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Example sentences for "gillies"

Lexicographically close words:
gilds; gile; gill; gilled; gillie; gills; gillyflower; gillyflowers; gilt; gilte
  1. Mr. Gillies has also this advantage over many collectors of similar reminiscences, that he was not only an author among authors, but that his social position in early life gave him access to the best circles.

  2. She knew what he was thinking of--of the tale that would be told among the keepers and the gillies of his having soused himself into the Geinig Pool in trying to gaff a fish.

  3. I should think all the keepers and gillies in Strathaivron were blessing your name at this very moment.

  4. If he missed, then he missed; why should he care what foresters and gillies thought of him?

  5. Glenlyon, said Ian, the son of the chieftain: What seek ye with guns and with gillies so many?

  6. Meanwhile Blake was carried by four gillies towards the Castle, the men talking low to each other in Gaelic.

  7. Let us walk a little way--too many gillies and people loafing about here.

  8. Merton took the most intelligent of the gillies aside.

  9. Mr. Macrae agreed, and himself went in the boat, which was presently unmoored, and pulled by two gillies across the loch, that ran like a river with the outgoing tide.

  10. All that night, while the Gillies slumbered peacefully, Virginia tossed restlessly on her bed, thinking over what Mr. Hadley had told her.

  11. The distant sounds of the Gillies and the servants retiring died away.

  12. But it was late; the Gillies would soon retire.

  13. She had then a nice young daughter staying with her, but ere the vessel that was to convey the Knoydart people away arrived at Isle Ornsay, this young girl died, and poor Widow Gillies was left alone.

  14. Widow Gillies was sitting inside her house when the factor and officers arrived.

  15. Widow Gillies was warned to quit like the rest of the tenants, and was offered a passage first to Australia and then to Canada, but she refused to go, saying she could do nothing in Canada.

  16. I heard ane o' his gillies bid that auld rudas jaud of a gudewife gie ye that.

  17. Poor Gillies never rose above that course of extravagance in which he was at that time living, and which soon reduced him to poverty and all its degrading shifts, mendicity being far from the worst.

  18. Robert Pearce Gillies was a man of unquestionable talent, but eccentric and extravagant.

  19. Gillies about the year 1851 brought out his Memoirs of a Literary Veteran, in which he says that Scott was 'not only among the earliest but most persevering of my friends--persevering in spite of my waywardness.

  20. Gillies seems to have made Scott's acquaintance about this time.

  21. And yet they were in the locality where Gillies Land was marked on the chart.

  22. Of Gillies Land, Petermann Land, and King Oscar Land no trace could be found.

  23. Through the influence of Mr. Justice Gillies a site at the corner of Princes Street and Eden Crescent, with the buildings which had been used as a Post Office, was secured, and to these inadequate premises the collection was removed.

  24. Gillies is commemorated thus in Scott's Journal: "This poem goes to the tune of Don Juan, but it is the champagne after it has stood two days with the cork drawn.

  25. Gillies said in his Recollections: "I remember well how correct Scott's impressions were of such beginners in the literary world as had not then acquired any fixed character.

  26. Three shag-headed gillies in the tattered Cameron tartan dragged an innkeeper from his taproom and set him down squat on the causeway.

  27. Something of this elation seized me--for I am of this latter class--as Murdoch and his gillies rowed me across the sound to Skye in the darkness of the early morning.

  28. The servants and baggage were placed on an eminence in the rear, still called Gillies Hill.

  29. One might imagine Gillies a Hellenistic author dedicating his work to a Ptolemy or a Seleucus.

  30. Gillies says, "The thing being strange and new, he found, on coming out of the coach, an incredible number of people assembled.

  31. Gillies tells us only that from Boston he "proceeded to Rhode Island, and went onward through Maryland and Virginia, with a prospect so pleasing, that he lamented he had not come sooner.

  32. He went down to the coble, and got the salmon out of the well; and then, before bringing it and placing it on the grass before the young lady, he held it up in triumph for the gillies to see: the sarcasm was all the other way now.

