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Example sentences for "vitriol"

Lexicographically close words:
vitreous; vitrifiable; vitrification; vitrified; vitrify; vitriolated; vitriolic; vitro; vitta; vittals
  1. The solution in smoking acid, when diluted with water and filtered, affords a considerable precipitate of indigo purple, which that in oil of vitriol does not.

  2. That quantity of oil of vitriol must, however, be previously diluted with water, till its specific gravity becomes about 1.

  3. Should a little magnesia or lime be present, the vitriol gets more completely decomposed, and a portion of Epsom salt and gypsum is produced.

  4. The bits of copper being placed in oxidation-chests, along with the magma of common salt and blue vitriol previously prepared in strata of half an inch thick, they are left for some time to their mutual reaction.

  5. After the green vitriol has concreted, the liquor should be pumped back into the evaporating pan, and again brought to the density of 1.

  6. When the precipitate is completely separated, a fresh portion of the vitriol solution is to be poured upon it in a copper pan, and is made to boil, in order to wash it.

  7. The juice of the oak mixed with vitriol forms a black ink; the galls ar employed for the same purpose.

  8. When, in the instances in which green vitriol has been added, a black precipitate is produced, it indicates an astringent earthy compound, in which there are few mucilaginous particles.

  9. When perfectly dry, wash them in lukewarm suds, to keep the vitriol from injuring the texture of the cloth.

  10. Ink spots may be removed by rubbing them with a woollen cloth, dipped in oil of vitriol and water mixed, being careful not to touch any part of the furniture that is not spotted.

  11. This dye will not answer for cotton goods, as the vitriol rots the threads.

  12. For each pound of logwood, dissolve an ounce of blue vitriol in lukewarm water sufficient to wet the goods.

  13. Flat and insipid in your retired state; but brought into action you become vitriol again.

  14. He was forced to go through every division, resolution, composition, and refinement of political chemistry before he happily arrived at the caput mortuum of vitriol in your grace.

  15. What seemed most discouraging in the premises was the consideration that I had gone, to no manner of purpose, the whole round of eye waters, elixir vitriol itself not excepted.

  16. Every thing I could hear of, far or near, has been applied; from plasters of clay and chalk, to plasters of vitriol and other poisonous things.

  17. At one period, Lipari carried on an exclusive trade in alum, and raised the price of it at pleasure; but in that island at present there are neither vitriol nor alum-works.

  18. It appears that the new alum was at first distinguished from the ancient vitriol by the denomination of Rocca, from which the French have made alun de roche, and some of the Germans rotzalaun[509].

  19. He states that the materials required in the preparation of ultramarine are alumina, sulphate of soda, sulphur, charcoal and a salt of iron, the common sulphate or green vitriol being the best.

  20. The solution is then mixed with the dried clay and stirred; during the mixing a solution of green vitriol is added and mixed.

  21. This native vitriol has been observed in the grottos of that island by several modern travellers, especially Tournefort[496], who very properly considers it as the real alum of the ancients.

  22. Sulphuric acid is still more generally known by the name of oil of vitriol and vitriolic acid, from its having been originally obtained by distilling green vitriol.

  23. Agricola conjectures that it was occasioned by the likeness which the crystals of vitriol had to glass.

  24. And when Water and Oil of Vitriol poured successively into the same Vessel grow very hot in the mixing, does not this Heat argue a great Motion in the Parts of the Liquors?

  25. And does not this imply that the Parts of the Salt or Vitriol recede from one another, and endeavour to expand themselves, and get as far asunder as the quantity of Water in which they float, will allow?

  26. As usual he was far gone, and his eyes shone with the furious madness imparted by the vitriol he had swallowed.

  27. When they left, l'Assommoir was packed to the door, spilling its hubbub of rough voices and its heavy smell of vitriol into the street.

  28. In the Coupeau household the vitriol of l'Assommoir was also commencing its ravages.

  29. And Gervaise at once recognized the vitriol of l'Assommoir in the poisoned blood which paled his skin.

  30. To his disordered fancy its provisions held both vitriol and opopanax--the one for Thorold, the other for himself.

  31. The vitriol had corroded, but the savor of the opopanax had gone.

  32. The French woman is not so ill-advised when she pitches a cup of vitriol in her betrayer's face.

  33. Hence when an ophthalmy begins to become paler, any acrid eye-water, as a solution of six grains of white vitriol in an ounce of water, hastens the absorption, and clears the eye in a very short time.

  34. Dissolve the saltpeter in the vitriol and add it to the water.

  35. The following are decidedly the best preparations for this purpose: Oil of vitriol 1 fluid ounce.

  36. If for a second course, tripe may be substituted for the mangel-wurzel, but oil of vitriol is preferable.

  37. Lowrie said you had vitriol and knob-sticks," he faltered.

  38. He removed to Scotland with that object, and began the manufacture of vitriol at Prestonpans in the year 1749.

  39. The consequence was, that he was eventually under the necessity of withdrawing his capital from the refining works at Birmingham, and the vitriol works at Prestonpans.

  40. The d--d brute had thrown vitriol on the poor fellow's ankles, and you know what a bad part that is to heal.

  41. Th' chaplain at the New Bailey sent and gived me an order to see Jonas Higginbotham; him as was taken up last week for throwing vitriol in a knob-stick's face.

  42. This evil, however, may be lessened, by placing a dish containing oil of vitriol poured on saltpetre where the smell is most annoying.

  43. Stains can be removed from marble, by oxalic acid and water, or oil of vitriol and water, left on a few minutes, and then rubbed dry.

  44. This evil, however, may be lessened, by placing a dish, containing oil of vitriol poured on saltpetre, where the smell is most annoying.

  45. Stains can be removed from marble, by oxalic acid and water, or oil of vitriol and water, left on fifteen minutes, and then rubbed dry.

  46. Where white vitriol is not at hand, substitute three or four grains of blue vitriol, (sulphate of copper.

  47. Ink-stains can be taken out of mahogany, by one teaspoonful of oil of vitriol mixed with one tablespoonful of water, or by oxalic acid and water.

  48. Everything went along smoothly until we reached the Vitriol Reservoir, when much to the surprise of everybody the train came to a stand-still.

  49. The relief from the weight of the train set its pace to a mile a minute instead of a mile in two minutes, and there we were at a dead stop in front of the Vitriol Station with nothing to move us along.

  50. In the Daniell cell the zinc plate is in dilute sulphuric acid, and the copper plate is in a solution of blue vitriol or copper sulphate.

  51. By placing crystals of blue vitriol in the battery jar, the solution of blue vitriol can be kept up to its full strength for a very long time.

  52. She obtained £100 damages although it was admitted by her counsel that she had thrown vitriol over the defendant, thereby injuring him, and the defendant had not prosecuted her!

  53. Poor old Hohenzollern has got it in the neck at last," said Machiavelli, who was hosing off the premises with vitriol in preparation for a new squad of shirtwaist-factory owners.

  54. But won't my vitriol spray, my oil projector, or my gas cylinder do as well?

  55. And the same may be useful to some discovery concerning Vitriol or Coperose of Mars, by some called Salt of Steel, made by the spirits of Vitriol or Sulphur.

  56. He was not going to use vitriol himself; was he Huish's keeper?

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vitriol" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acid; acrimony; animosity; animus; bitterness; feud; gall; rancor; soreness; sourness; vendetta; venom; virulence; vitriol