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Example sentences for "flippers"

Lexicographically close words:
flippancy; flippant; flippantly; flipped; flipper; flipping; flips; flirt; flirtation; flirtations
  1. In whales the fingers of the flippers are of the usual number, namely, five.

  2. Because their flippers are like those of a whale, it does not mean that Plesiosaurs are related to modern whales.

  3. The flippers are large and clumsy, and the spiracles slightly incised.

  4. As the weather at this season is often excessively cold, the seals freeze stiff soon after they are taken from the net, and if sufficient snow has fallen they are stacked up by sticking their hind flippers in the snow.

  5. The flippers were rudely indicated in the outline, but the left one is broken off.

  6. It has a human head with the tusks of a walrus, the body, tail, and flippers of a seal, with human arms.

  7. The fore flippers are in high relief, with three toes to each flipper, colored round the edge with red ocher.

  8. The flukes in particular are especially well done, and the flippers are in high relief.

  9. The tips of the hind flippers are joined together, and each has only two toes.

  10. The flippers are cut off at the joints, and thus the whole skin is drawn off in a single piece.

  11. The nails of the flippers are frequently extracted and the openings sewed up, the hind flippers and the tail being cut off and firmly tied together by a thong, thus forming a neck (atauta), to which the harpoon line is attached.

  12. Unable to break away, the turtle is hauled close alongside the canoe, secured by the flippers and towed ashore.

  13. Its occupant sits back and steers with flippers of bark, until as the game weakens he is able to approach and plunge another harpoon into it.

  14. As with the whale, the flippers or arms do not contribute any considerable means of locomotion, but are used, in the case of the female at least, for grasping the young.

  15. There is no adjunct to the flippers which appears to be of service in the digging, yet the holes are such that a man would find it impossible to make without the use of a chisel.

  16. They paddle about, throw themselves on their backs, float and puff out their breasts, flapping their flippers like paws over their chests.

  17. They have a medium dorsal fin, and the pectoral flippers are about two-thirds longer than the breadth.

  18. Head globular in front; teeth few in number; the dorsal fin is high, situated nearer to the head than to the tail; the flippers very long and narrow; the fingers possessing an unusually large number of bones.

  19. The other characteristics are triangular flippers half as broad as long.

  20. Their external features are an elongated pisciform body, the toes joined by a membrane converting the feet into broad flippers or fins, the two hind ones being so close as to act like the caudal fin of a fish.

  21. The flippers are broad, and the animal uses them with some dexterity in supporting its young in the act of suckling.

  22. Several lunges of this kind generally finish the battle, whereupon the beaten one drops to his flippers and makes all haste towards the water, glancing fearfully behind him on the way.

  23. During the nesting time much disorder prevails, and fights, in which beaks and flippers are energetically used, may be seen in progress at various places throughout the rookery.

  24. Both are distinguished from the hair seals by one obvious characteristic: their method of propulsion on land is by a "lolloping" motion, in which the front and hind flippers are used alternately.

  25. The hair seals move by a caterpillar-like shuffle, making little or no use of their flippers; and so, the terminal parts of their flippers are not bent outwards as they are in the fur seals and sea-lions.

  26. Regnar whistled sharp and shrill, the combatants suddenly separated, and each, rising until his flippers showed above the surface, looked on all sides for the source of this sudden interruption.

  27. At last Waring missed his aim, and his club, which was slung at his wrist by a kind of sword knot, was seized in the jaws of the seal, and his succeeding rush jerked the frightened lad from his footing beneath the fore-flippers of the animal.

  28. The flippers are short and broad, with five digits; the head is very large and the whalebone very long and narrow, highly elastic and black; while the scapula is high, with a distinct coracoid and coronoid process.

  29. The flippers are small, narrow, and with only four digits.

  30. Flippers broad, short and rounded, all the digits being tolerably well developed, except the first.

  31. Flippers very large, ovate, nearly as broad as long, with all the phalanges and metacarpals broader than long.

  32. Flippers with five digits, though the first and fifth are usually little developed.

  33. Flippers of moderate size, not elongated, but somewhat pointed, with all the bones of the digits broader than long, except the first phalanges of the index and third fingers.

  34. General external characters much as in Globicephalus, but the fore part of the head less rounded, and the flippers less elongated.

  35. He was answered almost instantly by the walrus reappearing, and making furious efforts by means of its flippers and tusks to draw itself out upon the ice, while it roared with redoubled energy.

  36. He raised himself on his flippers with an angry movement.

  37. They set out together across the Pacific, and Matkah showed Kotick how to sleep on his back with his flippers tucked down by his side and his little nose just out of the water.

  38. The big things answered by bowing and waving their flippers like the Frog-Footman.

  39. When he heaved himself up on his front flippers he stood more than four feet clear of the ground, and his weight, if any one had been bold enough to weigh him, was nearly seven hundred pounds.

  40. Then she would take the straightest of straight lines in his direction, striking out with her fore flippers and knocking the youngsters head over heels right and left.

  41. Both were light brown in color; but while one showed huge development of head and jaw, with small flippers, the other kind reversed these attributes, their heads being small, but their flippers long and powerful.

  42. The fingers of the front flippers are nearly stiff and immovable, while those of the hind pair are considerably extended by a web, and supported by small flattened claws.

  43. Many old birds paddled in for a short distance, and crouching in a few inches of water, splashed about with their flippers to give the youngsters a lead.

  44. The flippers are the same bluish "tar" black on the back and white beneath.

  45. Such as had merely suffered broken flippers or legs, I spared, and the next day nearly all of these seemed to be doing well.

  46. The cock flew at him immediately, and after a short fight, in which each used his flippers savagely, he was driven clean down the side of the knoll away from the nests, the victorious cock returning to his hen.

  47. They were fighting with flippers and bills, one of them being particularly clever with the latter, frequently seizing and holding his opponent just behind the right eye whilst he battered him with his flippers.

  48. The fore flippers are parallel with the body under the man's forearms and the back flippers rest on his shoulders.

  49. When they reached the rocks Kash-ka-di jumped out and grabbing a great sealion by its hind flippers tried to tear it in two, but he was thrown high in the air and killed on the rocks.

  50. Just then the turtle began to use his flippers in desperation.

  51. It was a little chit of a mermaid, whose flippers had hardly begun to grow into hands, that asked this question.

  52. They came up, simply stared at the ship; now from sheer fat rolling on their backs, and lying for a few seconds tail and flippers beating the air helpless.

  53. It had big flippers and I think I saw tusks like an elephant’s.

  54. The baby seal stood up on its flippers and looked at the boys as cute as could be.

  55. A depression was thus formed in which the flippers could be placed so as to be almost in the same general plane with surrounding surfaces of the body.

  56. The flippers were modeled from those of the St. George Island specimens (which were also imperfect) and from the figures of B.

  57. The flippers are also in bad shape, one being buried in the sand, while the other is entirely denuded of flesh, leaving a bony stump about 6 inches long and which moves readily in any direction.

  58. Their shape was somewhat different from that of the flippers of M.

  59. When received, the skeleton lacked the flippers and also two of the teeth.

  60. Their front flippers have neither hair nor claws, but their hind flippers have webbed toes.

  61. The Walrus and Sea Lions can turn their hind flippers forward to use as feet on land, but this the true Seals cannot do.

  62. Their front flippers are covered with hair.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flippers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.