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Example sentences for "hindereth"

Lexicographically close words:
hinder; hinderance; hinderances; hindered; hinderers; hindering; hindermost; hinders; hindleg; hindlegs
  1. Every one in his own house doth whatso he willeth and none hindereth him; but we drink one single day and ye assemble and come, panders that ye are!

  2. What is it that hindereth you from comprehending what hath been revealed unto you by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise?

  3. The Evil One is he that hindereth the rise and obstructeth the spiritual progress of the children of men.

  4. Lastly, Ye ask what to do, when promises are borne-in upon you, and sense of impenitency for sins of youth hindereth application.

  5. Here I die with wondering, that justice hindereth not love; for there are none in hell, nor out of hell, more unworthy of Christ's love.

  6. It hath this fair advantage, that no man's emptiness and want layeth an inhibition upon Christ, or hindereth His salvation; and that is far best for me.

  7. Persecution opposeth the gracious design of our Redeemer, and hindereth his gospel, and work of mercy to the world, and endeavoureth the ruin of his kingdom upon earth.

  8. Therefore it must not be used when it apparently hindereth a greater good.

  9. What hindereth thee from falling prostrate before that which I have created with both My hands?

  10. P: Naught hindereth Us from sending portents save that the folk of old denied them.

  11. This fault of pusillanimity and timorous mind hindereth a man also many times from doing many good things which, if he took a good stomach to him in the trust of God's help, he would be well able to do.

  12. For of itself it is, perdy, but a restraint of liberty, which hindereth a man from going whither he would.

  13. Sin drieth up all the sap and sweetness of the creature comforts,—it maketh the leaves of the tree wither, drives the sap away to the root, hindereth the influence of God’s blessing to come through the veins of worldly prosperity.

  14. And this I may say in general, even to the saints; any known sin given way to, and entertained without controlment, without wrestling against it, hindereth the acceptation of your solemn approaches.

  15. Nay," cried Barabbas, "but thou seest not that the Roman suffereth all false religions and hindereth them not; but he hateth the worship of the true God of Israel.

  16. If it is Myself that thou seekest, thou shalt be well content with whatsoever I shall ordain; but if any pursuit of thine own lieth hidden within thee, behold it is this which hindereth and weigheth thee down.

  17. Our own curiosity often hindereth us in the reading of holy writings, when we seek to understand and discuss, where we should pass simply on.

  18. Do thou according to the counsel of wise men, and lay aside anxiety and scruple, because it hindereth the grace of God and destroyeth devotion of mind.

  19. Often also too much carefulness or some anxiety or other touching confession hindereth from obtaining devotion.

  20. This it is which chiefly hindereth heavenly consolation, that thou too slowly betakest thyself unto prayer.

  21. But he who attributeth anything good to himself, hindereth the grace of God from coming to him, because the grace of the Holy Ghost ever seeketh the humble heart.

  22. Quoth the King to the man, "What hindereth thee from sowing thy land?

  23. And verily if we defer their punishment unto a determined season, they will say, What hindereth it from falling on us?

  24. God said unto him, O Eblis, what hindereth thee from worshipping that which I have created with my hands?

  25. Or hindereth men from paying their adorations to GOD in those sacred places.

  26. And nothing hindereth men from believing, when a direction is come unto them, except that they say, Hath GOD sent a man for his apostle?

  27. My soul is sailing through the sea, But the past is heavy and hindereth me.

  28. The huge waves wash, the high waves roll, Each barnacle clingeth and worketh dole And hindereth me from sailing.

  29. O Eblis," said God, "what hindereth thee from prostrating thyself before him whom my hands have made?

  30. And who committeth a greater wrong than he who hindereth God's name from being remembered in his temples, and who hasteth to ruin them?

  31. And what hindereth men from believing, when the guidance hath come to them, but that they say, "Hath God sent a man as an apostle?

