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Example sentences for "gluteal"

Lexicographically close words:
glumes; glumly; glumm; glut; glutaric; gluten; gluteus; glutinous; gluts; glutted
  1. The great sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis in company with the gluteal nerves, through the great sciatic foramen (notch), passing downward along the posterior face of the femur.

  2. In abscesses deeply placed, as for example under the gluteal or pectoral muscles, one or more incisions should be made, and the cavity drained by glass or rubber tubes or by strips of rubber tissue.

  3. The pain is most marked on rising from the stooping or sitting posture, and may extend down the back of the hip, especially if, as is commonly the case, lumbago and gluteal fibrosis coexist.

  4. An aneurysm in the buttock may arise from the superior or from the inferior gluteal artery, but by the time it forms a salient swelling it is seldom possible to recognise by external examination in which vessel it takes origin.

  5. Gluteal fibrositis may be mistaken for sciatica.

  6. Three or four days after an intra-muscular injection there may be pain and stiffness in the gluteal region.

  7. Gluteal fibrositis usually follows exposure to wet, and affects the gluteal muscles, particularly the medius, and their aponeurotic coverings.

  8. This consists in introducing the drug by means of a hypodermic syringe into the substance of the gluteal muscles.

  9. Between the scapular and the gluteal shields lies the abdominal segment.

  10. The gluteal segment is laterally crossed by three ridges of skin.

  11. An erogenous source of the passive impulse for cruelty (masochism) is found in the painful irritation of the gluteal region which is familiar to all educators since the confessions of J.

  12. Neuralgic points could be demonstrated by the finger in lumbar and gluteal regions and above and below the iliac crests (corresponding with rami of first lumbar nerves).

  13. The left buttock was a little narrower than the right and the left gluteal fold was less marked.

  14. The posterior surfaces of both thighs as far as the gluteal folds were completely insensible to pain.

  15. If so, why did the wound of the gluteal region not produce corresponding disorders of feeling and sensation of an hysterical nature?

  16. The iliopsoas was also involved, as well as the gluteal and pelvic trochanteric muscles.

  17. There was retention, followed by incontinence, of urine and feces; and the situation was complicated by eschars in the gluteal and trochanteric region.

  18. From mediƦval times onwards there has been a tendency to treat the gluteal region with contempt, a tendency well marked in speech and custom among the lowest classes in Europe to-day, but not easily traceable in classic times.

  19. In complete fistula there may be more than one external opening, and this is in the majority of cases not far from the anus, but it may open in the perineum or upon any part of the gluteal region.

  20. In rare cases it passes through the sacro-sciatic foramen and forms a swelling in the buttock (sub-gluteal abscess); or it may pass through the obturator foramen and reach the adductor region of the thigh or even the perineum.

  21. The gluteal fold is shorter, deeper, and higher than on the healthy side, and on account of the obliquity of the pelvis the spine shows a lateral curvature, with its concavity to the affected side.

  22. Diminution or loss of the gluteal fold indicates flexion at the hip which might otherwise escape notice.

  23. As a rule all the muscles of the lower extremity are paralysed, except those supplied by the femoral (anterior crural), obturator, and superior gluteal nerves.

  24. By flexing the limb and making pressure from below upwards in the gluteal fold, the smooth, rounded prominence can usually be detected.

  25. The normal depression behind the great trochanter is lost, the gluteal fold is raised, and there is often a degree of lordosis which compensates for the flexion.

  26. Its highest point or tip can best be felt by pressing over the gluteal muscles from above downwards.

  27. The trochanter is displaced by the gluteal muscles, causing broadening of the lateral aspect of the hip.

  28. Had complete paralysis of right leg (of four weeks standing), with considerable atrophy of the entire leg as well as the gluteal region of the corresponding side.

  29. There was considerable gluteal atrophy on the affected side.

  30. At the autopsy it was found that the knife had passed through the gluteal muscles and divided part of the great sacrosciatic ligament.

  31. The gluteal muscles were lacerated and torn, the tendons about the trochanter divided, laying the bone bare, and the vastus externus and part of the rectus of the thigh were cut across.

  32. In the olden days there was a timorous legend representing Taliacotius making noses for his patients from the gluteal regions of other persons, which statement, needless to say, is not founded on fact.

  33. Matas has described a case in which the estrus larvae were found in the gluteal region.

  34. Eve records the case of a private in the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry who was shot in the right gluteal region, the bullet penetrating the bladder and making its exit through the pubis.

  35. A twelvemonth afterward he was in the General Hospital at Chichester, with a narrow sinus, which allowed a probe to pass deeply among the gluteal muscles.

  36. Extensive abscesses formed among the gluteal muscles on the left side, and down the left thigh; and though free incisions were made, great constitutional irritation supervened, and he sank.

