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Example sentences for "heroick"

Lexicographically close words:
herof; heroic; heroical; heroicall; heroically; heroics; heroin; heroine; heroines; heroism
  1. But this is scarce allowable in Heroick Poetry.

  2. The Treble Rhyme is very seldom us'd, and ought wholly to be excluded from serious Subjects; for it has a certain flatness, unworthy the Gravity requir'd in Heroick Verse.

  3. But we must not forget to observe that our Antient Poets frequently made use of intermixed Rhyme in their Heroick Poems, which they dispos'd into Stanzas and Cantos.

  4. Now our Translators of their Heroick Poems have observ'd the same Stanza and Disposition of Rhyme; of which take the following Example from Fairfax's Translation of Tasso's Goffredo, Cant.

  5. When they conclude an Episode in an Heroick Poem: Thus Stafford ends his Translation of that of Camilla from the 11th AEneid, with a Verse of 12 Syllables.

  6. But this is now wholly laid aside, and Davenant, who compos'd his Gondibert in Stanzas of Verses in alternate Rhyme, was the last that followed their Example of intermingling Rhymes in Heroick Poems.

  7. The Verses of 14 Syllables are less frequent than those of 12; they are likewise inserted in Heroick Poems, &c.

  8. Those of 12, and of 14 Syllables, are frequently inserted in our Poems in Heroick Verse, and when rightly made use of, carry a peculiar Grace with them.

  9. And this they took from Italians, whose Heroick Poems generally consist in Stanzas of 8.

  10. He had a piercing Eye, and in Characters of heroick Life a quick imperious Vivacity in his Tone of Voice that painted the Tyrant truly terrible.

  11. In the Silenus he again rises to the dignity of philosophick sentiments, and heroick poetry.

  12. There is no passion more heroick than love; and, therefore, I should be glad to see the sons of England marching in the field, every man with the picture of a woman of honour bound upon his hand.

  13. But had you seen me when I gain'd them, Ladies, In that heroick posture.

  14. Of which there is not one in the English: And what an Effect this would have in Heroick Verse, you will easily judge.

  15. Whoever intends to come up to Virgil in Harmony in Heroick Numbers in any long Work, must not omit this Art.

  16. As also, that the French Language is more fit for Heroick Verse than the English.

  17. Our Elegy adopts not only unequal couplets, but alternate rhymes, which give a plaintive tone to the heroick measure, and are most happily used in Gray's beautiful Elegy in a Country Church yard.

  18. Ildegerte Queen of Norway, or Heroick Love; written in French by the Author of the Happy Slave, and translated into English by a Gentleman of Oxford, 8vo.

  19. Thus perish'd, in one fatal Day, three Heroick Princes.

  20. Instead of an heroick play, you might justly expect an heroick poem, filled with the past glories of your ancestors, and the future certainties of your own.

  21. From "The famous history of heroick acts .

  22. And since all heroick actions, publick employments, powerfull governments and eloquent pleadings are denyed our sex in this age or at least would be condemned for want of custome, is the cause I write so much.

  23. These are the Men who in their Heroick Poems have made mens Fames live to eternity; therefore it were pity (faith Plutarch) that those who write to Eternity, should not live so too.

  24. This judicious Poet Translated that most exquisite Poem of Torquato Tasso, the Prince of Italian Heroick Poets, which for the Exactness of his Version, is judged by some not inferior to the Original it self.

  25. He also wrote six Books De Bello Trojano, in Heroick Verse, which, as the learned Cambden well observes, was no other then that Version of Dares Phyrgius into Latine Verse.

  26. There is in the British Museum a poem printed in 1666, entitled Letter to the bishop of Munster containing a Panegyrick of his heroick achievements in heroick verse.

  27. A Poet too from great heroick theames And inspiration, fallen to dreaming dreams.

  28. But when such Persons are introduced as principal Actors, and engaged in a Series of Adventures, they take too much upon them, and are by no means proper for an Heroick Poem, which ought to appear credible in its principal Parts.

  29. Such beautiful extended Allegories are certainly some of the finest Compositions of Genius: but, as, I have before observed, are not agreeable to the Nature of an Heroick Poem.

  30. If we look into the three great Heroick Poems which have appeared in the World, we may observe that they are built upon very slight Foundations.

  31. There hardly can be a greater Instance of an Heroick Mind, than the unprejudiced Manner in which this Lady weighed this Misfortune.

  32. Pray inform me as soon as you can, lest I become the most heroick Hecatissa's Rival.

  33. For this Reason I shall wave the Discussion of that Point which was started some Years since, whether Milton's Paradise Lost may be called an Heroick Poem?

  34. I think where the low Character is to be raised, the Heroick is the proper Measure; but when an Hero is to be pulled down and degraded, it is done best in Doggerel.

  35. No bloudy Scythian or inhumane Turke But would ha trembled to ha toucht his skin Or spilt one drop of his Heroick bloud.

  36. Preservers of my life, heroick friends, Be you my safety; keepe the souldyers off, Whilst in the midst by fayre and equall fight I send this Traytor to eternal night.

  37. The life of a modern soldier is ill represented by heroick fiction.

  38. Such was the heroick spirit of Drake, that he never suffered himself to be diverted from his designs by any difficulties, nor ever thought of relieving his exigencies, but at the expense of his enemies.

  39. She sent out her own troops, at her own charges, without either authority or assistance from the Confederation, then also engaged in a war with Great Britain, under her own commission to her heroick son, General George Rogers Clarke.

  40. Let the heroick spirit in which the soldiers of Virginia and the South struck for their liberties, and suffered, and died, represent our appreciation of this injustice.

  41. These measures are varied by many combinations, and sometimes by double endings, either with or without rhyme, as in the heroick measure.

  42. The verse of twelve syllables, called an Alexandrine, is now only used to diversify heroick lines.

  43. I hope every thing from it, as this Heroick Monarch's happy Genius never fails him when he wants it most.

  44. Modesty of H:P: Majtys relation, his Silence of Himself, and entire attribution of the victory to Genl Seidlitz, are of a mind as truely heroick as H.

  45. Stoops like a Cammel, that Heroick beast, At a great load of Nutmegs; and how meekly This other fellow here receives his Whirrit!

  46. It were an endless Labour to collect the Accounts with which all Ages have filled the World of Noble and Heroick Minds that have resigned this Being, as if the Termination of Life were but an ordinary Occurrence of it.

  47. The Soul has its Curiosity more than ordinarily awakened, when it turns its Thoughts upon the Conduct of such who have behaved themselves with an Equal, a Resigned, a Chearful, a Generous or Heroick Temper in that Extremity.

  48. It is a frivolous Pleasure to be the Admiration of gaping Crowds; but to have the Approbation of a good Man in the cool Reflections of his Closet, is a Gratification worthy an heroick Spirit.

  49. For this Reason, the Similitudes in Heroick Poets, who endeavour rather to fill the Mind with great Conceptions, than to divert it with such as are new and surprizing, have seldom any thing in them that can be called Wit.

  50. The greatest Modern Criticks have laid it down as a Rule, that an Heroick Poem should be founded upon some important Precept of Morality, adapted to the Constitution of the Country in which the Poet writes.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heroick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.