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Example sentences for "alkali"

Lexicographically close words:
alius; alive; aliya; alizarin; alizarine; alkalies; alkaline; alkalinity; alkalis; alkaloid
  1. Water, oil, and alkali do not always produce soap, but only when the proper conditions are observed.

  2. The most wonderful instance of chemical detonation is formed by the combination of volatile alkali with silver.

  3. Add a little acid of vitriol, the colour will instantly disappear upon stirring it; and by adding a little fixed alkali dissolved, it will return again.

  4. If you add a few drops of acid of vitriol into one of the glasses and stir it, it will be changed into a crimson; put a few drops of fixed alkali dissolved into the other glass, and when you stir it, it will change to green.

  5. Well, I was asked by the Provincial Government and the railroad to find the best way of developing the alkali wastes, and the subject is extraordinarily interesting.

  6. The man was a famous scientist who had recently simplified the smelting of some refractory British Columbian ores, and was now understood to be occupied with the problem of utilizing certain barren alkali belts in the West.

  7. If the glass trough is divided in the centre with a bit of cardboard, the purple colour of the iodine and starch is shown very beautifully on one side, but not on the other, as iodine is liberated at one pole and the alkali at the other.

  8. Some solution of common salt coloured with sulphate of indigo and placed in the trough is decomposed into chlorine, which bleaches one side of the indigo solution, and the alkali liberated on the other does not affect it.

  9. The lava rocks rolled to a trough of sand; and the light lay a shimmering lake in the alkali sink.

  10. The alkali pit lay perhaps a mile distant, gray and fading in the red light.

  11. The bank dipped to a white alkali pit where the light lay in dead pools, gray in the twilight, quivering with heat, layers of blue air above ashes of death.

  12. God had played the trick; and he had not trumped the ace; four of the six outlaws dead, and the last two hastening to the alkali death across the Desert sands.

  13. Where the cut-way widened and lost itself in an alkali sink, the hoof prints of the fugitives' horses led out again to the open country of gray torrid earth dotted by sage brush and greasewood.

  14. He saw them shoulder neck and neck along the white alkali bottom, then break to a gallop, the old man hanging to the pommel; then all disappeared round the end of the bank.

  15. Would he have dreamed less joyously if he had known that the portals of the Pass led to the avalanche and the desert and the alkali death?

  16. If you will satisfy your thirst with that juice, I'll catch the trickle down the rock while we rest; but you must never drink this alkali sink stuff.

  17. By this latter process, the furs are immersed in a solution of the desired killing agent in a vat, or drum, or other appropriate device which will permit of uniform action of the alkali on the hair of all the skins.

  18. The acid carbonates of the alkali metals can be prepared by saturating an aqueous solution of the alkaline hydroxide with carbon dioxide, M.

  19. All carbonates, except those of the alkali metals and of thallium, are insoluble in water; and the majority decompose when heated strongly, carbon dioxide being liberated and a residue of an oxide of the metal left.

  20. The alkyl derivatives may be obtained by heating phenol with one molecular proportion of a caustic alkali and of an alkyl iodide.

  21. The metallic derivatives (phenolates, phenates or carbolates) of the alkali metals are obtained by dissolving phenol in a solution of a caustic alkali, in the absence of air.

  22. It does not burn, and does not support ordinary combustion, but the alkali metals and magnesium, if strongly heated, will continue to burn in the gas with formation of oxides and liberation of carbon.

  23. Wunpost studied the unshod horse-track, then he began to cut circles in the snow-white alkali and at last he sat down to await the dawn.

  24. For the Sink was the swallower-up of all that came from the hills and whatever it sucked in it buried beneath its sands or poisoned on its alkali flats.

  25. From the stinking alkali flat with its mesquite clumps and sacaton, he passed on up an interminable wash; and at daylight he was hidden in the depths of a black canyon which ended abruptly behind him.

  26. From this we learn that starchy foods are unsuitable for those who are afflicted with hyperchlorhydria or supersecretion of hydrochloric acid, as the excess of acid prevents their digestion by neutralizing the alkali of the intestines.

  27. All of these cloths are said to be acid, alkali and germ proof, do not absorb grease and can be washed with soap and water.

  28. The alkali present in the soap is useful in neutralising any mineral acids contained in the leather.

  29. The caesium and rubidium are separated from this by repeated fractional crystallization of their double platinum chlorides, which are much less soluble in water than those of the other alkali metals (R.

  30. It led Bunsen himself almost immediately to the isolation of two new elements of the alkali group, caesium and rubidium.

