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Example sentences for "hurdle"

Lexicographically close words:
huper; hupo; huppe; hur; hurdies; hurdles; hurdling; hurdy; hure; hurl
  1. But he was a stock horse first and a hurdle racer as an afterthought; and a good stock horse knows his rider's mind, if that rider is a good man.

  2. The next event was the Hurdle Race, and interest for the Linton party centred in the candidate described on the race-card as Mr. M.

  3. The doorway of the dining-room was found to be too narrow, and the hurdle was perforce left in the hall.

  4. They were carrying a hurdle from which Mr. Tapster quickly averted his eyes.

  5. They tried to get him along, but couldn't; so they chartered a hurdle and two men to carry him.

  6. Being assured that he would, the intending purchaser requested that a hurdle might be set up.

  7. Fletcher had run it back ten yards ere he was downed, and from there it had gone six yards further by one superb hurdle by the full-back.

  8. For his first offence the culprit was drawn upon a hurdle from Guildhall through the most populous and most dirty streets, with the defective loaf hanging from his neck.

  9. The use of the hurdle was discontinued in favour of the pillory in the reign of Edward II.

  10. Herding the new batch of prisoners into an enclosure like a sheep pen, adjacent to the mouth of the tunnel, he drew a hurdle across the entrance, and returned to superintend the last operations of the day.

  11. With ready resource they had cut down pliant branches from the surrounding trees, torn up saplings by the roots, and begun to construct a hurdle large enough to cover the opening.

  12. As she descended lightly in her heelless silk slippers upon Don Juan's back after the fourth hurdle had been passed, she swayed and only by a violent effort recovered herself.

  13. Once she had jumped too low and knocked against a hurdle instead of clearing it properly.

  14. Ranny replied with regret that it was more than three years since he had last run in the Wandsworth Hurdle Race.

  15. Since Saturday afternoon Ranny had remained more or less in a state of tension induced by the hurdle race, by the shock of seeing Violet Usher, and by the dinner at the "Golden Eagle.

  16. For all these persons there was but one event--the Hurdle Race.

  17. But at the barrier and from the Grand Stand there burst forth a more frantic uproar of applause as Ransome recovered himself and took his last hurdle at a stand.

  18. He was so fit that in June (just before stock-taking) he entered for the Wandsworth Athletic Sports, and won the silver cup against Fred Booty in the Hurdle Race.

  19. He hoped to win the silver cup for the Hurdle Race, against Fred Booty, as he had done last year.

  20. Ransome would no more have dreamed of cultivating an independent acquaintance with Maudie than he would of pocketing the silver cup that Booty won in last year's Hurdle Race.

  21. And you've won the silver cup for the Wandsworth Hurdle Race.

  22. Common humanity had mitigated this sentence to being drawn upon a hurdle or sledge, which preserved him from the horrors of being dragged over the stones.

  23. You should have seen me in a high hurdle race--me running along and jumping over the hurdles, with that contraption galloping along right behind me, clearing every hurdle I cleared.

  24. So much was evident, and the crowd awaited the hurdle race with the most eager expectancy.

  25. Ellis cleared the last hurdle and flashed past the tape.

  26. Scarcely, however, had Ellis cleared the first hurdle than Dick felt his enthusiasm return.

  27. A hurdle on which, formerly, traitors were drawn to the place of execution.

  28. A twig or flexible rod; hence, a hurdle made of such rods.

  29. In jumping a fence or hurdle do not leave your reins quite slack; hold them lightly but firmly, as your horse should jump against his bridle, but do not pull him.

  30. On my friend's yielding me the saddle, I mounted, and walked Patroclus up to the hurdle with a firm word of encouragement; and though he wavered, he took it on a standing jump.

  31. Leaping a school hurdle is not riding to hounds.

  32. My heart is set on beating him in that hurdle race, and Aunt Lucretia would have apoplexy if she lost that bet.

  33. They mounted the last hurdle together, and came into the back stretch for the last quarter of the mile.

  34. They went over the first hurdle like a pair, the field behind Nestor and Satan running neck and neck.

  35. I had ridden over early, leaving Satan to my Aunt's stable boy, who had already worked him out with a stiff gallop of two miles, and rubbed him down for the hurdle race and the high jump.

  36. We'll just have a hurdle race if you say so.

  37. I told Roswick this special high jump and hurdle would draw 'em.

  38. Item, two observant Freers drawn on a hurdle and both hanged and headed.

  39. Bocking, drawn on a hurdle and hanged and headed.

  40. Item, the Holy Maid of Kent was drawn on a hurdle to Tyburn and hanged and headed; and all the heads set upon London Brigge and on the gates of London.

  41. We are breaking from the tangle We are out upon the green, There's a bank and a hurdle With a quickset between.

  42. I held my lady's ice-cold hand, They bore the hurdle past her; Why should they go so soft and slow?

  43. A few seconds after I hear a heavy splash; but when, after jumping the hurdle into the course, I glance over my shoulder, the chestnut is still pounding away behind.

  44. Across the lower end of the bed of a brook which was nearly dried up, and in which there were only a few rivulets left running, they had fastened a hurdle of bamboo, and thrown up a shallow dam behind it.

  45. A bamboo hurdle placed at the bottom of the boat protects the traveller from the water and serves him as a couch.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hurdle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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