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Example sentences for "voodoo"

Lexicographically close words:
vonce; vonder; vone; vont; vood; voodoos; vool; voor; voorlooper; voortrekker
  1. We might have been offered up on the altar of the voodoo worshippers for all you cared!

  2. I'm sure I shall never wish to see a voodoo service after hearing you speak of government and politics," laughed Polly.

  3. I've read of the voodoo religion, and the way the sacred snake charmers strike terror into the souls of their congregations, and I'd love to see them.

  4. Paid that voodoo queen--what was her name?

  5. All voodoo and aristocratic young hero and beautiful maiden pursued by an officer of the black rebels.

  6. Ralestone hints that she was a sort of priestess of Voodoo and that it had been her dark powers which had protected the lives of those she loved.

  7. Do you know that they still have voodoo meetings sometimes--way back in there," she swept her hand southward.

  8. It is a most apparent and natural simile, and is found from the crown of thorns on Christ to the Voodoo sorcery in Western America.

  9. The great magus of early ages, even like the black Voodoo of America, had it clearly before him all the time that his mission or business, above all things, was to develop an indomitable will superior to that of men or spirits.

  10. The authorities are too much in the voodoo themselv'.

  11. I could perceive that here was one, this voodoo priest, who was in the confidence of Duran.

  12. Ray, "I don't believe a man can turn over a little kid to the voodoos to be killed that way, unless he's a voodoo himself.

  13. The voodoo are ver' strong in thee government here.

  14. Don' you-all let dat white voodoo debbil git his han's on you no moh.

  15. There were no voodoo skunks going to hang back for any more, after all that 'whoop-er-up.

  16. The blackened apothecary at my side informed me that it was the Ka--the voodoo drum, and that I should presently see the drummer.

  17. This voodoo papaloi, who put the knife to little innocents, was no other than Duran himself.

  18. There was no news of any white child being held for sacrifice; but there had been passed word of a big voodoo ceremonial to take place either this night or the next.

  19. News of our exploits in those hills had doubtless been spread among all of the voodoo faith; and so if the fact of our return were noised about, we would doubtless have the pack at our heels, and all our plans gone topsy-turvy again.

  20. And here, too, was the big voodoo doings to follow close upon the arrival of Duran with little Marie Cambon.

  21. And then, if ever that skunk voodoo gives me an excuse, I'm going to find out what my old training in gunnery has done for me.

  22. He didn't cast spells like de voodoo doctor, but uses roots for smallpox, and rind of bacon for mumps and sheep-wool tea for whoopin' cough and for snake bite he used alum and saltpeter and bluestone mix with brandy or whiskey.

  23. My old grand-dad done told me all 'bout conjure and voodoo and luck charms and signs.

  24. Dey has meetin' places in secret and a voodoo kettle and nobody know what am put in it, maybe snakes and spiders and human blood, no tellin' what.

  25. De old voodoo doctors was dem what had de most power, it seem, over de nigger befo' and after de war.

  26. Dem what in de voodoo strips to de waist and commence to dance while de drums beats.

  27. The rumor got about that Maumee Niña had become an Obeah woman,--a voodoo worker, a witch.

  28. This is the wizard, or medicine man, or voodoo worker, who does by prayer and spell what his employers would do with a club if it were not for the awkward institution of the law.

  29. But, mind, there are to be no more dances here,--no more voodoo practice.

  30. Well,' said I, 'don't you know anything about Voodoo songs?

  31. I have never found an account of a genuine instance of voodoo worship elsewhere in the United States, although it seems to have been common enough in the West Indies at one time.

  32. One not infrequently finds in the current literature and even in standard books upon the Negro, references to voodoo practices among the Negroes in the Southern States.

  33. It was a sign, however, of something that suggested at once to me the connection of voodoo practices.

  34. It must have been that peculiar poison of the voodoo priests that was used.

  35. Of course, you know that voodoo means literally anything that inspires fear," remarked Kennedy after a moment's thought.

  36. The skill of the voodoo priests in the concoction of strange draughts from the native herbs of Hayti is well known," Kennedy began again.

  37. What did Collette mean by her frightened cry of the 'voodoo sign'?

  38. It was not the voodoo sign, Mademoiselle," he said, turning to her.

  39. Kennedy, extending his accusing forefinger at Aux Cayes, who had plotted so devilishly to use his voodoo knowledge both to suppress the revolution and at the same time to win his beautiful ward for himself from her real lover.

