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Example sentences for "impetuously"

Lexicographically close words:
impetigo; impetu; impetum; impetuosity; impetuous; impetuousness; impetus; impeyan; impi; impia
  1. She then drew the young girl impetuously toward her, kissed her on her forehead, placed her hands on her head as if to protect her, and turned to the artist as she continued: "I stand by what I recommended before.

  2. At the same moment a loud voice was heard from the next room, which Melissa recognized as her brother Alexander's, who impetuously insisted on his right of--being allowed at any time to see the emperor.

  3. She impetuously embraced the young girl, took leave of her sister-in-law, and left the room with Alexander.

  4. His quick trained glance sweeping along the shelves, contracted into a little frown of resentment while he sent his hand impetuously through his scant locks, standing them quite on end.

  5. At other times I was quickly and impetuously smitten.

  6. And because our reason violently deters us from the brink, therefore do we the most impetuously approach it.

  7. Impetuously he stepped forward and grasped, with his right hand, the right hand of Jacinto Quesada.

  8. But she still shrugged away from him when impetuously he approached too close.

  9. Or had she embraced them no less impetuously and strongly than furtively?

  10. The Franks, after an obstinate struggle, gave way; and the Alemanni, raising a shout of victory, impetuously pressed their retreat.

  11. In the tide of emigration which impetuously rolled from the confines of China to those of Germany, the most powerful and populous tribes may commonly be found on the verge of the Roman provinces.

  12. But not Georgian's ways and not Georgian's nature," he impetuously finished as she slipped out of sight.

  13. Too deeply," he impetuously added in louder tones, "to let any harm come to you now.

  14. She burst impetuously into the deserted ballroom.

  15. There fell a brief silence, then impetuously Dinah spoke, urged by the fulness of her heart.

  16. Ignoring the look upon his face she turned toward me, impetuously waved aside the fellows who yet held me prostrate, and extending her hand lifted me to my feet.

  17. The ever-deepening roar of ceaseless contest had moved westward down the valley, when an aide wheeled his smoking horse in front of the Colonel, spoke a dozen hasty words, pointed impetuously to the left, and dashed off down the line.

  18. But he was impetuously attacked by the Count de Lannoy with a considerable force, and perished, after a desperate defence, with full one thousand of his followers.

  19. Falteringly I was about to speak it when a sudden sound struck my ears, and rising impetuously I drew him to the window, blowing out the candles as I passed them.

  20. Striding impetuously into the room where I sat at work, he drew himself up till his figure showed itself in all its full and graceful proportions.

  21. Urging his troops impetuously onward, he crossed the Pruth and entered Jassi, the capital of Moldavia.

  22. His soldiers, with shouts of enthusiasm, threw aside all encumbering clothes, and uttering those loud outcries with which semi-barbarians ever rush into battle, impetuously fell upon the advancing foe.

  23. The king, Ysiaslaf, called for a levy en masse, of the inhabitants of Kief, summoned distant feudal barons with their armies to his banner, and marched impetuously to meet the conquering foe.

  24. Hearing these tidings Peter abandoned all plans for visiting Italy, and set out impetuously for Moscow, and arrived at the Kremlin before it was known that he had left Germany.

  25. Impetuously she ran forward and stared into Helene Churchill's face.

  26. Impetuously the White Linen Nurse scrambled to her own hands and knees and jostled the Little Girl aside.

  27. She leaned impetuously towards him, and put her hand on his: "Mr. Hayne, that is no engagement of heart to heart.

  28. Such men are the victims of the perpetual tempests agitating them and it is no wonder that sometimes they break forth impetuously into anger or brutality against friend or foe alike.

  29. Such cries and thoughts ran through her as she walked impetuously up and down, in rebellion against her father, unhappy for her girl friend, and smarting under the coercion put upon her patriotism and her conscience.

  30. She walked impetuously ahead of Aubrey and Elizabeth.

  31. The whole country was a forest, and Williams impetuously marched directly into the hollow.

  32. The signal bearer had taken perhaps five steps when Hartridge spoke words which instantly filled Marr with regret that he had been so impetuously prompt to take a no for a no.

  33. In another instant there burst from his red throat a roar like the thunder of the firmament, and I fell impetuously to the earth.

  34. He noticed this and impetuously cried: "You are pale; and your hand!

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impetuously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abruptly; bang; carelessly; dash; desperately; furiously; hastily; headfirst; headlong; heedlessly; impetuously; impulsively; madly; plop; plump; plunk; pop; quickly; recklessly; sharp; slap; smack; spur; suddenly; surprisingly; unawares; wildly