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Example sentences for "portent"

Lexicographically close words:
portemonnaie; portend; portended; portending; portends; portentous; portentously; portents; porter; porterage
  1. That nought might remain undisgraced, nought unattempted, he even makes him ready to outrage arms, heaps portent on portent and wanton folly seeks to outdo itself.

  2. Open the pages of the Cumaean Sibyl, ye pontifs; let wise Etrurian seers consult the lightning’s flash, and the soothsayer search out the awful portent hidden in the entrails.

  3. No portent so monstrous but time past has given it birth and the labour of bygone centuries produced it.

  4. Page 207 “This is the portent that agèd Lachesis foretold long years ago.

  5. That omen of evil augury for the people turns against itself, the portent of that consulship brings ruin to the consul.

  6. Isaiah had already some years before this endeavoured to impress the popular imagination with the folly of an Egyptian alliance, walking unfrocked and barefoot three years for a sign and a portent upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia (see p.

  7. And that was the thought of all of us who so much as remembered that such a thing as a portent of ill had ever crossed the path of the king on his way hither.

  8. So then I began to think the portent altogether heathenish, and half forgot it.

  9. Chambers brings in a cormorant several times as a portent of ghostly disaster, particularly foreboding when it turns toward the land.

  10. Yet it does come at times, as in A Far-away Melody,[98] where two spinster sisters living alone hear heavenly music as portent of their death.

  11. Melmoth, the Wanderer, is a walking portent of evil, for the priest is unable to pray in his presence, the communion bread turns viperous when he is there and the priest falls dead in the attempt to exorcise the fiendish power.

  12. There is much use of portent in Melmoth.

  13. The three drops of blood shed from the statue's nose in Otranto, while ridiculed by the critics, are meant simply as a portent of evil.

  14. And down by the seashore the mariners' hearts sank within them as they watched, believing that a sight so strange must be a portent of disaster.

  15. Dreams of dread portent haunted her sleep, and by daytime her eyes in her white face looked like violets in the snow.

  16. His Queen, that portent crowned, She that with name of wife was yet no wife, Abhorred that Cross and feared.

  17. When this happened constantly in the same manner, she told it to her husband, and he when he heard it conceived forthwith that this was a portent and tended to something great.

  18. It is an evil portent to see a snake on the trail.

  19. Slain by darts they disclosed a horrid portent and a wondrous sign of what was to be.

  20. But what terrified men’s minds still more was the portent of the two slaughtered wolves.

  21. Portent Red cradle of the night, In you The dusky child Sleeps fast till his might Shall be piled Sinew on sinew.

  22. The appearance of a spectral Black Dog is also a portent of death.

  23. There was an instinct or portent in that meeting.

  24. He would start up from sleep in the nighttime at the least sound, and the roar of the December gales about the house became voices of portent that conveyed far more than the mere rushing of inarticulate winds.

  25. But in the face of so involved a portent it would be well to avert all thought from Melodious Vision, wealthy Shen Yi's incredibly attractive daughter.

  26. In the face of so formidable a portent they acted thus and thus.

  27. In his continual search for a celestial portent among the solitudes Wong Ts'in had of late necessarily somewhat neglected his earthly (as it may thus be expressed) interests.

  28. Nearly every portent is to him a portent of misfortune.

  29. But now I see that the meaning of this portent must have been that, after the approaching shipwreck of my fortunes, my bark would be sped along with a more favouring breeze.

  30. How do I know,' said I to myself, 'that this boy may not be about to die as prefigured by the portent above written?

  31. But immediately after this portent I learned that my two chief opponents were either dying or about to retire.

  32. The dream aforesaid was not the only portent having reference to his marriage.

  33. A fall morning dawned, gray and dull, and the lake seemed to tremble with portent of coming disaster.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "portent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    augury; fatality; foreboding; forerunner; foreshadow; forewarning; harbinger; indication; marvel; meaning; miracle; omen; phenomenon; portent; prefiguration; premonition; presage; presentiment; prognostic; promise; sensation; shadow; sign; significance; threat; token; type; wonder