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Example sentences for "standards"

Lexicographically close words:
standardising; standardization; standardize; standardized; standardizing; standart; standby; stande; standen; stander
  1. At the same time, Johnson made no move to order a common enlistment standard; he told Fahy that the matter was extremely controversial and setting such standards would involve rescinding previous interdepartmental agreements.

  2. But more to the point Granger also pushed for reform in the standards of the Steward's Branch.

  3. In terms of total black representation, however, the new mental standards made a lesser difference (Table 17).

  4. For years the Army's demand for a parity of enlistment standards had been opposed by the Navy and the Air Force and had once been rejected by Secretary Forrestal.

  5. The staff particularly resented the different standards adopted by the other services to determine (p.

  6. Although the black applicants did score slightly below the whites, Paul doubted that integration would lower the standards of quality in these branches, and he wanted every effort made to increase the number of black officers.

  7. Stewards served a necessary though unglamorous function in the Marine Corps, and education standards for such duty were (p.

  8. Using the new enlistment standards as a base, the Army quickly revised its estimated black strength downward.

  9. This concrete case emphasises the necessity for including in a schedule of standards of quality a classification of papers according to strength and bulk.

  10. The mistake is similar to that which would be made if any one among ourselves were to give colours to our volunteers or standards to our yeomanry.

  11. Their whole artillery and camp fell into the hands of the Swedes, and more than a hundred standards and colours were taken.

  12. One hundred and fifty standards and colours, twenty-three pieces of cannon, the whole baggage and silver plate of the Elector, were captured, and more than 2000 men taken prisoners.

  13. The Swedish standards were planted along the whole stream of the Maine: the Lower Palatinate was free, the troops of Spain and Lorraine had fled across the Rhine and the Moselle.

  14. The captured standards and colours were, with the same view, carried in solemn procession to the church of Notre Dame, thrice exhibited before the altar, and committed to sacred custody.

  15. This is queerly contradictory to a disposition found in some Americans to disregard world standards and proclaim a third-rate poet as the Milton of Oshkosh or the Shelley of San Francisco.

  16. Some of us have been so anxiously abashed by high standards of European culture that we could not see a poet in our own back yard until European poets and critics told us he was there.

  17. All whosoever had sufficient strength to bear arms, attended; the standards were quickly brought forth from the treasury and conveyed to the dictator.

  18. The cavalry now could be seen by those in front, and Cornelius, turning about to the several companies, made them understand, by raising his voice and hands, that he saw the standards and bucklers of his own horsemen.

  19. The battle had now lasted for a considerable time, great slaughter occurred around the standards of the Samnites; in no part was there a flight, so firmly had they made up their minds to be vanquished by death alone.

  20. The consul coming forth in his paludamentum,[97] beholds his entire family in the porch drawn up in order of march; being received into the centre, he orders the standards to be carried forward.

  21. Fill the plains with the same carnage as you have filled the mountains; do not wait till they fly, you standing still; your standards must be advanced, you must proceed against the enemy.

  22. At a given signal the little emblem-bearers began to march, and on reaching the purple platform upon which the royal family sat, all standards were lowered.

  23. By what standards of the eternal verities is it wrong to combat this kind of slaughter by removing the official or officials responsible?

  24. The Swedish stage has set a good example for the preservation of the highest standards of the language, and in this line exerted a great cultural influence.

  25. It had its limitations, but was superior to the standards of his time.

  26. Even in essentials the highest standards are often modified to suit the preference of the majority.

  27. To a certain extent the appearance of virtue has been always more or less of a necessity in the world, but the moral standards in social, professional, and business life are inconsistent and mixed.

  28. We must have true standards to judge others by, and those must be standards which we have tried and proved, over and over, for ourselves.

  29. The lower standards have become too generally a matter of course,--that is why we do not think of brave and wholesome manhood when we use the expression "a man of the world.

  30. The best lawyers know that to do their work truly they must be able to judge particular cases and special circumstances by standards which to the majority of minds do not exist.

  31. When Jesus Christ healed a man on the Sabbath day, He not only ignored the conventional standards of His nation, but He appeared to disobey one of the fundamental commandments of the law.

  32. The table thus contained twelve standards of capacity for liquid and dry measure, but only ten are shown in the illustration, as two are too far back.

  33. Adjustable standards also occur; the upper part slides up and down in the hollow shaft of the lower part, so that the height can be changed at will.

  34. Holes for the standards of the press beams.

  35. I never think of the change of standards without being reminded of an old tale of my father's which is curious in itself, although I cannot vouch for it nor verify it.

  36. It seems, with our standards of an earlier generation, as if there were no true social life to-day, just as there are left no great social leaders.

  37. When Bonaparte was quiet, he let us perceive the reality of our servitude; when our sons marched away to plant our standards on the ramparts of all the great cities of Europe, that servitude disappeared.

  38. Were we to exchange our victorious flag for that white banner which had mingled with the standards of our enemies?

  39. In a late marriage, too often a contaminated body accompanies the material possessions which the standards of society have demanded of a husband.

  40. On the other hand, man has, as another innate part of his being, the desire to go with the herd, to conform to the standards of his fellows, to be what he has learned society wants him to be.

  41. But," some one objects, "this is not in the Standards of our Church?

  42. While every honest Churchman believes that all that is in the Standards of the Church to which he belongs is in the Bible, no one in his sane senses believes that everything in the Bible is to be found in the Standards.

  43. There is nothing about this in the Standards of our Church.

  44. Cabinet makers had to keep abreast of his standards and to imitate them to conform with their customers' orders.

  45. Her standards have nothing to do with Chicago.

  46. There are standards we can't get away from.

  47. Mr. Larsen showed his contempt for such extravagant standards by a shrug.

  48. She had never been conscious of those instinctive standards which are called ideals, and she did not know that she was suffering for them.

  49. Old standards of ethics, moral codes and methods of living in the past will not suffice for the present age of advancement and progress.

  50. Consequently, it has become evident that the four criteria or standards of judgment by which the human mind reaches its conclusions are faulty and inaccurate.

  51. The high ethical standards and spiritual perfections ceased to exist.

  52. These boundary lines and artificial barriers have been created by despots and conquerors who sought to attain dominion over mankind, thereby engendering patriotic feeling and rousing selfish devotion to merely local standards of government.

  53. They have taught and promulgated the knowledge of God, established praiseworthy ethical ideals and inculcated the highest standards of virtues in the human world.

  54. All human standards of judgment are faulty, finite.

  55. We will now consider the subject of love which has been suggested, submitting it to the four standards of judgment and thereby reaching our conclusions.

  56. It is my hope that this just government will stand for peace so that warfare may be abolished throughout the world and the standards of national unity and reconciliation be upraised.

  57. If religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science, they are mere superstitions and imaginations; for the antithesis of knowledge is ignorance, and the child of ignorance is superstition.

  58. Realization of moral standards and the world of discovery involve virtues essentially ideal.

  59. Make them signs of guidance, standards of Thine immortal kingdom, waves of the sea of Thy mercy, mirrors of the light of Thy majesty.

  60. That is to say, there are four criteria or standards of judgment by which the human mind reaches its conclusions.

  61. The fourth principle or teaching of Bahá’u’lláh is the readjustment and equalization of the economic standards of mankind.

  62. Warned of the danger of inflammation, however, he took to his bed; and according to our own nervous standards which seem to have intensified pain for us beyond the comprehension of our forefathers, he was sick and a great sufferer.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "standards" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.