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Example sentences for "pleurisy"

Lexicographically close words:
pleu; pleugh; pleura; pleural; pleurer; pleuritic; pleuritis; pleurs; pleut; plexus
  1. I have quite recovered from my pleurisy now and am steadily regaining my strength.

  2. I have quite recovered from my pleurisy now and am feeling almost as vigorous as before the attack.

  3. When a poultice is indicated in bronchitis or pleurisy it is an excellent one to use; it will afford much comfort, and often hasten recovery.

  4. This pain is due to pleurisy accompanying the tuberculosis.

  5. Lung trouble and pleurisy are not infrequent.

  6. Sero-fibrinous inflammations, such as occur in pleurisy and peritonitis, are common.

  7. The early symptoms of acute pleurisy are chills, rise in body temperature, pain and abdominal breathing.

  8. The shock and soreness resulting from the operation render the animal highly susceptible to pleurisy and pneumonia.

  9. In pleurisy the cough may be short and painful, and in broken wind, deep and suppressed.

  10. Stange does not find that pulmonary conditions, as tuberculosis, pleurisy or bronchitis, interfere with this test.

  11. Whether this was due to actual pleurisy or to the rubbing of surfaces rough from the breaking down of slight recent adhesions which had formed a barrier to the effusion, I am unable to say, but the signs were fairly constant.

  12. The form in which we generally prescribe it is,-- Powdered pleurisy root, half a table-spoonful.

  13. Make a mucilage of the poplar bark, by stirring in boiling water; then add the pleurisy root; the whole to be given in the course of twenty-four hours.

  14. Hahnemann tells us that a single dose of the 30th dilution of Aconite, which contains but the decillionth of a drop of the tincture of the remedy, will cure acute pleurisy in twenty-four hours.

  15. Nature, as if indignant at the attempt, struck down both Denham and himself with pleurisy within six months of their association in business.

  16. In man's body he rules the lungs and the blood, and of diseases he gives apoplexy, gout, inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy and all illnesses proceeding from corruption of the blood.

  17. A line going from the Line of Life and terminating with an island on the Mount of Jupiter shows lung disease or pleurisy at the time where such line starts.

  18. When one of the soldiers died of the pleurisy last winter in the fort and Captain Demere was ill himself, Captain Stuart read the service all solemn and proper, and had men to march with arms reversed and fire a volley over the grave.

  19. Doharty had been ill of a pleurisy and seems to relapse.

  20. The man who has the pleurisy was blooded and sweated, and we were forced to take off the toes of the young Indian who was frostbitten some time since.

  21. Pleurisy sometimes accompanies pneumonia or inflammation of the substance of the lungs.

  22. Pleurisy generally arises from exposure to the cold.

  23. Of late years the doctrine of the contagious nature of some forms of acute pneumonia (whether complicated with pleurisy or not) seems to have been gaining ground amongst medical practitioners.

  24. For pneumonia and ordinary pleuro-pneumonia, the treatment prescribed for pleurisy may be followed.

  25. The patient will often be more comfortable sitting up, and should take care not to be exposed to cold or wet for some weeks, as pleurisy or pneumonia may follow.

  26. Severe vomiting and diarrhea occasionally aggravate the case, and pleurisy and consumption may occur.

  27. It was only about two hours high, and the roads were in such miserable condition that six miles an hour would be making fine speed, so I determined to go the near way, and swim "Pleurisy slough.

  28. The path across was quite obscure, and it would be dark by the time we crossed; but the negro declared he knew every inch of the way, and as saving distance was a serious consideration, I determined to try it and "Pleurisy slough.

  29. The periods of the pleurisy recur with exacerbation of the pain and fever about sun-set, at which time venesection is of most service.

  30. This is accompanied with fever, is analogous to pleurisy and other inflammations, and is termed the acute rheumatism.

  31. If pleurisy is not present there is little pain.

  32. If pleurisy supervenes, it should be treated as advised under that head.

  33. We have described here bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleurisy mainly as they occur as independent diseases, but it should be remembered that they merge into each other and may occur together at one time.

  34. Pneumonia and pleurisy are most common during cold, damp weather, and especially during the prevalence of the cold north or northeasterly winds.

  35. It is distinguished from pleurisy by the absence of fever, cough, the friction sound, the effusion into the chest, and by the existence of rheumatism in other parts.

  36. There is a combination of the symptoms of both diseases, but to the ordinary observer the symptoms of pleurisy are the most obvious.

  37. The most frequent cause of pleurisy is an extension of inflammation from adjacent diseased lung.

  38. The symptoms will be the guide as to the advisability of giving oil and laudanum for the pain if the pleurisy is very severe.

  39. Pleurisy may affect only a small area of one side or it may affect both sides.

  40. This is the state in which an animal is affected with pleurisy and pneumonia combined, which is not infrequently the case.

  41. Pleurisy will be described here as an independent affection, although it should be remembered that it is very often associated with the foregoing diseases.

  42. The first lesion of pleurisy is overfilling of the blood vessels that ramify in this membrane and dryness of the surface.

  43. Among labourers in the country, the pestilence was so violent as to destroy many within four days, from complications of pneumonia, pleurisy and angina.

  44. When it is more vehement than usual, it passes into bastard pleurisy or peripneumony; but for the most part it is easily got rid of by letting blood and by emetics.

  45. Pneumonia and pleurisy were not rare, and were commonly the cause of fatalities.

  46. In a few athletic persons, who were not blooded in time, it terminated in a fatal pleurisy or phrensy[636].

  47. Sydenham gives no indication that the spring of 1674 was unusually productive of pneumonia or pleurisy among adults; the winter, he says, was unusually warm, the weather in spring turning colder.

  48. Devise some method, suggest some course of treatment, whereby my tried and trusty horse Pleurisy will cease to look so much like a saw-horse.

  49. I know what they're thinking, and I believe Pleurisy really enjoys it, and then when I drive past a farmhouse to see the whole family run out and hold their sides is not a pleasure.

  50. I don't mind driving Pleurisy where people know me and know that I do feed him occasionally, but it is disconcerting when I meet strangers to have kind-looking old ladies shake their heads at me.

  51. But as the months went by, in spite of all the doctor could do, Pleurisy remained the same, eating everything the doctor brought him, and looking for more, but showing no improvement.

  52. Pleurisy leaves a trail of merriment wherever he goes.

  53. After a few months she caught cold in the corridors of the theatre, and an attack of pleurisy laid her low and carried her off in six weeks.

  54. Care must be taken to differentiate pleurisy from traumatic pericarditis (which see).

  55. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the serous membrane lining the chest cavity and enveloping the lungs.

  56. In the early stage of pleurisy the serous membrane is dry, and as the disease advances the membrane becomes unnaturally moist.

  57. Pleurodynia may be distinguished from pleurisy by the coexistence of rheumatism in other parts and by the comparative absence of fever, cough, the friction sound, and the effusion into the chest.

  58. De Haen treated of pneumonia, of consumption, of pleurisy with effusion, which he calls dropsy of the chest, but never suggests the use of percussion.

  59. The first of these articles contains a long article on pulmonary consumption, and the other an almost equally long chapter on pleurisy with effusion.

  60. I have had pleurisy that was dangerous and not painful, then pleurisy that was painful and not dangerous; there is only one further combination, and I don't want that.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pleurisy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    asthma; bronchitis; cold; croup; emphysema; grippe; influenza; laryngitis; pleurisy; pneumonia; quinsy; rheum; tonsilitis