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Example sentences for "boron"

Lexicographically close words:
born; borne; borned; bornes; boro; borough; boroughs; borow; borowed; borrer
  1. By strongly heating a mixture of boron trioxide and aluminium, protected from the air by a layer of charcoal, F.

  2. The atomic weight of boron has been determined by estimating the water content of pure borax (J.

  3. It can also be prepared by heating borimide B2(NH)3; or by heating boron trioxide with a metallic cyanide.

  4. This mixture burns with a green flame forming boron trioxide; whilst boron is deposited on passing the gas mixture through a hot tube, or on depressing a cold surface in the gas flame.

  5. Boron can be estimated by precipitation as potassium fluoborate, which is insoluble in a mixture of potassium acetate and alcohol.

  6. H2B4O7, is produced; at still higher temperatures, boron trioxide is formed.

  7. Boron trioxide B2O3 is the only known oxide of boron; and may be prepared by heating amorphous boron in oxygen, or better, by strongly igniting boric acid.

  8. Boron fluoride also combines with ammonia gas, equal volumes of the two gases giving a white crystalline solid of composition BF3.

  9. Some late experiments by Wohler and Deville seem to have established the fact, that the so-called "graphitoidal" boron is really a boride of aluminium.

  10. It can be produced by burning boron in oxygen, in the air, or in nitrous oxide, but is most easily and economically prepared by strongly heating boracic acid so as to deprive it of water.

  11. Its formation on fusing aluminium with amorphous boron or boric oxide appears to take place more particularly when the heat applied is neither very strong nor long continued.

  12. With sulphur it unites at high temperatures, forming sulphurets (sulphides of boron); and when placed in chlorine gas it spontaneously inflames, and a gaseous chloride of boron is formed.

  13. The discovery of boron by Gay Lussac and Davy in 1809 led Berzelius to investigate silica (silex).

  14. The results of Berzelius were greatly extended by Hermann Kopp, who recognized that carbon, boron and silicon were exceptions to the law.

  15. Thus, hydrogen unites with but a single atom of chlorine, zinc with two, boron with three, silicon with four, phosphorus with five and tungsten with six.

  16. The specific heats of carbon, boron and silicon subsequently formed the subject of elaborate investigations by H.

  17. Discovery of Potassium, Sodium and Boron by Davy.

  18. A new combination of aluminium and boron is stated to possess the most remarkable properties.

  19. A small quantity only of silicon separates in the uncombined form, the greater quantity separating in the form of silica, SiO{2}, the amorphous silicon so obtained apparently being more prone to oxidation than the boron so obtained.

  20. Interesting decomposition of cast iron with production of boron and silicon; experiments with other metals.

  21. Boron fluoride (BF{3}) is very similar to silicon fluoride in its mode of formation and chemical properties.

  22. Silicon and boron are not attacked by acids under ordinary conditions; titanium is easily dissolved by them.

  23. Boron can be prepared from its oxide by reduction with magnesium, exactly as in the case of silicon.

  24. This is found in nature in considerable quantities and forms one of the chief sources of boron compounds.

  25. Many other complex acids of boron are known.

  26. You know that a deficiency of boron will cause trees to go into a condition which the growers out there now call "sleepers.

  27. We have to have a boron content in walnuts very, very much higher than that of apples.

  28. So if you do find late-sleeping walnut trees, or walnut trees that are late in starting to grow, you will probably find that is a result of boron deficiency.

  29. In Oregon on the same soils where we are growing apples, we put on a half a pound of borax per tree to control boron deficiency on apples.

  30. The Tibetan mineral deposits have been known since very early times, and formerly the crude material was exported to Europe, under the name of tincal, for the preparation of pure borax and other boron salts.

  31. The boron contained in solution in the salt lakes has very probably been supplied by hot springs and solfataras of volcanic origin, such as those which at the present day charge the waters of the lagoons in Tuscany with boric acid.

  32. The reaction between boron and sulphureted hydrogen only commences at red heat, near the temperature of the softening of glass.

  33. A paper upon the sulphides of boron is communicated by M.

  34. Heated in contact with sulphureted hydrogen, it forms sulphides of boron and phosphorus and hydriodic acid, without liberation of iodine.

  35. It burns spontaneously in chlorine, forming boron chloride, chloride of iodine, and pentachloride of phosphorus.

  36. Sabatier, by heating amorphous boron in a stream of hydrogen selenide, H{2}Se.

  37. The reaction may, however, be moderated by employing solutions of phosphorus and boron iodide in dry carbon bisulphide.

