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Example sentences for "distilleries"

Lexicographically close words:
distillation; distillations; distillatory; distilled; distiller; distillers; distillery; distilling; distills; distils
  1. Later, these same Shorthorns are driven from pasture to the big Campania barns, where the men care for them and feed them Mint hay from Mr. Todd's distilleries at a season when such workmen have little else to do.

  2. Now he would be glad to know if the distilleries and fisheries would not be precisely in the same situation, let which would take place?

  3. The gentlemen all say that a heavy duty will ruin the distilleries and fisheries, and the people concerned in them; yet they profess themselves willing to lay the same duty, but in two forms instead of one.

  4. Numbers, it is said, and at various places, died of inebriation; especially at the distilleries of the unfortunate Mr. Langdale.

  5. Great frauds had been committed on the distilleries at home; and Pitt proposed a bill by which the duties payable on British spirits were regulated and enforced; while those on foreign duties were considerably reduced.

  6. These industries suffered from overproduction and ruinous competition, to eliminate which the distilleries and sugar refineries entered into trust agreements like that of the Standard Oil companies.

  7. The flour mills of the Northwest, the meat-packing establishments at Chicago and elsewhere, the distilleries of central Illinois, utilized the agricultural staples and transformed them for export.

  8. His dram-shop keepers make the peasants drunk, and cheat them, and his distilleries produce more vodka than is permitted by the Government.

  9. In the dram-shops and distilleries which he rents from the nobility be carries on evil acts.

  10. The crafty dealer rented several distilleries and some seventy inns about the country, and ruled over a small army of subtenants and inn-keepers, of the Samson kind, who bought meat once a week, and starved on other days.

  11. That 3,000 distilleries have stopped from principle may also be true; but the Temperance Society reports take no notice of the many which have been set up in their stead by those who felt no compunction at selling spirits.

  12. More than three thousand distilleries have been stopped, and more than seven thousand persons who dealt in spirits have declined the trade.

  13. There were distilleries on nearly every stream emptying into the Monongahela.

  14. The remainder were hurried to the Massachusetts distilleries and there made into the far-famed New England rum, which by the fishermen at the Grand Banks was thought much finer than the best that came from Jamaica.

  15. From the fermented juice the distilleries manufacture a spirituous liquor, known locally as cocoa-wine.

  16. The latter are said to be similar to the butyraceous matter before referred to, as well as the solid fat of the whisky distilleries conducted on the old plan.

  17. According to Mr. Rowney, the fusel oil of the Scotch distilleries contains capric acid.

  18. The name given by Mulder to a peculiar fatty compound found in the fusel oil of the distilleries of Holland.

  19. New England was sure that, should the tax on molasses be too high, the distilleries would be shut up, and a great New England industry destroyed.

  20. Brandy was not only imported in great quantities from Germany, but was also manufactured on a large scale in industrial and domestic distilleries in Switzerland.

  21. The distilleries are not managed so as to check drinking (for with that they have nothing to do), but to supply the dealers with pure liquors.

  22. There was said to be between five and ten thousand domestic distilleries in the canton of Berne alone.

  23. There were 1400 distilleries (besides the domestic stills) at the time the new plan was started; but these were all closed, with the exception of about three, compensation being paid to the owners.

  24. The product of these small distilleries was specially dangerous, not only because of the alcohol it contained, but because of the crude and imperfect state of most of it.

  25. Those who claim for the State distilleries that they are potent forces in reducing the traffic in distilled liquors seem to mistake altogether their methods of working.

  26. If there was a vast amount being made in St. Louis it would lessen the price, no matter whether the other distilleries were running honestly or not, consequently it was impossible for the supervisor to tell it.

  27. There are numerous distilleries devoted to this at Vallauris, and, when the season of gathering the orange-flower crop arrives, a couple of thousand women and children engage in the pleasant task.

  28. It erects in our midst distilleries or dramshops.

  29. If production should be for use and not for abuse, the existence of breweries and distilleries are without excuse.

  30. Turn saloons into bake shops and butcher stalls, distilleries into food factories, breweries into stock pens, and the country will be a thousandfold better off than feeding its finances by starving its morality.

  31. Along with the question of what will become of the men put out of business by prohibition, comes the question, what will the farmers do with their corn if distilleries are closed?

  32. My thoughts often travel back to my quaint little church and the big distilleries at Lawrenceburg.

  33. I used to marvel how so many large distilleries could be put in so small a town.

  34. Under this system, which to some extent resembles that of South Carolina but is much less rigid, the distilleries remain in private hands but their output is under government control.

  35. He found "drinking customs in vogue and distilleries dotted all over the parish.

  36. Green, "seventeen (of the 19) distilleries were closed and not long after his departure, the fires of the other two went out.

  37. A large proportion of this was produced within the city limits, very much (probably a large majority) of which was the output of cows kept in stables connected with and fed on the refuse of distilleries and breweries.

  38. In consequence the distilleries dropped out one by one, until now only one remains in Wawayanda, near Centreville; and one in Minisink, near Johnson's.

  39. In Holborn, where riot raged fiercest, stood the distilleries of Mr. Langdale, a wealthy Roman Catholic.

  40. The distilleries were attacked and fired.

  41. Apples and grapes are sent away to other points, and no doubt supply in a measure the breweries and distilleries of Dunkirk.

  42. Sugar refineries, distilleries of rum, and sawmills are worked in Mayotte by French settlers.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distilleries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.