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Example sentences for "censors"

Lexicographically close words:
censored; censorial; censoring; censorious; censoriousness; censorship; censorships; censurable; censure; censured
  1. Chairman of the Board of Censors of the Missouri Institute of Homeopathy.

  2. Black-mailing and misuse of authority are ancient faults of the Indian police and we may surmise that the generations which followed him were not long in getting rid of his censors and inspectors.

  3. In the fourteenth year of his reign he appointed officers called Dhamma-mahâmâtâ, Ministers or Censors of the Dhamma.

  4. The spirit that animated these censors was the same as that alluded to above, and their zeal was chiefly directed to the discovery and expurgation of any lurking anti-Catholic sentiment.

  5. It is the duty of Censors to remonstrate with the Emperor when necessary, as well as to report to the College, or to the Emperor himself, any breach of propriety in courts of justice or elsewhere.

  6. Chinese invented the College of Censors and the Tribunal of History, both selected from their most distinguished scholars.

  7. And furthermore it should be considered that this building is useful in carrying on the public business, for here the consuls review the army on parade, here the arms are inspected, here the censors enumerate the people.

  8. In nearly all the sections[3404] it is the sans-culottes who occupy the chair, arrange things inside the chamber, place the sentinels and provide the censors and auditors.

  9. However, there was the ordeal of the censors yet to pass through, and fears were entertained as to the fourth act, in which Louis XIII.

  10. These literary censors did, however, require the alteration or removal of certain passages in which the kingly state and dignity were handled with too much freedom; and they forbade the name of Jesus to be used throughout the piece.

  11. One of the principal occupations of their censors was to keep a watch on the vagabonds.

  12. This paper serves as a curious instance in what manner the censors of books clipped the wings of genius when it was found too daring or excursive.

  13. But this was a shocking arrangement to the conservative instincts of the time; the consuls would not recognize his Senate, and the next censors (304 B.

  14. Appius Claudius, one of the first of the censors to exercise it, enrolled freedmen in the tribes and called sons of freedmen to the Senate.

  15. The leave-taking of our two gold-spectacled censors was almost pathetic.

  16. Our two censors in the office are smoking their pipes very gravely.

  17. Accordingly, the Censors had to draw up lists of the Classes and Centuries.

  18. All vacancies in the body were filled up by the Censors every five years from those who had held the Quæstorship or any higher magistracy.

  19. That one of the Censors must be a Plebeian.

  20. The duties of the Censors were numerous and important.

  21. Freedmen to enroll themselves in any tribe they pleased; but this dangerous innovation was abolished by the Censors Q.

  22. The Censors also had the administration of the finances of the state, under the direction of the Senate.

  23. The Censors were thus confined in their selection to those who had already received the confidence of the people, and no one could therefore enter the Senate unless he had some experience in political affairs.

  24. The Quæstors were the paymasters of the state; and as the Censors had to fill up vacancies in the Senate from those who had held the office of Quæstor, the Plebeians thus became eligible for the Senate.

  25. His enemies brought him before the Censors to account for his conduct, but he defended himself so ably that not only was no stigma put upon him, but he was considered to have been very badly used.

  26. The Patricians gradually dwindled away, and it became the custom to elect both Consuls and Censors from the Plebeians.

  27. The Senate consisted of Three Hundred members, who held the dignity for life unless expelled by the Censors for reasons already mentioned, but they could not transmit the honor to their sons.

  28. The Censors originally held office for a period of five years, which was called a lustrum; but their tenure was limited to eighteen months, as early as ten years after its institution (B.

  29. The Censors possessed a general control over the conduct and morals of the citizens.

  30. The censors even dare to impeach me once in a while.

  31. The restrictions regarding the number of students in each university were abolished, the difficulty of obtaining foreign passports was removed, and the Press censors became singularly indulgent.

  32. Freely expressed public opinion was such a new phenomenon in Russia that the Press was able for some time to exercise a "Liberal" tyranny scarcely less severe than the "Conservative" tyranny of the censors in the preceding reign.

