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Example sentences for "cyanide"

Lexicographically close words:
cuyos; cwrw; cyanate; cyanic; cyanides; cyanine; cyanite; cyanogen; cyanosis
  1. Put into the test-tube as much cyanide of mercury as will lie on the point of a penknife.

  2. Boys always have such ornaments, and if the cyanide touches a place where the skin is broken, it is liable to mix with the blood, and make trouble.

  3. Cyanide of potassium is also used, because it is much cleaner.

  4. With ordinary care, however, calcium cyanide can be safely handled.

  5. As a control, it is important to drain the soil in damp locations and to dig in calcium cyanide about two weeks before planting or sowing.

  6. Calcium cyanide has replaced the old method of generating the gas by the action of sulphuric acid on potassium cyanide, and is sold in the form of dusts or granules.

  7. An important species in New Zealand is the greenhouse white-fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), against which fumigation with calcium cyanide is the best as a check.

  8. A few experiments showed that the cyanide of barium was much more readily formed than any other cyanide; so we gave our full attention from this time to the process for obtaining ammonia by means of cyanide of barium invented by MM.

  9. This process consists in heating a mixture of carbonate of barium with carbon in the presence of nitrogen, and subsequently treating the cyanide of barium produced with steam, thus producing ammonia and regenerating the carbonate of barium.

  10. The operation for producing ammonia and regenerating the carbonate of barium by acting upon the cyanide with steam offers no difficulty whatever, and if the temperature is not allowed to exceed 500° C.

  11. The cyanide is not acted on by carbonic oxide, but carbonic acid destroys it at high temperatures, so that it is not possible to produce it by heating the briquettes directly in a flame free from oxygen, but containing carbonic acid.

  12. We found, however, that the cyanide when exposed to the atmosphere at a temperature above 300° C.

  13. Piece of paper punctured and slit for pasting over the cyanide in the collecting-jar.

  14. For large moths and butterflies cyanide of potash and carbonate of ammonia serve very well, but it must be remembered that carbonate of ammonia bleaches insects which are green in color.

  15. The box should be very tight, so that when it is closed the fumes of the cyanide may be retained.

  16. At the bottom of such a jar a few lumps of cyanide of potash, about the size of a filbert, should be placed.

  17. In practice the most approved method is to employ a jar charged with cyanide of potash or with carbonate of ammonia.

  18. A little gum tragacanth is then applied to these upturned edges; and it is inserted into the jar and pasted securely over the cyanide by the upturned flaps.

  19. Cyanide-jar prepared for use: P, perforated cardboard; Cy, lumps of cyanide of potash.

  20. The same method which has been described for charging a jar with cyanide of potash can be employed in charging it with carbonate of ammonia.

  21. In a large tank having a free water circulation, stand two pots of a capacity of about five gallons each, one of these contains cyanide of potash and salt, and another sperm oil.

  22. Such specimens can afterwards, if desired, be relaxed by leaving them on damp sand, or in the cyanide or laurel bottle, and be then set in the way above indicated.

  23. But, in re-carding specimens, it is necessary to be very careful with such as were originally kept too long in a laurel or cyanide bottle, as they are apt to become so rotten that a little damp will cause a "solution of continuity.

  24. When potassium cyanide is added to a solution of silver nitrate, a very insoluble precipitate of silver cyanide is obtained, but an excess of potassium cyanide readily redissolves the precipitate (‹exp.

  25. For this reason potassium cyanide is an excellent cleansing agent for stained silverware (sulphide stains), and, since it is an intense poison, cleaning powders should be examined for it.

  26. This excess, as just explained, is more than sufficient to prevent the precipitation of silver chloride from the cyanide solution, even by a large excess of potassium or sodium chloride.

  27. This makes potassium cyanide an excellent solvent for insoluble gold compounds, such as gold sulphide, and the cyanide process for the extraction of gold ores makes use of this property.

