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Example sentences for "businessman"

Lexicographically close words:
busines; business; businesse; businesses; businesslike; businessmen; busk; busked; buskin; buskined
  1. Basta nigusyanti daghang kuntak, A businessman has to have lots of contacts.

  2. Kinahanglan tumbatumba ang nigusiyanti, A businessman has to be flexible when it comes to politics.

  3. There is a demand now for a lawyer who is a businessman and who will keep people out of trouble instead of getting them in.

  4. He followed it usually just before breakfast with a bracer--and what wiser precaution can a businessman take than to brace his breakfast?

  5. Boomer was there to represent the university with three of his most presentable professors, cultivated men who were able to sit in a first-class club and drink whiskey and soda and talk as well as any businessman present.

  6. This real-life individual was honored as China's answer to the mythical Indian businessman Vimalakirti, who combined enlightenment with the life of the market.

  7. The item is not very important in the realm of range literature but it exemplifies the successful businessman that the judicious cowman of open range days frequently became.

  8. Clay was a fine gentleman in addition to being a canny businessman in the realm of cattle and land.

  9. A businessman felt secure only when he had invested in land, when he had received an official title upon the payment of large sums of money, or when he succeeded to push at least one of his sons into the government bureaucracy.

  10. An Lu-shan, too, had been a businessman for a while.

  11. Among the men sent here directly by Rudolf Hess, Hitler's right-hand man, is a former German-American businessman named Meyerhofer.

  12. Still, there ought to be a limit to the number and length of questionnaires to fill out and the number of underlings to interview before a serious businessman can get to see a responsible official.

  13. Albert, if a businessman conducted himself like the military college he would be bankrupt in six months.

  14. What a lot of bluster professional authors make over the writing of a book--they should have had the necessity every businessman knows for sticking eternally to it, and experience in a newspaper cityroom--as I had.

  15. He waited with the placid interest of one who has subscribed to all the funds and societies to which a prosperous, middle-aged businessman is called upon to subscribe in war-time.

  16. They were the modern type of businessman who prefers to leave his work out of his play.

  17. You play good," said the businessman in disgust.

  18. The businessman walked out and Tilton went over to the deAngelis board.

  19. On this head the guiding incentives of the businessman and the material interest of the community at large--not to speak of the selfish interest of the individual workman--are systematically at variance.

  20. Except for the slightly odious suggestion carried by the phrase, one might aptly say that the gentleman, in this bearing, is only a businessman gone to seed.

  21. The businessman has not, or at least is commonly not influenced by, any interest in the ulterior consequences of the transactions in which he is immediately engaged.

  22. So that no personal blame can attach to its employment by any given businessman or business concern.

  23. The businessman was looking up in admiration.

  24. I'm not sure I should tell you about it," said the businessman hesitantly.

  25. She spoke to the businessman with affection but, at the same time, with condescension.

  26. But before he had reached the door the businessman spoke to him gently.

  27. The businessman was sitting on the chair that K.

  28. They were indeed sat close together, if either of them turned his head even slightly it would have knocked against the other's, the businessman was not only very small but also sat hunched down, so that K.

  29. Now he considered his affair too important to let this little businessman take part in it and perhaps change some of his decisions, and so he called Leni back even though she was already on her way to the lawyer.

  30. He wanted me to tell him about my trial," said the businessman to Leni.

  31. He's a pitiful character, a poor businessman by the name of Block.

  32. I still remember it exactly," the businessman began again, and K.

  33. These proofs would fascinate any businessman with the sense to see where his bread was buttered.

  34. A businessman is constantly dealing with organizations, including his own, and finding them either inert, cantankerous, or both.

  35. I knew him as a businessman as well by sight, and I have known him for 12 years, I guess, as a businessman.

  36. I identified him as a businessman in the city of Dallas, but I did tell them that I recognized the man by sight.

  37. Anton, being more a businessman than a lover, at times behaves insensitively toward Nina.

  38. You see, they announced Dallas businessman kills him.

  39. When I was driving down there they said Dallas businessman kills him, without his name.

  40. They're very nice people, very rich people, big businessman there on the border.

  41. He was a very old man who was a local businessman on Haiti, and he died since.

  42. When you go to a businessman and ask him to lecture, you catch him with his guard down.

  43. Once, a businessman was a person who not only thrived by taking advantage of the necessities of people, but who also banked on their ignorance of values.

  44. And the recognition of these truths is what has today placed the businessman at the head of the learned professions--he ministers to the necessities of humanity.

  45. But so long as the soldier takes precedence of the businessman in the political courts of the world, famine, death, disease and want will crouch at our doors.

  46. The illiterate California businessman who taught high school social sciences and mathematics for eighteen years became known because television, for some reason, saw in him a good case for the literacy cause.

  47. A qualified worker, a qualified physician, chemist, lawyer, and businessman represented a necessity for the harmonious functioning of industrial society.

  48. What does a businessman know about mechanical equipment?

  49. That isn't unusual in a successful businessman, of course; one doesn't become a successful businessman unless one has a thirst for knowledge.

  50. When a man is in the hands of a very dear friend and is not a businessman himself, he had better steer clear of the dear friend's diamond mines, or gold mines, or any other kind of mines dear friends want his money to put into.

  51. The Businessman is one who supplies something great and good to the world, and collects from the world for the goods.

  52. A Businessman is one who gets the business, and completes the transaction.

  53. All he claimed to be was a businessman who paid his debts and who tried to make others pay theirs.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "businessman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    banker; dealer; director; entrepreneur; executive; financier; industrialist; king; magnate; manager; merchant; trader