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Example sentences for "tomahawk"

Lexicographically close words:
toluene; toluidine; toluol; tomaban; tomado; tomahawked; tomahawking; tomahawks; toman; tomando
  1. With feathers stuck in his scanty hair, and his tomahawk laid on the ground beside him, he appears to deliberate upon the possible use of the enormous face which grins at him from his knee.

  2. The savage is in civilized clothing, and carries a tomahawk in his folded arms; behind him the ends of bows, arrows, quiver, and tomahawk stand out from behind the shield.

  3. See if he takes the tomahawk in his belt, and if his face be gay or gloomy.

  4. No warrior of the Totem of the Tortoise dares raise a tomahawk against the brother of the Black Eagle," answered the chief.

  5. He will not lift the tomahawk a moment before the hour; but to-morrow will be the time, after the sun has set.

  6. They use the lightning, and they play with the thunder; but the tomahawk and the scalping knife are green rushes in their hands.

  7. The lifted hand and tomahawk of the other sank slowly by his side, and Woodchuck sat up and gazed round him, but without attempting to rise altogether from the ground.

  8. It was that of the Black Eagle, now feathered and painted for battle, with his rifle in his hand, and his tomahawk ready.

  9. Who has seen a tear in my eye, or who has seen the tomahawk uplifted not to strike?

  10. The tomahawk was bare, and the Oneida was killed; but the man took not his scalp, he sung no song of triumph over the children of the Stone.

  11. The Huron raised his tomahawk high to strike, the Frenchman shortened his musket to pin the Black Eagle to the earth.

  12. Two savage faces glared above him, and he expected to see the gleam of the deadly tomahawk the next instant.

  13. So that I but set my foot within that lodge, with my rifle in my hand and my tomahawk in my belt, I care not what follows.

  14. Put thy tomahawk in thy belt, brother of the Snake; it must taste no blood here, though it is hungry, I know well.

  15. She shall be the light of mine, too; but the brother of the Snake forgets not those who disappoint him; and the boy Prevost would rather see the tomahawk falling than know that the Fawn is in my lodge.

  16. Rich as he might be, he asked how was it possible that their white father could supply all their wants when he had so many to provide for, and when so many of his enemies had dug up the tomahawk at once.

  17. The colonies and mother country alike are sluggish, and now have no plans, the whole border lies at the mercy of the tomahawk and the French power in Canada not only grows all the time, but is directed by able and daring men.

  18. Daganoweda and his men, tomahawk in hand, leaped upon the van of the French Indians and drove them back.

  19. The young chieftain looked a very god of war, his eyes glittering, the feathers in his headdress waving defiantly, the blade of his tomahawk flashing with light, when he swung it aloft.

  20. He thought of it as he laid down the book and began to inspect again the painted buffalo skins on the wall, letting his imagination wander when once more he touched a Sioux tomahawk with its grim adornment of scalp-locks.

  21. Forgetful of the cold ride and of the snow down his back, he was standing before the feathered head-dress of a Sioux Chief and touching the tomahawk below it.

  22. When they conclude an alliance, offensive or defensive, with other tribes, they send them a wampum, sash and tomahawk dipped in blood, inviting them to come and drink of the blood of their enemies.

  23. A Crow chief mounting immediately the best of these steeds, brandished his tomahawk in the air, proclaiming that he was ready to avenge the deed.

  24. I was requested to be once more the mediator, and they told me that they had resolved to bury the tomahawk forever.

  25. The day of fight at Big Rapids him strike up my arm as me going to tomahawk Yankee prisoner.

  26. With this, the men wheeled, fired, and rescued several poor fellows in the stream, over whom the tomahawk was lifted.

  27. He seized a tomahawk and raised it over the head of the prisoner: still a muscle did not move.

  28. So I cut again, until I thought it time to be cautious, and I scraped and worked away with my butcher knife, until I did come to where my tomahawk had left an impression in the wood.

  29. Their principal arms, as you know, are the tomahawk and scalping-knife, and he who can take the greatest number of scalps is the greatest man.

  30. Again, kneeling to drink at the clear pool, he saw in the water the shadow of the triumphant warrior holding the tomahawk above him.

  31. They were naked except the breechcloth and moccasins, and everyone waved aloft a tomahawk as he sang.

  32. He knew that Paul and Shif'less Sol would have sunk under the ruthless tomahawk of Queen Esther, if it had not been for White Lightning.

  33. She took her place at the very head of the army, whirling her great tomahawk about her head, and neither "Indian" Butler nor Thayendanegea dared to interfere with her in anything great or small.

  34. If we attack by day they will tomahawk the captives the very first thing.

  35. The handle of a tomahawk was pressed into one, and the muzzle of a double-barreled pistol into the other.

  36. I understand that at the big battle of the Oriskany, farther up in the North, the Iroquois would wait until a white man behind a tree would fire, then they would rush up and tomahawk him before he could reload.

  37. There was so much chivalry in the boy's nature that he could think of all these things while he fled to escape the tomahawk or the stake.