  32. The last thing that hindereth prayer is, the form of it without the power.

  33. God's people, but that which greatly hindereth the growth of this grace in the soul (Isa 63:17).

  34. But he that is under such bondage as hindereth the needful helps of his soul, should be gone to a freer place, if lawfully he can.

  35. It hindereth the conviction and conversion of sinners, and hardeneth them in unbelief, by questioning or weakening the means that should convince and turn them.

  36. Thus also the case must be resolved whether an oath bind that hindereth a greater good which I might do if I had not taken it.

  37. When the magistrate forcibly hindereth them, natural impossibility resolveth the question about our duty.

  38. Such a reserve not to oblige himself hindereth not the obligation, but proveth him a perfidious hypocrite.

  39. Some may live where church tyranny hindereth them, by sinful impositions; as all that live among the papists.

  40. If the whole church be fallen into some little sin, which seduction yet hindereth them from repenting of, he were better confess it, and profess sorrow for it, in his own person, than in theirs that join not with him in it.

  41. And in such a case the defects which are utterly involuntary are none of yours imputatively at all, but his that hindereth you (unless as some other sin might cause that).

  42. Or at the most, the parent's silence is a confirmation, and his disowning it hindereth only the confirmation.

  43. So one of the eunuchs said to him, "O dog of the Arabs, what hindereth thy saluting the Commander of the Faithful?

  44. A low name is a thorn in the side, that hindereth the footman in his running; But a name of ancestral renown shall often put the racer to his speed.

  45. Quoth Daulat Khatun, "I have a mind to tell thee the first part of his history; but shame of thee hindereth me therefrom.

  46. The huge waves wash, the high waves roll, Each barnacle clingeth and worketh dole And hindereth me from sailing!

  47. My soul is sailing through the sea, But the Past is heavy and hindereth me.

  48. There is no question but that the past is heavy and hindereth every one.

  49. The huge waves wash, the high waves roll, Each barnacle clingeth and worketh dole, And hindereth me from sailing!

  50. A tempest hindereth not the work of a pilot, but the successe.

  51. Doth not that thing hurt a Pilot, which hindereth him from entring the Port?

  52. Therefore neither pouerty nor doulour, nor any other thing which turneth back the unskilfull, and driuest them headlong, hindereth them.

  53. It cannot be spared, nor left behind, but it hindereth the march; yea, and the care of it, sometimes loseth or disturbeth the victory.

  54. It greatly hindereth our love to God, when we overlook all the intermediate excellencies between him and us, which are much better, and therefore more amiable, than ourselves; such as are before recited.

  55. But it is a cheerful sobriety that God requireth, which neither pampereth the body, nor yet disableth or hindereth it from its duty; and not an unprofitable, wrangling scrupulosity.

  56. And the pride of these gallants maketh their ignorance much harder to be cured, than other men's; because it hindereth them from knowing and confessing it.

  57. What so much hindereth the conversion of sinners, as the love and cares of earthly things?

  58. In the abatement of such a troublesome thirst or pain, as hindereth you from doing your duty.

  59. The Temptations whereby the devil hindereth Men's Conversion; with the proper Remedies against them.

  60. Pride hindereth every means and duty from doing you good; and ofttimes corrupteth them, and turneth them into sin.

  61. It hindereth our comfortable access to God, when we are deterred by the glory of his infiniteness and majesty.

  62. It hindereth us in the duties of our callings: who can do them as they should be done, under the clog of a disquiet mind?

  63. It hindereth the soul's approach to God, when the infinite distance makes us think that God will not regard or take notice of such contemptible worms as we: we are ready to think that he is too high for our converse or delight.

  64. When it disturbeth reason, and hindereth our judging of things aright.

  65. So be not vexed with her and after a day or two she will return to herself and proceed to speak with the folk; but now, O King of the Age, shame hindereth her from speaking.

  66. Quoth he, "O my son, give me the lamp and lighten thyself; maybe it is that which hindereth thee.

  67. If he be bearded the mosquitoes sting him not, and naught hindereth them from me but my beard.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hindereth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.