  28. We note that potassium cyanide solution must react strongly alkaline (‹exp.

  29. Mercuric cyanide being a deadly poison which analysts are liable to meet and have met with in criminal cases, it is clear that a knowledge of these facts is vital to analytical accuracy.

  30. Potassium cyanide is a powerful reducing agent (see p.

  31. The relation developed for the ‹hydrolysis› of potassium cyanide is a general one, holding for the hydrolysis of salts, of the type MeX, of a weak acid with a strong base.

  32. In solutions containing an excess of potassium cyanide greater than 0.

  33. The restoration of color under particular conditions may also be obtained by treatment with tannic acid, potassium ferro-cyanide (acidulated) or a weak solution of an infusion of galls.

  34. Potassium ferro-cyanide will detect any iron remaining in the paper.

  35. Apply a weak solution of cyanide of potassium; picric acid will yield a blood-red coloration.

  36. If the mass thus obtained be treated with water, the potassium cyanide is partially decomposed by the water, but if it be treated with alcohol, then the cyanide is dissolved, and on cooling separates in a crystalline form.

  37. The property of potassium cyanide of giving double salts with other cyanides is very clearly shown by the fact that many metals dissolve in a solution of potassium cyanide, with the evolution of hydrogen.

  38. Instead of mercuric cyanide, a mixture of perfectly dry yellow prussiate and mercuric chloride may be used, then double decomposition and the formation of mercuric cyanide take place in the retort.

  39. Cyanide of potassium may also be obtained from potassium thiocyanate, which is formed from ammonium thiocyanate obtained by the action of ammonia upon bisulphide of carbon (see works upon Organic Chemistry).

  40. The nitrogen of the air, the alkali of the ash, and the charcoal are brought into contact at a high temperature during iron smelting, and therefore, under these conditions, a considerable quantity of potassium cyanide is formed.

  41. Potassium cyanide is now prepared in large quantities from yellow prussiate for gilding and silvering.

  42. Setterberg obtained cæsium (1882) by the electrolysis of a fused mixture of cyanide of cæsium and of barium.

  43. Mercuric cyanide is particularly adapted for this purpose, because it is easily obtained in a pure state and is then very stable.

  44. How to Clean Jewelry [353] To cleanse articles of silver, gold, bronze and brass use a saturated solution of cyanide of potassium.

  45. Add slowly a strong solution of potassium cyanide until the blue color disappears, leaving a clear solution; add potassium cyanide again, about one-fourth as much in bulk as used in the decolorizing process.

  46. As cyanide of potassium is a deadly poison, care must be taken not to have it touch any sore spot on the flesh.

  47. Having finished washing the precipitate, slowly add to it a solution of potassium cyanide until all the precipitate is dissolved.

  48. The interior was wadded with the red wheat straws, and on this wadding lay two curious glass jars, two or three small vials, several empty bottles labelled chloroform, a collecting jar of cyanide of potassium, and a book.

  49. He gathered up his butterfly net, collecting box, chloroform bottle, and cyanide jar.

  50. Into the nitro-muriatic solution of native platinum, if a solution of cyanide of mercury be poured, the pale yellow cyanide of palladium will be thrown down, which being ignited affords the metal.

  51. Cyanogen is readily procured by exposing the cyanide of mercury to a dull red heat in a retort; the gas is evolved and may be collected over mercury.

  52. The liquor contains likewise some cyanide of ammonia, which may be converted into prussian blue by the addition of sulphate of iron, after saturation with muriatic acid.

  53. This is not at first a fine blue, but a greenish gray, in consequence of the admixture of some white cyanide of iron; it becomes gradually blue by the absorption of oxygen from the air, which is favoured by agitation of the liquor.

  54. The green sulphate of iron is the most advantageous precipitant, on account of its affording protoxide, to convert into ferrocyanide any cyanide of potassium that may happen to be present in the uncrystallized lixivium.

