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Example sentences for "lunch"

Lexicographically close words:
lunate; lunatic; lunatics; lunation; lunations; lunched; luncheon; luncheons; luncher; lunches
  1. It will do the whole Somme campaign in an hour and bring up safely at some French hotel where hot lunch and foaming beer persuade the living that life is still worth while.

  2. The first glass of it on a hot day is refreshing--a flagon at lunch does not come amiss.

  3. He said this at a venture, for he felt quite unequal to facing the college cook and ordering lunch from that tremendous personage--he would far rather order it from his tutor even.

  4. But the aunt was annoyed to find that she had been pouring out all her pent-up affection over a perfect stranger, and had eaten his lunch into the bargain.

  5. An hour afterward, while sitting at the table, where a bountiful lunch had been prepared, Mrs. Cheevers told Lillian that her mother had retired to her room feeling very unwell.

  6. She partook of a hasty lunch and retired to her room.

  7. After lunch they returned on deck to see a boat bring the boys on board; then the screw was set in motion and the water began to churn itself into foam round the vessel's sides.

  8. But there iss ta laird, Miss Marjorie, he will pe calling to me to come with ta lunch baskets, I will hev to go.

  9. In the meanwhile I think lunch is ready,' said Captain Redwood, and each of the officers took a lady downstairs, Tricksy falling to the share of the youngest.

  10. Mr. Scarlett asked me cynically, whilst we were thoroughly enjoying the lunch Percy had furnished.

  11. I stayed on board to lunch with Popple Opstein.

  12. But let us have lunch first, and I'll explain everything afterward," Alex said, leading the way toward the house.

  13. The little girls ate their lunch on their rock, mourning over the failure of their plans, and scheming ways to meet the new obstacle.

  14. Half the time he don't get anything to eat before he comes to school, and if my mother didn't put up some extra for him in my box he wouldn't get any lunch either.

  15. The two little girls were to wander about as they pleased until noon, when they were to meet the Wendells in the shadow of Industrial Hall and eat their picnic lunch together.

  16. The naval officer was there because the hour of the midday meal on board the cruiser did not coincide with lunch time on shore.

  17. There's her lunch on the table which has never been tasted, and the servant brought it up at twelve.

  18. Cut a slice of that brown bread and lunch with me.

  19. The cashier was there because the bank had no lunch hour, and because he had just witnessed the most suspicious circumstance that his constantly alert eye had ever beheld.

  20. Shortly after lunch the Governor sent for him, and asked many questions pertaining to the running of the dynamo.

  21. She had some shopping to do, in preparation for her own holidays, but when that was over, she and her pupil repaired to the house of a friend, where they were to lunch and spend the afternoon.

  22. We lunched that night where, just a year before, I had eaten my first lunch on the Flathead, on a shelving, sandy beach.

  23. Also, a share of the midday lunch and twenty pounds more weight than you ought to have by the beauty-scale?

  24. Cold Lunch will be provided at the University for all Readers of Papers and Members of the Congress Executive Committee who give in their names at the Secretary's table before 11-30 a.

  25. A Lunch and Garden Party will be given by Mr. Robert Mond to the Members of the Congress in the Grounds of Combe Park, Sevenoaks (near London).

  26. Then I washed my feet, rubbed them with anti-frost bite, had a good wash and shave, brushed my teeth and hair and went to lunch feeling very fit.

  27. Lunch off omelette and coffee during an hour's halt in the dignified perambulations of a French train at Bouchie.

  28. When we had finished putting up our tents, we lay down for a late lunch of bully-beef sandwiches and cake and watched Mademoiselle and the family digging the field.

  29. We had an hour's halt for lunch and tried to get some lunch, but were pushed out of one estaminet by a fat madam who was bustling round, and evidently did not trust us near her very unattractive daughter.

  30. We meant to return to our billet for lunch at 2-0, but we actually came back at 6-0--in time for high tea.

  31. Then we went to get some lunch at an hotel piloted by a major, but discovered we only had sovereigns and halfpennies, and so bought chocolate instead.

  32. We returned in time for a late scrappy lunch at 2-30.

  33. Two visitors came to lunch to-day and two are coming to dinner.

  34. We have just returned and had lunch and changed, and I am now spending a quiet afternoon, hoping that some of the battalion will come in to tea with us.

  35. An extempore lunch was put before him; never had he satisfied his hunger with less gusto.

  36. Before leaving, he promised to come and lunch in a day or two, for the purpose of saying good-bye to Leonard.

  37. Come here to-morrow morning at eleven, go over the mill, and then lunch with us.

  38. Before we leave Rivenoak, I should like you to meet a few people, my friends at Hollingford particularly, but in a very quiet way; I shall ask them to lunch with us, most likely.