  33. The gillies had comfortably lit their pipes.

  34. The gillies hung about the inn door, disconsolate.

  35. Mr. Gillies not only looked after the engines but assisted materially in the deep-sea work by the invention of a new form of sounding driver which was used successfully during the various cruises of the 'Aurora'.

  36. We hoped to visit the outcrops--Gillies Nunataks--on our return.

  37. On the 25th there was a hard south-east gale blowing until the afternoon, when it moderated sufficiently to send off the launch with thirteen bags of coal, Gillies being in charge.

  38. The ballast-tanks were found to be leaking and Gillies had considerable trouble in making them watertight.

  39. Gillies and Bickerton took alternate shifts in driving the motor-launch.

  40. During the cruise down the coast the missing stock of our only anchor had been replaced by Gillies and Hannam.

  41. In the wake of the gillies we descended the Correi road into a glen all swimming with dim purple shadows.

  42. The stag had been loaded up and the gillies were returning.

  43. There Gillies and McCain and Jules had come to admire the bulk and bone of the husky they had last seen as a lumbering puppy, now in size and beauty far surpassing the Ungavas bought by the Company of the Esquimos.

  44. And Colin Gillies believed in his heart that Marcel spoke the truth.

  45. In comparison with Wallace who, Jean had heard Gillies say, might some day go to Winnipeg as Assistant Commissioner of the Company, he was as nothing.

  46. Glancing at McCain, Gillies shook his head resignedly, for he knew well why Jean Marcel wished to avoid Whale River.

  47. Gillies took the telescope and looked for a long space.

  48. Andre Marcel," Gillies continued, "would have followed the men who stole his dog down this coast and west to the Barren Grounds.

  49. So relieved seemed the girl, who had given lavishly of her young strength, that she allowed Mrs. Gillies to take her place in the sick room while she spent with Wallace the last days of his stay at Whale River.

  50. Behind a huge table made from hewn spruce slabs, sat Inspector Wallace, Colin Gillies and McCain.

  51. Well, my lad," said Gillies heartily, "we are sure glad to have you back alive.

  52. Calling for silence Gillies again spoke to the hunters.

  53. Jean Marcel's mouth had been shut like a sprung trap, even Jules and Angus did not know; of that, Gillies was sure.

  54. Not if Pere Breton and Monsieur Gillies have any influence with the Crees.

  55. Gillies brought him in an account for many other repairs on the pavement of the kitchen.

  56. When she came to town, she told Mr. Hume the fact, and that Gillies had come to him, not only without her orders but contrary to them.

  57. Mr. Hume therefore refused to pay Gillies for any thing, except for the plaister, and also for whitening the kitchen, for which he had orders.

  58. There is a telegraph and post office, and a supply of boats and gillies waiting for engagement.

  59. He sent gillies to Scardroy, and they brought away the body of Iain Geal Donn.

  60. That the temporary employment of gillies and others in connection with deer forests has a demoralising effect.

  61. Burns & Brown continued for two years, when they failed, and Wright Gillies & Bro.

  62. Young Gillies superintended the horse-power roaster and drove the light spring delivery cart.

  63. Gillies assumed entire charge under the name of the Gillies Coffee Co.

  64. The coffee business, thus started by Wright Gillies, is still conducted, as the Gillies Coffee Co.

  65. While still a lad of nineteen, Wright Gillies came from a Newburgh farm in 1838, and obtained a clerkship in a tea store in Chatham Street, now Chambers and Duane Street.

  66. From the jargon, therefore, of the Highland gillies I pass to the character of their Chief.

  67. That they did come to England accordingly, and took up their rest in London; but from that period Mr. Robert M'Gillies became an altered man; he relinquished his M.

  68. Mr. Robert M'Gillies was brought before the magistrates to answer the complaint of Miss Julia Cob.

  69. Mr. Robert M'Gillies filled up the pauses in this speech, by licking in with his tongue the tears, &c.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gillies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.