  33. Indeed, the Press censors themselves were sometimes carried away by the reform enthusiasm.

  34. There thus remained only the current financial functions which the consuls had hitherto discharged when, as frequently happened, no election of censors had taken place, and which they now took as a part of their ordinary official duties.

  35. But in 580 the censors made the erection of the stage for the games of the praetors and aediles a matter of special contract (Liv.

  36. Down to his time the censors on laying down their office had called upon the gods to grant greater power and glory to the state: the censor Scipio prayed that they might deign to preserve the state.

  37. The extravagant prerogative of the censors to revise the list of the senate and to erase or add names at pleasure was in reality incompatible with an organized oligarchic constitution.

  38. And he seems to fear that the censors list may bring as many calamities upon the citizens as the late most inhuman proscription; and that the point of the censors pen may prove as terrible as the sword of their late dictator.

  39. At Rome the consuls chose the senators with the approbation of the people, but at last the censors arrogated that power to themselves.

  40. At Rome, as the censors had the power of promoting to that dignity, so they had equally the power of expelling any member for bad manners, by the single ceremony of leaving out his name when they called over the list of the senate.

  41. The censors were not paid; and in addition to being overworked and over-burdened with responsibility, they were rarely men of adequate learning.

  42. The inefficient censors proceeded with their work of destruction and suppression.

  43. The Christian censors of the literature had rejected it as unchristian doctrine.

  44. For as the censors became the arbiters of morals in Rome, it was very much owing to them that the progress of the Romans towards corruption was retarded.

  45. To take a fair view of this woman's future behaviour, and see how far she has been misrepresented by censors and flatterers, it is needful to glance at her earlier story.

  46. Had Shelley been the essentially chivalric creature his eulogists declare him, he could not have left his wife in this way, even though her offences had been far more repulsive than her sternest censors declare them.

  47. However, irrespective of any of their opinions and without "atmosphere," these criticisms apparently had the same value as the condemnations of the self-styled censors of our modern theatre and its players.

  48. I wish to confine myself to speaking in terms of fullest appreciation of their virtues and merits, leaving it to wise censors to judge me.

  49. Many of the sapient censors of my work objected most strenuously to the disguising of my known methods and a loss of personality.

  50. I hope that Willie will come dancing down the sun, casting his wit and humor to all the pessimistic censors of the drama for years to come.

  51. The dress of the men was not passed over in like silence, however; it drew from the censors of the day the severest strictures on account of its flaunting meagreness and its improprieties in the eyes of its monkish critics.

  52. By the gayety and licentiousness of the brilliant era of Elizabeth, women had forfeited the esteem of these stern censors of public virtue, and were held up as snares in the way of the righteous and as emissaries of Satan.

  53. Of all the censors who from time to time have made a stand against this traditional licence, George Colman is to be remembered as the most violent and the most inconsistent.

  54. A very little experience of mankind will incline one to the belief that the censors of morals have on the whole done wisely in temporising with this strange humour.

  55. To be sure, we ought to admit a prejudice at the outset and acknowledge that we were a reporter in France during the war at a time when censors seemed a little more ridiculous than usual.

  56. We assume, of course, that the censors are thinking of morals in terms of deeds.

  57. What, we wonder, would the censors do with a picture about Thermopylae?

  58. It is entirely possible that the next producer who brings an Indian picture to the censors may be asked to eliminate the elephants on the ground that "there aren't any in this State.

  59. The Pennsylvania censors will have to take that question up in a serious way sooner or later.

  60. Perhaps the censors mean that it is all right for women to smoke in moving pictures if only they don't inhale, but it would have been much more simple to have said just that.

  61. Here the Board of Censors curtly ordered: "First Reel--Cut out girl smoking cigarette which she takes from man.

  62. If we should choose our censors from fallible folk we might have proof instead of opinions.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "censors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.