  40. I’ll get a chance to see one of these old voodoo frauds, anyway,” Jack told himself.

  41. The mulatto launched into a prompt, energetic defense of the voodoo doctors.

  42. Then you took Truax to a voodoo doctor to-night?

  43. I’se a runnah, sah, for de smahtest ole voodoo doctah, sah, in de whole state ob Maryland.

  44. Electric tattooing on a Voodoo was about as much in keeping with the ancient and awesome dignity of the cult as spangled tights would be on the King of England.

  45. An' Ah guess dat we've seen to-night dat we've got a Voodoo among us.

  46. But Ah tells you-all hyar an' now dat Dominique Raffin ain't no mo' Voodoo den Ah is.

  47. Their mammies had told them about the Voodoo Eye.

  48. He knew that Dominique was no more a Voodoo than he was.

  49. If dis m'latter Voodoo don't want to do lak'wise, he can leave dese pahts moughty sudden.

  50. Amongst other accusations, they declared that when in New Orleans he was the favoured admirer of Marie Levaux, known as "The Voodoo Queen.

  51. At the signal they swarmed over the works, with a voodoo yell, and in serried black waves, charged the men in gray.

  52. His drooning, voodoo voice rang through the woods in weird echoes: "Oh, my men!

  53. Us wuz to be happy in de Lord, and let voodoo and de devil alone.

  54. Such utterances are mere sanctimonious ; I had rather listen to the of a voodoo conjurer.

  55. He got me to help him with his Voodoo work.

  56. I had a cousin that was a full blooded Indian and a Voodoo doctor.

  57. Clytie told me the other day that you were a Voodoo and could tell what would happen to people--can you?

  58. But no one can do that, Mammy, and I don't mind you being a Voodoo if you'll look in the fire and see if the schoolmaster is coming back.

  59. By sheer force of will Lois refused to see him as sacrificing to the hoodoo or the voodoo of which her mother's letters had apprised her.

  60. He's simply sacrificing to the hoodoo or the voodoo that he sees behind us--just like any other Masterman.

  61. But I forgot tuh tell yuh 'bout the voodoo doctor or medicine man.

  62. That the old voodoo negress should have foretold that the visitor would be President is not at all incredible.

  63. I'll get a chance to see one of these old voodoo frauds, anyway," Jack told himself.

  64. I'se a runnah, sah, for de smahtest ole voodoo doctah, sah, in de whole state ob Maryland.

  65. Then you took Truax to a voodoo doctor tonight?

  66. Here is a gifted composer with high and serious aims--for what could be more instructive or spiritual than a musical rendering of "the degenerative frenzy of a Voodoo orgy"?

  67. The revival of these explosions of pietistic jumbomania is indeed a sad set-back to those ardent reformers who seek to elevate and purify public taste by the musical delineation of "the degenerative frenzy of a Voodoo orgy.

  68. When the excited blacks had rushed from their attack to the rescue of the slaves caught in the rigging of the broken ship, the voodoo tried in vain to rally them to fighting-pitch.

  69. On the ears of the frenzied voodoo dancers it beat like the summons of a tom-tom.

  70. The voodoo himself answered with a shout.

  71. And because you associate the activities of Voodoo with the full moon, you believe that the old menace has again become active?

  72. I see your point," I said, grudgingly; "but think of I Voodoo in the Surrey Hills.

  73. But since I have lived much in the East, I am prepared to learn that Voodoo may not be a negligible quantity.

  74. Do you wish me to believe that this cult of Voodoo claims European or American devotees?

  75. The religion of the negro," said this authority, "is emotional, and more often than not associated with beliefs in witchcraft and in the rites known as Voodoo or Obi Mysteries.

  76. But although this information somewhat enlarged our knowledge of my friend's newest client, it threw no fresh light upon that side of his story which related to Voodoo and the extraordinary bat wing episodes.

  77. Voodoo in some island of the Caribbean Seas, yes, but Voodoo in the Surrey Hills, no.

  78. Why, then, should you exclaim, 'but Voodoo in the Surrey Hills!

  79. The unholy rites of Voodoo are a closed book to the Western nations.

  80. Do you suppose that Colonel Menendez is ignorant of the fact that his nearest neighbour is a recognized authority upon Voodoo and allied subjects?

  81. If you seriously believe Voodoo to follow negro migration, I can see no objection to assuming it to be a universal cult.

  82. Barry Blake felt a strange thrill as he gazed down into the jungle-clad valleys where not so many years ago United States Marines had hunted murderous voodoo worshipers.

  83. Somewhere in those dark gorges bloody voodoo rites were probably being performed at this very moment.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voodoo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.