  38. The Iroquois suddenly fired a volley at the logs and brush, and when the five returned the fire, but with more deadly effect, they leaped forward in the mud and attempted to rush the oasis, tomahawk in hand.

  39. And those we didn't cut down at our first volley would tomahawk the woman and children in an instant," replied Henry.

  40. They believed that the terrible Queen Esther, tomahawk in hand, had continually chanted to them her songs of blood as they came down the river.

  41. The picture of the great war tomahawk cleaving the heads of bound prisoners was still too vivid.

  42. They were able to select two fine rifles of the Kentucky pattern, long and slender barreled, a tomahawk and knife for each, and also excellent double-barreled pistols.

  43. Henry shuddered at the thought of the tomahawk flashing along every mile of a frontier so vast, and defended so thinly.

  44. Again the tomahawk descended, and again a man fell dead without a sound.

  45. When it was seen that war was waged upon the State, that the knife and the tomahawk were held over the heads of women and children, that peaceable citizens were murdered, it was time to make resistance.

  46. He did not even venture to deny, that it was a war of defence, and entered into in order to protect our brethren on the frontiers from the bloody scalping-knife and murderous tomahawk of the savage.

  47. Is it to be done with those cruel engines of death that we have heard, of, the sword, the bayonet, and the more savage instruments of tomahawk and hatchet?

  48. He would pass over Lord Dorchester's speech to the Indians, and the British soldiers and savages joining the tomahawk against our Western frontiers.

  49. Those who have signalized themselves by some gallant exploit, cause a tomahawk to be pricked on their left shoulder, underneath which is also pricked the hieroglyphic sign of the conquered nation.

  50. Why don't you tomahawk 'em and have 'em for supper?

  51. Then troops of warriors came down on snow-shoes, equipped with tomahawk and gun, to chase the retiring French.

  52. Let them bring me every prisoner, French and Indian, and make a treaty that shall include all my children, or they shall feel my tomahawk again.

  53. He never carried a gun, but was always armed with a powerful bow and arrows and a murderous looking tomahawk and knife, but the 90 scalps at his belt we never saw.

  54. When he was fat enough, they bound him to a cross in the presence of the multitude, danced a solemn dance, then cleft his head with a tomahawk and shot him with arrows.

  55. The terror, nay, the horror, which the use of the tomahawk and scalping knife inspired to the British soldiery, was often greater than their fear of the French sabres and French musquetoons.

  56. April, 1826, with three other chiefs of his nation, by Generals Brock and Carpenter; the chief bears in his hand the wampum or collar, on which is marked the tomahawk given by his late Majesty George III.

  57. After hurling the tomahawk he would not stay to risk a shot from Lennox.

  58. He swung the tomahawk about in a circle that all might see it, and the blood upon its blade.

  59. The eyes of the huge Ojibway flashed and his clutch on the handle of his tomahawk tightened convulsively, but the fixed gaze of the hunter seemed to draw him at that moment.

  60. He would willingly have thrown a tomahawk in the dark at the head of any one of us, but he knew I watched and he did not dare.

  61. Do you know whose blood stains the tomahawk of Tandakora, the Ojibway, the friend and ally of the French?

  62. Tayoga, with a mighty wrench, pulled out the tomahawk and examined it.

  63. What Tandakora does Onontio does also, and the bright blood of Hosahaho, the Onondaga, that stains the tomahawk of Tandakora, the Ojibway, was shed by Onontio as well as Tandakora.

  64. It is the tomahawk of Tandakora, the Ojibway, the friend and ally of the French.

  65. He saw that Willet's eyes were upon him, that every muscle was attuned and that the tomahawk would leap from his belt like a flash of lightning, and seeing, Tandakora paused.

  66. A few houses had been burned, consuming the mangled remains of those who had fallen beneath the tomahawk and battle-axe of the Indian.

  67. The tomahawk was buried, and each party pledged itself to eternal friendship.

  68. Let as many negroes as can be spared, be sent on this expedition, each armed with tomahawk and half-pike.

  69. I saw his tomahawk glisten in the morning sunlight.

  70. Some murderous tomahawk had stretched him upon the very spot where I had last seen him.

  71. After Hays had received a ball through the body, this Indian ran up to tomahawk him, when the sergeant, summoning his remaining strength, pierced him through the body with his bayonet.

  72. At this moment a young Indian raised his tomahawk over me.

  73. The boy turned towards the girl; and saw an Indian with uplifted tomahawk standing over her ready to strike.

  74. Finding the Indians either disheartened or apathetic or anxious for peace, he drove his tomahawk into a log, the sign of submission, and said: "I will sue for peace.

  75. For two years more the tomahawk and firebrand were busy in the Mohawk valley.

  76. I turned, parried the blow with my gun, and the tomahawk was struck from his hand.

  77. A young Injun came along and had some f-fun throwing his tomahawk at the tree, just over my head, seeing how near he could come to it without hitting me.

  78. Sees tomahawk in Wahnotee's belt--draws it out and examines it.

  79. And the sachem with a superb smile settled the tomahawk at his girdle, and threw off the folds of his horseman's cloak.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tomahawk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.