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Example sentences for "bluffing"

Lexicographically close words:
bluets; bluey; bluff; bluffed; bluffer; bluffs; bluffy; bluid; bluidy; bluing
  1. Perhaps he was only bluffing as he had never bluffed before.

  2. This interview of to-morrow morning would call for the tallest bluffing he had ever attempted, and the chances would, perhaps, turn on hair-trigger elements of personal force.

  3. Our submarine commanders appear to have been adepts in the art of successfully bluffing the enemy when the occasion arose.

  4. Archer and Benson were not bluffing to put him off the scent.

  5. It was by no means impossible that the gang would decide to murder both of the men whose knowledge threatened them, in the hope of bluffing the bank manager out of the letter which they would believe he held.

  6. The trouble is that bluffing is essentially illogical, and the robot had no rules whatsoever to go by to judge whether Mike was bluffing or not.

  7. When it did, Mike quit bluffing and cleaned it out fast.

  8. Mike grinned, remembering the time he had driven a robot brain daffy by bluffing it at poker.

  9. But you know there is a great deal of bluffing in this world.

  10. What style of anti-bluffing device has your company adopted?

  11. Twice running he caught you last night bluffing on no hand at all; and I don't know what fabulous stakes were up--with your nods and signs.

  12. There was no visible excitement, however; perhaps a player caught bluffing might smile a little--that was all.

  13. Were both bluffing and each afraid to call the other?

  14. Lionel had been pretty fortunate, considering his wild style of play; but then his very recklessness stood him in good stead when he chanced to have a fair hand--his reputation for bluffing leading on his opponents.

  15. Also, having found Herr von Staden bluffing in one instance it occurred to the captain he might be discovered bluffing in another--so he resolved to investigate.

  16. Any man caught bluffing loses the pot," added the Eminent Person, gravely admonitory.

  17. Presently, holding aces up, and being persistently crosslifted by the Eminent One and the Judge, after a one-card draw all around, he became obsessed with the fixed idea that they were both bluffing and afraid to show down.

  18. Payne had regarded the duel as a huge hoax, and counted on easily bluffing the burgher's second.

  19. But bluffing those steely nerves yonder, that stood at ease with a suggestion of military accoutrements, was not to be thought of.

  20. Bluffing or not, we're going to get what we came for.

  21. Braden, in his opinion, was simply bluffing as to the nonimportance of the deeds.

  22. So bluffing ain't going to help you out, a darned bit.

  23. With them, the time for profanity and for horseplay bluffing and judicious temporizing was past.

  24. All life was a gigantic bluff, and you encouraged yourself in your bluffing by the certainty that everybody else was bluffing just as hard.

  25. You must have had considerable experience in bluffing people;" and there was a glint in his keen eyes which might have meant anything.

  26. The recovery of your memory seems to explain the word 'means,' and he'll think you are only bluffing him.

  27. I caught him four-flushing and bluffing on it several times, but he got my money right along in the general play, all the same, and after an hour's play he had the whole three of us on the run.

  28. We'll try it again, and from now on I'll know that when you look and talk like you're bluffing you've got the hand.

  29. Now, after making a thing like that go through, most men would keep on bluffing until called when on steep and craggy ground, but Tunwell didn't.

  30. If he stands pat, it's up to you to determine by the mind-reading process whether he's simply bluffing or actually has a pat straight or full hand or flush in his paws.

  31. In fact, bluffing is almost an obsolete feature of the game among the experts at draw poker.

  32. Mrs. Spencer might be, probably was, bluffing but he did not propose to be the one to call it; the result was quite too uncertain.

  33. Bluffing is another form of defence that many animals use.

  34. You've been bluffing me from the start, and you're going to try it again.

  35. You can see for yourself whether I've been bluffing or not," he said quietly; and then he turned his back and interested himself in the lithograph of the latest Atlantic liner framed and hanging upon the mahogany end wall of the small room.

  36. The difference between your offer and ours is that you're bluffing and we know it, whereas we're not bluffing by as much as a hair, and the quicker you see that the better for you!

  37. It consists of a series of bluffing calls, experience soon teaching that it is safer to call three or four on a weak hand than to allow your adversary to take the lead.

  38. So by sheer bluffing I got out from between the Lion's paws.

  39. No topic was more closely guarded, so I knew I could trust Berlin to realize I was bluffing when I claimed any knowledge of it.

  40. I am inclined to think, however, that the failure of any marked heliocoptic action to develop was due to a lack of pronounced opposition on the part of a bluffing turncoat of a southwesterly wind.

  41. All in all, that little bluff-bluffing stunt proved one of the most novel and delightful bits of boating I have ever known.

  42. If you think I'm bluffing now, chirp for some one of your pluguglies to bust into this game.

  43. Somehow I can't help but think that he was bluffing when he said it.

  44. The amusement afforded by bluffing these good people had considerably raised our spirits, but all at once the good dame serving us staggered us completely by saying casually she had seen us in Kastamuni.

  45. We decided, therefore, that our only hope lay in bluffing the country people that we were Germans and buying food where we could.

  46. I gave them their choice, and they chose to take their chance of bluffing off the charge and convicting me of fraud.

  47. Their confidence, after counsel taken of each other, was not in their innocence, nor in their talent for bluffing things off; it was in your remarkable good nature!

  48. We've known all along that you were only bluffing and sparring to gain time.

  49. Norcross armed his track-layers, and in the bluffing there was a man killed.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bluffing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.