  37. A, 5) are very small and the sacral large; the crest or supra-iliac border is formed by the union of the sacral and gluteal surfaces.

  38. In Man and the Anthropoid Apes the pelvis is very large and wide, and the ilium has much expanded iliac and gluteal surfaces.

  39. Perforating, with branches of gluteal and sciatic.

  40. Cases of spontaneous aneurism of the gluteal artery should be treated by ligature of the internal iliac.

  41. The gluteal is the largest branch of the internal iliac, and leaves the pelvis by the great sacro-sciatic notch just at the upper edge of the pyriformis muscle.

  42. A free incision in this line three or four inches in length--the nerve lies just below the the femoral aponeurosis, beneath the edge of gluteal fold, requiring no muscular fibres to be divided.

  43. In one case, at least, the gluteal artery has been tied with success (for traumatic aneurism) just where it leaves the pelvis, without the tumour being opened.

  44. The old operation, or ligature of the gluteal artery in the hip.

  45. Further experiments making injections into both the lumbar and the gluteal muscles, were made in this series.

  46. The data presented in these experiments show that the toxicity of caffein when injected into the muscles of the lumbar regions is the same as when injected into the gluteal muscles.

  47. No difference was observed in the toxicity of caffein whether administered into gluteal or into the lumbar muscles.

  48. In this series the caffein was injected into the gluteal muscles.

  49. New experiments were therefore carried out in which the same amounts of caffein in proportion to the weight of the animals were injected into the lumbar muscles as into the gluteal muscles.

  50. Two of the three which received injections into the gluteal muscles were found dead the next day; one recovered.

  51. According to their investigations adrenalin is more rapidly absorbed from the lumbar than from the gluteal muscles.

  52. The rate of absorption of caffein from the gluteal and from the lumbar muscles seems to be, therefore, the same, or not to differ very much.

  53. The injections were made into the lumbar or into the gluteal muscles.

  54. In many children, however, gentle scratching of the anal region or the buttocks, and also more powerful stimulation of the gluteal region, such as occurs in flagellation, are associated with sexual excitement.

  55. There are no grounds for such an assumption; but it is quite true that stimulation of the anal or gluteal region will very readily irradiate to the sphere of the genitals.

  56. Thus, in some individuals, stimulation of the anal and gluteal regions gives rise to voluptuous sensations.

  57. Wound of entrance, over gluteal prominence on a transverse line through the great trochanter.

  58. The location can be roughly estimated as the superficial gluteal region, external to the ramus of the ischium and near the aerior plane of the upper border of the acetabular cavity.

  59. Gunshot Wound of the Gluteal Region, with Lodgment of the Bullet Near the Ischium.

  60. Thus, not only must it be said that whipping, when applied to the gluteal region, has a direct influence in stimulating the sexual organs, but its general tonic influence must naturally extend to the sexual system.

  61. Always after that he desired to touch and pat his sister's gluteal regions.

  62. It is known that strong stimulation of the gluteal region may, especially under predisposing conditions, produce or heighten sexual excitement, by virtue of the fact that both regions are supplied by branches of the same nerve.

  63. The superior is formed by the gluteal muscles; the inferior corresponds to the tuberosity of the ischium.

  64. The anterior portion of the great gluteal flexes the thigh.

  65. Now that we have a knowledge of the disposition of the great gluteal muscle, the moment has come to inquire what is the signification of its posterior portion.

  66. It covers the rectus and vastus externus portions of the triceps cruris; it is also in relation with the gluteal muscles.

  67. In the ox, the two parts of the great gluteal muscle are blended together.

  68. The form of the superior border of the great gluteal muscle of this animal differs from that of the analogous portion in the horse.

  69. If we examine the gluteal region as a whole by looking at the thigh from the side, we plainly see the graceful curve produced by the general convexity above indicated.

  70. The anterior fasciculus of this long vastus is none other than the posterior portion of the great gluteal which we have just been studying.

  71. The great gluteal muscle, further designated in veterinary anatomy the superficial gluteal, is proportionately less developed in quadrupeds than in man.

  72. Of the posterior portion it is wholly different, for it is the homologue of a fleshy bundle annexed to the great gluteal of man, but which is not developed except as an abnormality.

  73. At this level its contour is distinguishable from that which corresponds to the gluteal muscles, so that we there find two prominences one above the other.

  74. The gluteal muscles, closely held together, form a firm support for the body without injuring any of the vital organs.

  75. Anna Galbraith, I found this sentence: "Sit upon the gluteal muscles, and not upon the perineum.

  76. If the abdomen is now held back and the gluteal muscles raised, the beautiful curves of the spine will be restored, the shoulders will be straightened, and the internal organs will have a chance to resume their natural position.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gluteal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.