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Example sentences for "coffeehouse"

Lexicographically close words:
coexists; coextensive; cofer; cofers; coffee; coffeehouses; coffeepot; coffees; coffer; cofferdam
  1. Packer discovered that young Bradlaugh was "loitering at the coffeehouse of that Jezebel, the Carlile woman.

  2. He was twenty-seven years of age when he met Ben Franklin at a coffeehouse in London.

  3. He] entertained a coffeehouse with the following narrative.

  4. Every coffeehouse has some particular statesman belonging to it, who is the mouth of the street where he lives.

  5. But one day, coming upon a group unawares in a Greek coffeehouse on Folsom Street, he caught a whispered reference to Hilmer.

  6. His integrity might be questioned in nameless libels and in coffeehouse tattle, but was certain to come forth bright and pure from the most severe Parliamentary investigation.

  7. These things were obvious to every coffeehouse politician; and it was impossible to believe that they had escaped the notice of men so able and well informed as some who sate in the Privy Council and Parliament at Edinburgh.

  8. The coffeehouse buzzed with the news of Mr. Kelly's arrest, and Colonel Montague saw many curious faces look up from their news-sheets and whisper together as he entered.

  9. He heard of it again that night at Will's coffeehouse in Covent Garden, and at Burton's in King Street, where Mr. Kelly was very well known.

  10. Snatching up his cane, he rushed to a near-by coffeehouse where he knew Hallam was likely to be found at that hour.

  11. On learning that Peg in her stricken state had infatuated the gallant colonel, a coffeehouse wit sized up the situation by cruelly quoting: "Aut Caesar, aut nullus.

  12. We were seated one afternoon outside the French coffeehouse at Lima.

  13. This is so true, that a frequenter of a coffeehouse scarcely ever lights a fire in his own lodging during the whole winter.

  14. You must not, however, imagine from this incident, that a man cannot enter a coffeehouse in Paris, without being a sufferer from the depredations of the nimble-fingered gentry.

  15. Formerly, every coffeehouse in Paris used to have its chief orator; in those of the more remote part of the suburbs you might, I am informed, hear a journeyman tailor or shoemaker hold forth on various topics.

  16. No small attraction to a Parisian coffeehouse is a pretty female to preside in the bar, and in a few I have seen very handsome women; though this post is commonly assigned to the mistress or some confidential female relation.

  17. In the course of coffeehouse conversation, I had often heard very extraordinary encomiums passed on the performances of Mr T--, a gentleman residing in this place, who paints landscapes for his amusement.

  18. Goldsmith said, "We will lose him now," but Burke still stuck by his coffeehouse companions and used them as a pontoon to bridge the gulf 'twixt Bohemia and Piccadilly.

  19. Among the visitors at one of the coffeehouse clubs was one B.

  20. The coffeehouse politicians of London fully expected that such a general with such an army would speedily reconquer the island.

  21. The letter is evidently a common newsletter, written by a scribbler, who had never seen the King and Queen except at some public place, and whose anecdotes of their private life rested on no better authority than coffeehouse gossip.

  22. At all events you may see it in any coffeehouse for a penny.

  23. He went about almost naked in the rage of hunger," says Dr Johnson, "and finding a gentleman in a neighbouring coffeehouse asked him for a shilling; and Otway going away bought a roll and was choked with the first mouthful.

  24. From this coffeehouse Hackman saw Miss Ray drive past on her way to Covent Garden Theatre, when he followed and shot her as she was entering her coach after the performance.

  25. The DOVE was the sign of a coffeehouse on the riverside, between the two malls at Fulham.

  26. Though the Parliament is met, and the town they say, full, I have not heard a tittle of news of any sort; and yet my prison is a coffeehouse in a morning, though I have been far from well this whole week.

  27. It was stuck up in Lloyd's coffeehouse lately, that the Duke of Orleans was named "Chef de la R`epublique.

  28. Not a club or a coffeehouse in London could afford to be without it, and over it's pages began the first general interest in contemporary English life as expressed in literature.

  29. Once, to test his memory, he recited two newspaper poems which he had read in a coffeehouse forty years before, and which he had never thought of in the interval.

  30. He had played briscola with peasants in a coffeehouse of Fiesole.

  31. It's nearly tiffin hour," he said as they neared a coffeehouse on the main street.

  32. Bickerstaff announced his assistants, and among others named as authority in Foreign Affairs a waiter at Saint James Coffeehouse known as "Kidney.

  33. Lord Peterborough, about the time of the revolution of 1688, was anxious to obtain a fine singing canary from a coffeehouse keeper in London, his mistress having taken a fancy for it.

  34. A captain of a vessel was lately called out of a coffeehouse at Wapping by a waterman, with the following address: “An’t please your honour, the tide is waiting for you.

  35. Is it not the perpetual echo of every Whig coffeehouse and club?

  36. He made his appearance in the most fashionable coffeehouse at Edinburgh, and talked loudly and self-complacently about the important service in which he had been engaged among the mountains.

  37. All the newsletters, all the coffeehouse orators, complained that the blood of the poor was shed with impunity by the great.

  38. The coffeehouse politicians were confident that he was about to hold some high office.

  39. He was quite as dexterous a canvasser among the embroidered coats at the Saint James's Coffeehouse as among the leathern aprons at Wycombe and Aylesbury.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coffeehouse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    buffet; cafe; cafeteria; canteen; cantina; diner; grill; kitchen; lunchroom; restaurant; tavern