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Example sentences for "vitriolic"

Lexicographically close words:
vitrification; vitrified; vitrify; vitriol; vitriolated; vitro; vitta; vittals; vittels; vittle
  1. The vitriolic rejoinder of the London Missionary Society would seem to indicate that there may be two versions of “the ungarnished truth.

  2. Melville is here patently satirising the vitriolic abuse which Typee and Omoo provoked.

  3. Indeed, the despair of Moby-Dick is as popularly missed as is the vitriolic bitterness of Gulliver.

  4. Since mercury, however, really loses its phlogiston as well by means of vitriolic acid as of the acid of nitre, it must necessarily assume this again as soon as it recovers its metallic property.

  5. I filled a bladder with the air which one obtains from iron filings and vitriolic acid (§ 30, c.

  6. In reality, it is water impregnated with vitriolic acid air.

  7. Vitriolic aether is the most common, in consequence of the process by which it is made being the easiest.

  8. Thus the acetous acid, combined with vegetable alkali, forms a substance that is called the foliated earth of tartar; and it may be expelled from it by the vitriolic acid.

  9. The vitriolic acid, so called because it was originally procured from vitriol, is now generally procured from sulphur; the dephlogisticated part of the air uniting with it in the act of burning.

  10. This kind of air extinguishes a candle, and, like vitriolic acid air, one measure of it saturates two of alkaline air.

  11. This acid is also procured in great purity by means of the nitrous or vitriolic acids, especially the former, which readily combines with the phlogiston of the phosphorus, and thus leaves the acid pure.

  12. One measure of this air saturates two of alkaline air, and with it forms the vitriolic ammoniac.

  13. Mercury is acted upon by the vitriolic acid when hot.

  14. Siliceous earth seems to be formed by nature from chalk, perhaps by the introduction of some unknown acid, which the vitriolic acid is not able to dislodge.

  15. By means of the superior affinity of the vitriolic acid to earths, and especially to terra ponderosa, the smallest quantity of it in water may be discovered by a solution of this earth in the marine acid.

  16. I recall a crowded meeting at the Town Hall enthusiastically cheering a vitriolic attack on the Admiralty by "Lieutenant Carlyon Bellairs, M.

  17. The acid I have chiefly employed has been the marine; but both the vitriolic and nitrous succeed very well.

  18. It was not a stain like ours, and when Horace wrote "And yet as ink the fairest paper stains, So worthless verse pollutes the fairest deeds," he must have had in mind the vitriolic ink of his own time.

  19. Hence it is evident, that one of the ingredients was iron, which there is no reason to doubt was joined with the vitriolic acid; and the colour of the more perfect MSS.

  20. Oil of vitriol, sulphuric or vitriolic acid; -- popularly so called because it has the consistency of oil.

  21. Formerly called vitriolic acid, and now popularly vitriol, and oil of vitriol.

  22. Some fragments of the same bile-stone were put into vitriolic æther, and were quickly dissolved without additional heat.

  23. This Heat and Ebullition continues 'till the Vitriolic Acid is perfectly saturated with the Metallic Part of the Iron, and the Vapour once fired continues to flame, until this Saturation being effected, no more of the Sulphur flies off.

  24. It was entitled, "On the Solution of Mercury in vitriolic Acid, and on the Resolution of that Acid into aeriform sulphurous Acid, and into Air eminently Respirable.

  25. The dependence of the United States upon the Allies for equipment and munitions does not deserve the vitriolic anathemas of certain critics.

  26. Discussions which began with the merits of the League of Nations almost invariably culminated with vitriolic attacks upon the character of Woodrow Wilson.

  27. The fifth experiment proved that the water contained vitriolic salts, or at least vitriolic acid mixed with calcareous earth.

  28. Water may contain vitriolic salts; that is salts resulting from the combination of the vitriolic acid with calcareous earth, iron, copper, or with an alkali.

  29. The vitriolic acid may be ascertained by pouring some drops of a solution of heavy earth; for then a sandy sediment will be formed, which will settle slowly at the bottom of the vessel.

  30. The first person who discovered this salt to be vitriolic was Henkel, who calls it Atlas-vitriol.

  31. Sulphuric acid is still more generally known by the name of oil of vitriol and vitriolic acid, from its having been originally obtained by distilling green vitriol.

  32. This round hole puzzled Henry, but he had no doubt that the ink had been thus nearly obliterated by vitriolic acid.

  33. Henry pointed to the broken bottle, which, he said, had contained vitriolic acid.

  34. Henry in vain attempted to discover by whom the bottle of vitriolic acid had been taken out of its place.

  35. And it must have been stained with vitriolic acid," continued Henry.

  36. Have you any vitriolic acid in your house?

  37. This glass stopper, Mr. Mackenzie, is the stopper of my father's vitriolic acid bottle, that was broken the night the cat was killed.

  38. And if it were, you could identify the note: you have forgotten the number; but if the note has been stained with vitriolic acid, we should certainly be able to know it again: the acid would have changed the colour of the ink.

  39. A famous satirist and poet catapults slurred, vitriolic diatribes at a guest from the West that I brought with me.

  40. As time passes, Russia will become more and more confrontational but this time the culprit and the recipient of their vitriolic diatribes is likely to be Milosevic.

  41. He jumped rapidly from argument to anecdote and was vitriolic in attack.

  42. A pan or shallow vessel c c, formed of lead, is placed over the furnace; which vessel is intended to contain a sour liquor, as a solution of vitriolic acid and water.

  43. Member had been against the War throughout, he charged him with "making vitriolic speeches and dropping acid drops in every direction.

  44. That is certainly the impression one gets from reading the more vitriolic section of our Press.

  45. It has, however, now lost that vitriolic quality which made it so scorching and offensively personal.

  46. We find by it that a strong acid of nitre was used, which certainly disengages the acid of fluor-spar, though the vitriolic acid is commonly employed for that purpose[224].

  47. Vallery sitting at the right hand of their Mayor, with her mild air of deprecating the too-great honor done her--and her little sulphurous flame of vitriolic contempt playing over the convolutions of her brain.

  48. Every analysis of mineral waters in their perfect state has demonstrated that they possess a fixed air, a volatile alkali, a volatile vitriolic acid, and the phlogiston.

  49. Iron, entering the body as a volatile vitriolic acid, cannot act by its specific gravity as mercury does; it therefore acts per accidens, and not per se.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vitriolic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acid; acidulous; acrid; acrimonious; antagonistic; antipathetic; astringent; belligerent; biting; bitter; caustic; clashing; conflicting; cutting; despiteful; devastating; fierce; harsh; hateful; hostile; incisive; irritating; keen; malevolent; malicious; malignant; mordant; penetrating; piercing; piquant; poignant; pungent; quarrelsome; rancorous; repugnant; rigorous; rough; scathing; severe; sharp; sore; sour; spiteful; stabbing; stinging; strident; stringent; tart; trenchant; vehement; venomous; violent; virulent; vitriolic