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Example sentences for "hacienda"

Lexicographically close words:
hacerme; hache; haches; hacia; hacian; haciendado; haciendas; haciendo; hack; hackamore
  1. A hacienda 13 kilometers by road east of Uruapan; pine-oak forest and fields of sugar cane.

  2. A hacienda about 24 kilometers south of Uruapan; arid tropical scrub forest, many streams, rice fields.

  3. The site of a former hacienda of the same name near the mouth of the Rio Balsas; arid tropical scrub forest.

  4. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas let us make use of their facilities at Hacienda Zirimicuaro.

  5. Returning to the hacienda he discovered in a clump of bushes, over which the water had run when at its highest mark, the bodies of a man and woman entangled in the canvas cover of a camp wagon.

  6. If you are able we had better go up to the hacienda now, and after breakfast we will look about to see if assistance is needed along the river, for the flood was sudden and unlooked for.

  7. What about pulling up the hacienda floor?

  8. The two lads hurried off together through the darkness, leaving the hacienda and its defenders behind as they began to retrace their steps along the rough track leading to the corduroy road.

  9. There was your first idea about getting away from the hacienda and coming round here by sea.

  10. But tell me this: why did you not go yourself and leave me to guard the hacienda till the boat came back?

  11. The fight at the hacienda was an exception.

  12. The distance back to the hacienda seemed short enough, and in anticipation of his mission proving successful, the skipper had his first boat's load told off ready for their start.

  13. At his hacienda at the mouth of the Oltec River.

  14. Except the lone pulqueria, at the corner where a cross path leads to the hacienda of Narvarte, there is not a house before reaching the bridge of Coyoacan.

  15. Between St. Augustin Tlalpam and the city lie the hacienda of San Antonio and the village of Churubusco, and south-west of them is Contreras.

  16. After committing these unwarranted ruthless outrages they forbade any one under severe penalty to attempt to rebuilt his house; nor was any one allowed to admit a homeless neighbor to his hacienda or offer him a roof.

  17. The Alcalde and his adherents wanted to settle at Sabana Largo, near the hacienda of Santa Clara.

  18. I draw attention to the striking resemblance of some of these signs to those painted on the finely decorated pottery found on the hacienda of Don Jose Luna, in Nicaragua, and described by J.

  19. Whether these vindictive monks had anything to do with it or no, the hacienda of Jorullo was destroyed, all the trees thrown down and buried in sand and ashes from the volcano.

  20. Taken prisoner on the field of battle at the hacienda La Blanca, he was shot.

  21. On the 21st of February, in the evening, we set out from the beautiful Hacienda de Cura for Guacara and Nueva Valencia.

  22. While she was nervously patrolling the roof of the old hacienda and watching for him, the prudent leader of the now well-mounted Mescaleros was pushing steadily forward.

  23. Many a long mile to the southward of the old hacienda the sun shone hotly down upon the rugged slope of a spur of a range of mountains.

  24. A hacienda on the Rio Coatzacoalcos about 12 kilometers east of Jesus Carranza; rainforest [27].

  25. Accordingly, he showed up unexpected at the Del Reyes hacienda with his outfit one moonlight night and laid hands on the gal.

  26. I went to the hacienda of the Señor Wiley.

  27. A few days before Tia Juana and the boy disappeared, the Trevino hacienda changed hands.

  28. Moreover, Hallock's hacienda was a bachelor establishment and in Limasito there were girls; girls with blue eyes and black hair and incredibly white skin, who looked a man straight in the eyes and made him feel as if maybe he'd found a friend.

  29. His hacienda is shut up tight, except for the caretaker.

  30. He had parted with some little difficulty from his host, who insisted on sending in to Limasito for the young engineer's baggage and wholeheartedly desired that he make the Hacienda de Rosa his headquarters.

  31. The first objects met with by the traveller on this road are some Indian huts, called yauliyacu, and the ruined hacienda of San Rafael.

  32. A few years afterwards the hacienda of Pacchapata was laid out.

  33. After passing over the Andes, two leagues further, we come to the hacienda Maraynioc, where numerous herds of cattle are kept.

  34. I fell in with him once, when travelling on the road to Chaclacayo, and rode in company with him as far as the Hacienda de Santa Clara.

  35. On this road, only two leagues from Chancay, near the Hacienda of Chancayllo, are situated the Colcas, most remarkable subterraneous structures, of the time of the Incas.

  36. A mine belonging to the hacienda is situated five leagues north-west of Pachachaca, and yields rich silver ore; but a great part of it is at present under water, and its drainage would be a very difficult undertaking.

  37. Round the hacienda there are potato plantations, and the potatoes reared here are so excellent, that they are celebrated throughout the whole Sierra.

  38. The point of junction is a quarter of a mile from the Hacienda Cavallero.

  39. On the road to Pasco, the Hacienda of Cavallero corresponds, in its distance from the capital, with the village of Chaclacayo, on the road I am here describing.

  40. At the plantation called the Hacienda de Caraponga, one was killed, of which the head alone was an ordinary burthen for a mule.

  41. He joyfully communicated the discovery to his master, Don Jose Ugarte, a Spaniard, who owned a hacienda in the Quebrada de Huariaca.