  31. The spot is surrounded by a white alkali desert, covered in places with salt and alkali deposits.

  32. Hearing of the impossibility of riding his valuable horse across the Alkali Plains, he resolved to leave him at Omaha until his return from San Francisco, and to continue his journey on a mustang.

  33. Forty-one miles farther west Captain Glazier stopped again for refreshment and rest at Argenta (Nevada), in the midst of alkali flats.

  34. Mohs) Two distinctly different alkali alumino silicates: the Plagioclase and the Alkali Feldspar Series Specific gravity: 2.

  35. A strong alkali will destroy it, but no alkali in common use in the kitchen is strong enough to do more harm than to change the color, and a weak acid will restore that.

  36. If any food containing a weak acid, like vinegar and water, is put into a copper kettle, some of the copper dissolves and goes into the food; acid does not affect aluminum except to brighten it if it has been discolored by an alkali like soda.

  37. By fusion with alkali it is converted into benzil; and with an alcoholic solution of benzaldehyde in presence of ammonia it forms amarine (triphenyl dihydro-glyoxaline).

  38. Double sulphates of beryllium and the alkali metals are known, e.

  39. There was alkali dust to breathe, always an abomination.

  40. This was Pan's first experience with hot alkali water.

  41. Old cheese has a remarkable effect in meliorating the apple when eaten; probably from the volatile alkali or ammonia of the cheese neutralizing its acid.

  42. When fermented, it furnishes the means of intoxication; and when the fibres are burned, their ashes supply an alkali for making soap.

  43. Worn with hard marches, bronzed by long weeks of exposure on alkali plains, they advanced now with the precision of men on parade, under the observant eyes of the officers.

  44. This proved at first a broad, plainly marked path, across the alkali plain.

  45. They unite with the ammonia and the alkali substances in the mineral portion of the manure, forming humates and ulmates of ammonia, potash, &c.

  46. It has been strongly recommended to treat woollen waste with caustic alkali before being used as a manure, in order to render their nitrogen more quickly available; and there is a good deal to recommend this treatment.

  47. Sulphuric acid is generally present in a more or less insoluble condition, in combination with iron and lime; whereas chlorine is combined with the alkali bases in an easily soluble form.

  48. I deem it no loss To flee to thy arms from the cactus and sand; How sweet on thy deep, heaving bosom to toss After parching so long in the alkali land!

  49. How spectral and huge o'er the alkali waste; The secrets of ages thy vastness entomb, Are seemingly safe in thy mystical breast!

  50. Tumble the cattle off into the dirt," was the next order, and it was obeyed, Tom and Harry rolling in the bitter alkali dust.

  51. I can't imagine how a frontier town on the alkali desert needs dynamite.

  52. A small, battered-looking car, grayed and caked with white alkali dust, glided alongside, and from under its swaying and disreputable top emerged someone I knew.

  53. So exhausted was he that he had not the strength nor energy to spit forth the alkali with which his fall had caked his open mouth.

  54. A squirrel--were such a creature possible--would have stirred disproportionately the light alkali dust; the two heavy wagons and the shuffling feet of the beasts raised a cloud.

  55. Ride down the barranca two hundred yards and you'll come to an alkali flat.

  56. Each "drive" brought together on some alkali flat thousands of the restless, milling, bawling cattle.

  57. Without attention to the blood streaming from his brow he bent his head to listen to the faint clinking of steel against rock that marked the stallion's progress toward the alkali flat.

  58. Both men were so powdered and caked with alkali that their features were indistinguishable.

  59. The sun stared, the heat rose in waves, the mirage shimmered, the dust devils of choking alkali whirled aloft or sank in suffocation on the hot earth.

  60. We rode on out into the desert, our ponies skipping expertly through the low brush and gingerly over the alkali crust of the open spaces beneath which might be holes.

  61. A brief agony cracked the mask of alkali on his countenance.

  62. Its head was Brower at high speed and tension; and its tail was the light alkali dust of Arizona mingled with the station agent.

  63. Again the smothering alkali rose and the dust cloud crawled.

  64. The most effective remedy for alkali might probably be found in underdrainage, which would prevent the ground water rising to the top, and would carry off the salts.

  65. Saltpeter was needed for her guns, alkali for her industries, and the chemist was called upon for help.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alkali" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acid; acidity; agent; alkali; anion; antacid; atom; base; basic; biochemical; cation; chemical; compound; element; elemental; elementary; ion; isomer; molecule; neutralizer; radical; reagent

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alkaline reaction; alkaline solution; alkaline solutions