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Example sentences for "caged"

Lexicographically close words:
caffein; caffeine; caftan; caftans; cage; cages; caging; cagion; cagione; cahier
  1. Mrs. Mordaunt could not help saying, and even the girl herself, miserable and drooping as a caged thrush, knew that Van Hupfeldt was showing himself a princely suitor.

  2. He strode to and fro in the dining-room with a quick step, pacing with the lightness of a caged bear, his fists clenched, keen to act, yet not knowing what to do.

  3. But--she was a caged eagle just the same, and pined for the free air and the alpine heights and the fierce joys of the storm.

  4. Have you seen that veiled deep glow, that pathetic hurt dignity, that unsubdued and unsubduable spirit that burns and smolders in the eye of a caged eagle and makes you feel mean and shabby under the burden of its mute reproach?

  5. He is in his full senses, he eats and he drinks, and he has his calls like other men and as he had yesterday, before they caged him.

  6. Not only did they kill and skin the larger species but they caught and caged the finch, honey eater, and miller bird.

  7. The Bascha appeared disposed to let him feel that he was now no better than a caged lion, whose claws the captor can cut at will.

  8. Mind and take care, Ernest, that you never realise the Ruskinstone predictions, and make me repent having caught and caged such a terrible thing as a hunted PARIS LION!

  9. Any way,” laughed Jack, “it looks much more as if we had come on a wild goose chase than a caged thrush one.

  10. He was hungry, but the first cafe he entered was one of Delview's exclusive eating places and the late diners who still lingered there stared in horror at the caged kitten.

  11. Pack on his back and the caged kitten dangling from his right hand, Jeff strode down Delview's main street.

  12. So she caged her botanists, and felt herself free to amuse herself with human nature whilst they were immersed in the study of nature.

  13. And," she added to herself, "it is my experience that scientific people are safer caged up in their laboratories and studies.

  14. The joy of a caged bird was in her voice.

  15. At last he got up and began to pace up and down the room, looking like a beautiful caged thing.

  16. Surely 'tis well for a bold lad to see the world a bit, in place of being mewed up at home like a caged singing-bird!

  17. Day after day, the troubled man paced the ramparts with the fierce unrest of a caged beast of prey, straining his eyes southward in the vain hope of seeing another Moorish courier appear over the dark hilltop.

  18. It had a window and a door into the cloister, and two windows to the east, and was surrounded with caged book-shelves.

  19. At the same moment he heard a suppressed growl, as if made by a caged bear.

  20. It may be the Shawnees have attempted a little pleasantry after their bloody work, and caged up some poor creature within those logs," thought he.

  21. What in the name of creation is the meaning of that concern, and what sort of animal is caged in it?

  22. In Mexico people bring caged birds, cats, rabbits, donkeys, and pigs, for baptism.

  23. One window was filled with caged birds; the other with specimens of beautiful Oriental pottery and grotesque curiosities in the shape of Chinese and Japanese statues and carvings.

  24. All night I walked up and down my bedroom, like a caged animal, cursing Superstition, cursing Convention, and all the other follies that had combined to destroy her.

  25. Lath and plaster circuses or theatres are erected by the Mausoleum of Hadrian, and the miserable caged monkeys of a menagerie pull each other's tails where Raffaele's pavillion stood amidst the nightingale-filled ilex groves.

  26. Words of sympathy and kindness for the "caged Yankees" became more common, and there were a good many tangible manifestations of the same feelings.

  27. Throngs of Georgians came in to see the caged Yankee--both ladies and gentlemen.

  28. The guards liked very much to hear us sing, and frequently citizens of the town would gather round outside to listen to the caged Yankees.

  29. His short, dark face had a desperate look, as of a caged rat; his eyes were everywhere at once.

  30. In this they are wise according to their lights, for believing themselves to be caged in such a universe their only hope lies in a speedy extinction.

  31. You should have caged them, Skimmer, and profited by their dullness, to lay the curious under contribution.

  32. For instance, Leonardo da Vinci used often to buy caged wild-birds from their captors and let them go free.

  33. The Swiss were fighting to free themselves from wrongs untold; and we should hold them less than men if they had tamely submitted to be caged like poultry.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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