  42. Señor Don Alfredo Chester, as the boy aviators’ father was known in Nicaragua, sat in a grass chair on the cool patio of his dazzlingly whitewashed hacienda on his plantation of La Merced.

  43. The bustle extended from the hacienda to the barracks,—the news of the arrival of the Aztec having been brought to the estancia the night before by a native runner.

  44. On the Monday preceding our meeting the "professor" sat with his pupils in the shade of the broad hacienda veranda when he saw two priests wandering toward the house "like Jews with a pack of clothing to sell.

  45. There were three or four palm-leaf huts and a large, long hacienda building, unspeakably dirty and dilapidated.

  46. The hacienda San Andrés, also American owned, embraced thousands of acres of rich bottom land on which already many varieties of fruit were producing marvelously, as well as several mountain peaks and a long stretch of lake front.

  47. I was already on the hacienda Guaracha, largest of the State of Michoacán, including within its holdings a dozen such villages as this, but the owner to whom I bore a letter lived still leagues distant.

  48. Here and there the road passed through an open gate as into a farmyard, though there were no adjoining fences to mark these boundaries of some new hacienda or estate.

  49. He had me write my name on a slip of paper and bade me adiós with the information that if "my legs were well oiled" I could make the hacienda Jarral by nightfall.

  50. Well up we came upon the "chaparral," the hacienda herdsman, tawny with sunburn even to his leather garments.

  51. To the hacienda of Don Ramon Garillas, then; and at a smart pace; we must endeavour to get there before nightfall.

  52. On the evening of that day the greatest consternation prevailed at the Hacienda del Milagro, Dona Jesuita and No Eusebio had not returned.

  53. Access to the hacienda was gained by passing through an immense court, the entrance of which shaped like an arched portico, was furnished with strong folding gates, and a postern on one side.

  54. In this hacienda was kept up the patriarchal custom which is now falling into desuetude, of allowing the servants to eat with the masters of the house.

  55. In fact, this personage was Don Ramon Garillas de Saavedra, the proprietor of the Hacienda del Milagro, which we have just described.

  56. The road which leads from that city to the Hacienda del Milagro (Farm of the Miracle) is one of the dullest and most arid possible.

  57. As soon as the hacienda had disappeared behind a swell in the ground, Don Ramon stopped, drew a silk handkerchief from his breast, bandaged the eyes of his son without saying a word to him, and then again resumed his course.

  58. He was conveyed from the ship in a government boat, and two hours later, while his fellow-passengers were still engaged in feeing the supervisors of the custom-house, he had reached the hacienda behind the hills.

  59. From the early forenoon until the sun has begun to set it is not at all agreeable, or prudent either, for the unacclimated to be astir in that part of the planet in which Don Jayme's hacienda was situated.

  60. On reaching the hacienda he went to the room which he occupied, and tore into bits the scrappy letters of his Madridlene.

  61. We had a dreadful ride in the hot sun, till we arrived at a pretty Indian village on the estate, and shortly after entered the courtyard of the great hacienda of Cocoyoc, where we were most hospitably welcomed by the proprietor and his family.

  62. In the evening we drove to Casasano, an hacienda about three leagues from Cocoyoc, and passed by several other fine estates, amongst others, the hacienda of Calderon.

  63. The hacienda has the usual quantum of furniture belonging to these country houses; and it is certainly no longer a matter of surprise to us, that rich proprietors take little interest in embellishing them.

  64. Fortunately, at the time it gave out, the insurrectos had apparently given up the chase, and the party was not far from the hacienda of a friend of the genial Buck.

  65. By keeping to the road, they might find a hacienda or native hut where they could obtain refreshments without being asked embarrassing questions.

  66. This hacienda was a favourite with Don Simon, as he had created it out of the wilderness, and the entire road from the village he had made himself.

  67. Having no ill feelings against him and no spare moscheto-net, we did not ask him to remain at night, and he accompanied Don Simon to the hacienda to sleep.

  68. My pains increased as we advanced, and I dismounted at the hacienda in a state impossible to be described.

  69. Unable to do anything at the ruins, I walked down to the hacienda to see one of our horses which had a sore back.

  70. We mounted immediately, and continued on a gallop to the hacienda of Tankuche, two leagues distant.

  71. We endeavoured to persuade our bearers to return to the hacienda before their money was all spent, and at length, giving us to understand that it was in obedience to us, they went away.

  72. That I might take this place on my return to Uxmal, it was advisable to visit the ruins on Don Simon's hacienda the next day.

  73. At this time, too, we received intelligence that the fowls at the hacienda were running short, and the eggs gave out altogether.

  74. A short distance in the rear of the hacienda were the ruins of another city, desolate and overgrown, having no name except that of the hacienda on which they stand.

  75. It is my belief that the ruins on the hacienda of San Francisco are those of the aboriginal city of Ticul.

  76. The Hacienda (Public Treasury) shall pay the passage money and the cost of maintenance from Ilocos.

  77. From the Tigui-mere I returned to the hacienda a bank formed of volcanic lava two feet in thickness and covered with indistinct impressions of leaves.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hacienda" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.