  38. Recent preparation of this compound and its properties New Boron Compounds.

  39. On examining the porcelain boat in which the boron had been placed, a non-volatile black substance is found, which appears to consist of a lower sulphide of the composition B{4}S.

  40. Subsequently a method of obtaining boron sulphide was proposed by Fremy, according to which a mixture of boron trioxide, soot, and oil is heated in a stream of the vapor of carbon bisulphide.

  41. It is formed when sodium or magnesium in a fine state of division is allowed to act upon a solution of the di-iodide just described in carbon bisulphide; or when boron phospho-di-iodide is heated to 160° in a current of hydrogen.

  42. Red phosphorus also reacts with incandescence when heated in the vapor of boron iodide.

  43. Berzelius obtained this substance in an impure form by heating boron in sulphur vapor, but the first practical mode of its preparation in a state of tolerable purity was that employed by Wohler and Deville.

  44. But when some organic or inorganic compounds, such as the boron compounds, are injected into the blood stream, they will pass readily into brain tumors and not move into normal brain cells.

  45. Efforts have been made, with some success, to synthesize new boron compounds that have the greatest possible degree of selective absorption by the tumors.

  46. The difficulty is that most boron compounds themselves are poisonous to human tissues, and only small concentrations can be tolerated in the blood.

  47. Illustration: (2) A compound containing the stable element boron is injected into the bloodstream; the tumor absorbs most of the boron.

  48. Eastward, the rocky promontories of the Mont Boron and the Cap Ferrat jut boldly out into the sea with their fringe of white dashing breakers.

  49. They must have contained fluorine, boron and probably also lithium, for topaz, mica and tourmaline, the new minerals of the granite, contain these elements.

  50. They make it clear that there has been an introduction of fluorine and boron and a diminution in the alkalies during the transformation of the granitic rock into the greisen.

  51. An amateur chemist found out that they were an organically deposited boron carbide, which is harder than any other substance but crystallized carbon--diamond.

  52. Tiny diny-teeth, smaller than the heads of pins, were still authentic boron carbide.

  53. In fact, diny teeth, being organic, seemed to be an especially hard form of boron carbide.

  54. A boron bronze may be prepared by the reduction of boracic acid in contact with copper.

  55. The element boron seems to have almost as marked an effect upon copper as carbon does upon iron.

  56. Zinc or boron deficiency has a similar effect.

  57. Their outstanding development was in the field Of boron deficiency in walnuts.

  58. The presence of "snake heads" or sprouts in summer walnut growth and "die-back" or winter kill noticeable in some walnut trees during the winter months are now generally recognized as signs of boron deficiency.

  59. A rare element of the boron group, sometimes associated with yttrium or other related elements, as in euxenite and gadolinite.

  60. About, is a blinding white crust of boron and alkali.

  61. Throughout the area south of Shoshone are many hot springs containing boron and fluorine--some with traces of radium.

  62. In the center are the alumina and boron oxide.

  63. The alumina is infusible, the boron is fusible, but boron cannot be used in a raw glaze for reasons to be presently explained.

  64. Boron in small quantities will escape detection unless specially looked for, but there is no difficulty in detecting its presence.

  65. The distillate contains the boron as boric acid.

  66. Consequently, the increase in weight, after ignition, upon that of the lime taken gives the amount of boron trioxide present.

  67. There is only one series of boron compounds which have any importance.

  68. The increase in weight gives the boron trioxide.

  69. Before the introduction of Gooch's process it was usual to determine the boron trioxide "by difference.

  70. In it are dissolved varying quantities of metallic and non-metallic fluorides, such as boron trifluoride, sodium fluoride, etc.

  71. Compounds of such non-metals as boron are obtainable from the atmosphere in high purity with very little trouble.

  72. Horrified, Rick saw a fireman, clumsy in his protective suit, trip and fall before the oncoming flood of flaming boron hydride.

  73. He could almost picture the stream of boron hydride blending with the oxidizer and flowing in an ever-increasing stream toward the combustion chamber.

  74. With an unstable fuel like boron hydride, that made the difference.

  75. Now and then he looked through the thick glass ports, and he saw the green mist of boron hydride as fuel throbbed slowly into the rocket's tanks.

  76. Illustration] The disintegration of boron is very simple: the funnels are set free and assume the spherical form, showing a central "cigar" and four globes each containing two triplets.

  77. On the meta, the quintets are set free, and follow the boron type, while the cross becomes a quartet on the meta level, and two duads on the hyper.

  78. In A the boron funnel is reproduced, the "cigar" having risen above its companion ovoids; but the most important matter to note in respect to this funnel is our introduction to the body marked a 110.

  79. Boron is chosen as an example (4 on Plate III).

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boron" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.