  55. Soluble in nitric acid; solution yields a white precipitate with the ferro-cyanide of potassium.

  56. He wore a straw hat with a blue ribbon, an expression of serene content, and a glass amethyst on his third finger whose effulgence irradiated the whole room and made the envious eyes of Mr. Cyanide Whiffles stand out like a crab's.

  57. In the man's pocket was discovered a number of cyanide tablets.

  58. The only evidence you could convict van Heerden on is proof that he brought with him cyanide tablets which he slipped into Prédeaux's pocket.

  59. At the inquest we find he has been poisoned--cyanide is found in his pocket.

  60. The post-mortem examination reveals the presence in the body of a considerable quantity of cyanide of potassium, and the police theory is that this was self-administered before the collapse.

  61. Dry and expose, afterwards wash the prints, and then immerse them in a bath of ferrid cyanide of potash.

  62. Two ounces of cyanide to 64 ounces of water will make a suitable fixing solution for plate pictures; if, however, its action is thought to be too slow, add more.

  63. The solvent most generally used for fixing or clearing positives is cyanide of potassium.

  64. Because she was so startlingly cool and clear she was aware of feeling like one who stands with the revolver at her breast or the draught of cyanide in her hand, knowing that within a few seconds it may be too late to reconsider.

  65. The cavity is then irrigated with hot salt solution and a drainage tube inserted, which projects just outside the vulva: the lower end of the tube should be carefully packed around with cyanide gauze.

  66. The conjunctival sac should be washed out with boric lotion and a pad of cyanide gauze applied over the closed lid.

  67. Double cyanide gauze, rung out of boric lotion and covered with a good supporting pad of cotton-wool, is then put on.

  68. Jack was no longer Jack, but a mixture of Alington, deep levels, and cyanide process.

  69. It was a long time before the German manufacturers and I could convince this gentleman that cyanide sufficient to supply all the British mines was manufactured near Glasgow, Scotland.

  70. At the beginning of the war there was a small manufactory of cyanide owned by Germans at Perth Amboy and Niagara Falls, but most of the cyanide used was imported from Germany.

  71. The discovery of the cyanide process of treating gold and silver ores permitted the exploitation of many mines which could not be worked under the older methods.

  72. Should a warm pinkish tone be desired, I tone with weak solutions of ferri cyanide of potassium, nitrate of uranium, and chloride of gold in about equal quantities.

  73. Cyanide of potassium is generated in large quantities.

  74. The melted mass is afterward treated with hot water, which dissolves the cyanide and other salts, the cyanide being then quickly converted by the action of oxide of iron, formed during the operation of fusing, into ferrocyanide.

  75. The ferri or ferrid cyanide of potassium discovered by Gmelin is often, but improperly, termed red prussiate of potash.

  76. The conversion of the cyanide into the ferrocyanide is greatly facilitated by the presence of finely divided sulphuret of iron and caustic potash.

  77. Cyanide of potassium--and the druggist that sold it ought to be choked.

  78. I had learned of a small fairish-haired girl who had tried to buy cyanide of potassium at three drug-stores on the same street, and of a tall light woman who had taken a room for three days at a hotel and was apparently demented.

  79. In the metallurgy of the precious metals probably the most important step has been the cyanide process of obtaining gold and silver.

  80. In 1806 it was known that gold was soluble in a solution of cyanide of potassium.

  81. When sufficiently developed, the plate is washed, and the image fixed by dissolving the unacted-upon iodide of silver with a solution of cyanide of potassium or hyposulphite of soda.

  82. It was quite a simple affair, and consisted of an observation tube with a lens, having in front of it a screen of fluorescing material, such as platino-cyanide of barium.

  83. A double cyanide of platinum and some other metal or radical; a salt of platinocyanic acid.

  84. Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid compound of platinous cyanide and hydrocyanic acid.

  85. I find the reduced metal is more pervious to light when fixed with the cyanide solution, particularly in weak negatives.

  86. That's what I want--one little shot of that cyanide stuff.

  87. What I want is just a nice little jolt of this here cyanide of potassium.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cyanide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.