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Example sentences for "letting"

Lexicographically close words:
lettest; letteth; letther; letthers; lettin; lettings; lettle; letto; lettre; lettuce
  1. Then, with eyes averted from hers, he said in a low tone: "What's the use of letting it burn any longer?

  2. Letting the paper drop out of his hands, he rose and, leaving the place, walked along Third Avenue as if in a dream.

  3. And I wish that you would not agree to sell him to any body else, without letting me know.

  4. She smiled at all buyers, but spoke to none, letting their jests pass with stolid unconcern.

  5. There was a great letting off of rockets on board the steamer which brought him in, and a great beating of drums all night in Abdulla's compound, while the feast of welcome was prolonged far into the small hours of the morning.

  6. Even the baffled Jim-Eng left off troubling his muddled brain with secrets of trade, and relapsed by the aid of his opium pipe into a state of stupefied bliss, letting Babalatchi pursue his way past his house uninvited and seemingly unnoticed.

  7. Then she paddled home slowly in the afternoon, often letting her canoe float with the lazy stream in the quiet backwater of the river.

  8. He paddled leisurely, letting the canoe drift down as he crossed towards the point.

  9. If anything had happened, I should never forgiven myself for letting her sing so long!

  10. Dudley drew Polly softly away, letting her rest on his knee, her head against his shoulder.

  11. The Doctor dropped into a chair, and took her in his lap, letting her lean against him.

  12. The third time, letting out a little more rope, I struck the pinnacle, but below the knob.

  13. I was glad when Herr Krapp went to one of the windows and, letting down the bar, opened the shutters.

  14. Gently I drew it tight, and then, letting it hang, I slipped back into the room, where we had before taken the precaution to put out the light.

  15. You are letting last night weigh against me,' he went on.

  16. For shame, sir,' the Countess continued tremulously, letting her indignation appear.

  17. Well, it shall be as you wish,' she said, letting her arms drop.

  18. Thorarin, Glum's brother, blamed him for letting him be there, and said ill luck would come of it, and all would happen as had happened before if he were there.

  19. The Earl was for letting them all be slain at once, but Sweyn said that should not be, and said too that it was night.

  20. The king made himself sport by letting Gunnar prove himself in divers feats of strength against his men, and there were none that were his match even in one feat.

  21. The nuns had risen to their feet, and in the middle of the floor a sister began the lessons in a shrill voice, keeping always on the same note, never letting her voice fall at the close of the sentences.

  22. The confusion was at its height, with the engine letting off surplus steam with a hissing sound that prevented conversation to a great extent.

  23. Of course, this was intended as a means for letting them attend the Exhibition, and acquiring more or less knowledge along many lines; for Oakvale was proud of having been chosen as the regular site for this yearly Fair.

  24. So he contented himself with letting her see that though he did not understand her conduct towards him, he was willing to overlook it for the present.

  25. I have been obliged to stay at home: I've been so afraid of letting that precious child go out of my sight for a single hour, for fear some unscrupulous persons might get hold of her.

  26. She had been within an ace of letting him see the cruel ingratitude that was in her heart!

  27. You have a very exciting way of putting things, Nell, winding one up and up, and not letting in the least little morsel of light.

  28. Not hearing Mrs. Cameron, she argued with herself that no one could possibly blame her for not letting her in.

  29. This was, of course, Nell's first impulse, but she dared not follow it; dared not run the risk of letting Lady Wolfer see the note.

  30. Ah, Nell, I shall make a bad husband; for I foresee that I shall spoil you by letting you have your own way too much.

  31. Anyway, they're getting there and I have to stay up nights letting out hems.

  32. Thank you ever so much for letting us go.

  33. He was very absent minded--always hunting for his spectacles when they were on top of his head and often putting his teakettle on to boil and letting it go dry.

  34. A Kentucky slave-owner had been in the habit of letting some of his slaves go into Ohio to sing as minstrels.

  35. Very fair pears have been raised by dropping a seed into a good soil and letting it alone for years; but finer and choicer are raised by the watchings, tendings, prunings of the gardener.

  36. Holding on by his hands, he let himself down, swung back and forth once or twice to get the proper momentum, and then letting himself go, landed as lightly as a lynx upon the veranda.

  37. The engineer's assistant would pull a rope attached to the scoop, a catch would be released, and the bottom of the scoop would swing open, letting the load fall into the waiting car.

  38. But he held the boys in strong affection for having saved his life, and he knew that he could pay his debt, at least in part, by letting them know what was brewing.

  39. Yes," replied the officer, "they are just letting out some, and chaining up others.

  40. I will show you, Victor; it is an old way of letting her know, that I practised for months, and she is accustomed to it.

  41. Of course it was not a question of publishing the paper, but only of letting the author know why he did not do so,--"letting him down easy.

  42. I suggested that we might inflict on him all necessary humiliation by letting him know in the gentlest manner possible that we saw the fraud.

  43. He talks of letting the past be forgotten, so far as may be, and of commencing anew.

  44. Yves ran towards him, letting fall the cylinder which he was about to place under the boat when the bishop's call interrupted him.

  45. In short, I have a horror of letting any one take my measure.

  46. Get in," said the same man, opening the carriage-door and letting down the step.

  47. And D'Artagnan, faithful to his principle of never letting an order at sight get cold, went straight to the house of M.

  48. He had no use for Mr. Coyote, and he did not mind letting that tricky fellow know it, either.

  49. But after a while he began to wonder if he wasn't mistaken; for he happened to remember that Mr. Fox hadn't said a single word about letting him know when he had found the nest with the thirteen eggs in it.

  50. The lady was Spanish, and she must hate me; and these two facts gave an importance to our blood-letting which it would not otherwise possess.

  51. You will not be believed; and I shall send you back to Bologna without letting you take any of the presents which Madame d'Urfe has given you.

  52. He smiled, and praised my discretion, letting me understand that I did not take him in; but it was enough for me not to confess to anything.

  53. I decided on giving her fifty sequins without letting Veronique see me, as I did not intend to be so liberal towards her.

  54. Franz Servais took himself too tragically in letting a good thing escape him simply because he had holes in his shoes.

  55. Anarchy demonstrates the inanity of every attempt at amelioration which attacks only the effect while letting subsist the cause.

  56. She was for letting the man, who pretended to be her husband, work his wicked will and do what he pleased, provided that he left her in peace.

  57. By letting the people--the county people, understand the many virtues and graces which distinguish my character.

  58. Then she jumped up with a shriek, letting her magical tools drop, and turned round.

  59. He took her hands, the parson looking on all the time as a physician looks on at a blood-letting or an operation.

  60. There was a sort of growling answer, and then the doors flew open, letting in the light of the setting sun.

  61. Then I'll drive over the short-cut road and get past your auto without letting my pony see it.

  62. Then I'll put the measure under this basket," and this he did, letting Toby see all that went on.

  63. Then Bunny tied a string to the bell handle and ran the string out in front, letting it hang loose, so that a pull on it would set the bell to swaying and jingling.

  64. Letting the plane more or less fly itself, Dave sat staring toward the east and watched the dawning of a new day.

  65. Speaking of traps," Dave said, "thanks for not letting me step into that one he set when he pulled out that map.

  66. Nobody will think of letting him trouble you.

  67. Josephine Splurge contented herself with letting down her back hair for Mr. Withers and making eyes at him.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "letting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.