracious, Steering with due course toward the Ile of Rhodes, Haue there inioynted them with an after Fleete 1.

  55. Among many other questions, they asked why 'in all this Brauery of the Fleete the English had not taken Cales as well as Puntal?

  56. But, quoth he, there were neither Wood nor Iron to those Gates, but two dayes before your Fleete came away.

  57. Biggat, or one of them to make his courses and directions from time to time during the whole voyage, and all the fleete are to follow and obserue the same without straying or breaking of company at any time vpon the penaltie before specified.

  58. Narue vnto which Freebooters he with his fleete gaue chase, and took of them the Admirall, wherein were left but three men, the rest were fled to shore in their boats amongst the woods vpon Tuttee, on which he set fire and burned her.

  59. Our fleete resolve to sail out again from Harwich in a day or two.

  60. Their fleete for Guinny is now, they say, ready, and abroad, and will be going this week.

  61. Having set all things in order against the next flood, I went on shore with Captain Erwin at Greenwich, and into the parke, and there: we could hear the guns from the fleete most plainly.

  62. That he had commanded the vessel to attend at Helversluce till this gentleman returns, that so if his Majesty do not think it fit to command the fleete himself, yet that he may be there to receive his commands and bring them to his Lordship.

  63. Never till now did I see the great authority of my place, all the captains of the fleete coming cap in hand to us.

  64. The Earle of Lindsay was vice-Admirall to the Fleete in the Rainbowe, bearing the king's usual colours in his fore topp, and a blew flag in his maine topp, and was admiral of the blew colours.

  65. The notice is interesting:--"The Duke now lying at Portsmouth divided his Fleete into squadrons.

  66. My Lord Sandwich, and his fleete of twenty-five ships in the Downes, returned from cruising, but could not meet with any Dutchmen.

  67. My Lord Sandwich is, it seems, with his fleete at Alborough Bay.

  68. But we hear that the fleete in the Hope is not come up any higher the last flood; and Sir W.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fleete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.