  39. But we will talk about these things, for of course you will come and lunch all the same, at least I hope you will.

  40. It would bring him to town by mid-day, in comfortable time to lunch and adorn himself before the permissible hour of calling in Pont Street.

  41. I came early, to lunch with Lady Honeybourne and some of her actors.

  42. You know I lunch here to-day, and I couldn't have gone through with it without seeing you in private.

  43. And lunch here on Thursday--you understand?

  44. On Thursday I may have something to tell you; yes, come and lunch on Thursday.

  45. While lunch was in progress the old lady talked in the same friendly and familiar way, as if she had known Celia for years.

  46. Get in and I'll drive you to my house; you can have some lunch with me.

  47. After lunch Evan had to waste more precious hours walking around with the old man.

  48. Simeon Deaves and Evan started out immediately after lunch to get a copy.

  49. When they returned for lunch Evan sought out Josefa, the lady's-maid.

  50. George said to his father: "Lunch is ready.

  51. The crowd of horses and carriages had thinned as the hour of lunch drew near, and the wide roadway of the park had an air of added space.

  52. The first was an interview with Cresham, one of Chilcote's supporters in Wark; the other an engagement to lunch with Fraide.

  53. So Chloris gave him a parcel of lunch and a perfunctory kiss, and told him to go down to the seashore and get inspired and make up a pretty poem about her.

  54. Thus it befell that Jurgen reflectively ate his lunch in solitude, and regarded the Euxine.

  55. You will want to lunch out of doors, in the sunshine, for you won’t find good things like these at any little venta.

  56. Never was such a lunch as that we had by the roadside.

  57. Before joining Dick at lunch I engaged a small boy who sold newspapers in the street to let us know when the other car started.

  58. There I took advantage of the part I played, and sought the hotel at which Carmona must lunch or perhaps put up for the night; but to my astonishment he was not to be found at either of the two possible fondas.

  59. They received their mother's permission, and after a lunch was prepared they started in high glee, talking about the squirrels and birds they expected to kill.

  60. Somehow the story got out, and Hugh was very scornful because the boys had given their lunch to a deserter.

  61. Thereupon I entered it; though being desperately hungry I was sorely tempted to lunch before doing so.

  62. After lunch we had more shooting, the weather being now a trifle better.

  63. You and I will have a walk after lunch and talk a bit more about these plans.

  64. What a lecture she read me on having asked him home to lunch one day, when she had seen the Arley carriage in the town, and thought that my lady might call.

  65. When they had gone a long, long way, she proposed that they should sit down and lunch off their cake and wine.

  66. Shake hands with him just as if nothing had happened, but don't enter into conversation; and after lunch I shall arrange that we all go out for a walk on the terrace.

  67. We took the liberty of sending the carriage on to Brookfield, and we are coming on to lunch with you--that is to say, if you will let us?

  68. During lunch Barnard related such items of news as he thought would interest.

  69. The Fleet Street men of his period preferred to lunch and dine uncomfortably.

  70. One day Brunton had been having his lunch at the table in the corner, and before leaving the artist had made a drawing, on the tablecloth, of a somewhat Rabelaisian character.

  71. He didn't come in to lunch nor to supper, and when I went to the stable Mr. Mulqueen said a detective had arrested grandfather for doctoring horses without a license and he had pleaded guilty and they'd locked him up.

  72. Indeed, before he had concluded his treatment the animal was probably more comfortable than he, for the night in the cold stall had given him a chill and when he left the stable to go home for lunch he was in a high fever.

  73. So he continued till lunch-time, and then, turning to the table when the scout called him, took his solitary lunch of bread and butter, with a volume of Petrarch set open before him as he eat.

  74. I shall lunch with my friends here this morning; so you may take the carriage home now for my lady, and I shall cab it back, or come round by Metropolitan.

  75. Greatrex, looking up in alarm from the lunch table one morning, in the third term of Ernest Le Breton's stay at Pilbury, 'what an awful apparition!

  76. By two o'clock lunch was ready, and just as it had been announced, Arthur Berkeley ran up the front steps, and let himself in with his proprietory latch-key.

  77. I was so pleased when you invited us, to think I was going to lunch with a real composer.

  78. Turning straight into the dining-room, he was just in time to see his own father walking into lunch arm in arm with Lady Hilda Tregellis.

  79. If you'll allow me then, I'll just stop and have lunch with you.

  80. Ernest turned in to lunch with an uncomfortable misgiving on his mind already that Dunbude was not exactly the right place for such a man as he to live in.

  81. Your lunch is ready in the dining-room, sir,' said a voice at the door.

  82. Berkeley has asked me to stop and lunch with him, if that's what you mean.

  83. We have silly people enough in the evenings; but if you'll come to lunch with us alone one day, we shall have an opportunity of talking to you on our own account.

  84. You may as well come in here while I ring for them to get you some lunch ready.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lunch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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