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Example sentences for "impudence"

Lexicographically close words:
improvized; imprudence; imprudent; imprudently; imps; impudent; impudently; impugn; impugned; impugning
  1. I have long had an extreme aversion to His Majesty's familiarity with him; but he shall hear his impudence himself from your own lips, my good little Englishwoman; and then he will not think it is prepossession or prejudice.

  2. What do you think he had the impudence to say to me, mother?

  3. I shall not be surprised at any impudence from the young reprobate.

  4. Modesty is but a noble jealousy of honour, and impudence the prostitution of it; for he whose face is proof against infamy must be as little sensible of glory.

  5. I confess that I can hardly speak calmly of them, for in parading here together as they did this evening, they have shown an impudence and a cruelty such as is rarely seen!

  6. What superb impudence it was on the part of that Donna Serafina to drag herself here, at her age, with that Morano of hers, so as to triumph over the return of the fickle one!

  7. Well, for cool native impudence and pure innate pride, you haven't your equal," said he.

  8. It's like your impudence to say so: I expected it of you; I heard it in your step as you crossed the threshold.

  9. Or would my Impudence be less Impudence in Verse than in Prose?

  10. It is easy to find the moment at which vanity is eager for sustenance, and all that impudence or servility can offer will be well received.

  11. With natural genius and acquired experience, Grouvelle unites impudence and immorality; and those on whom he fixes for his prey are, therefore, easily duped, and irremediably undone.

  12. Can he have the impudence to hope that I shall appoint him a tribune, a legislator, or a Senator in France, or that I shall give him a place in my Council of State?

  13. I saw the spite and impudence of this last remark, and so did Lorna, although she could not quite refrain from smiling.

  14. Where modesty's ill manners, 'tis but fit That impudence and malice pass for wit.

  15. Well, an illiterate man's my aversion; I wonder at the impudence of any illiterate man to offer to make love.

  16. He had the impudence to give his book the title of one of Solomon's treatises--a circumstance which does not say much for his modesty.

  17. The fellow had the impudence to ask me not to read, as he was very fond of talking, but henceforth he talked only to himself.

  18. During the remainder of the evening the "distinguished" Mr. Rivers looked about as crestfallen as a young lawyer possessed of a large stock of native impudence could well do.

  19. You have the impudence of Satan to face me after what you have done!

  20. He has to a very slight extent, but still perceptibly, encouraged a kind of charlatanism of utterance among those who possess his Irish impudence without his Irish virtue.

  21. Nietzsche imagined he was rebelling against ancient morality; as a matter of fact he was only rebelling against recent morality, against the half-baked impudence of the utilitarians and the materialists.

  22. The paralysing impudence of such remarks left everyone quite breathless; and even to this day this particular part of Shaw's satiric war has been far less followed up than it deserves.

  23. And yet she has the impudence to talk and act as if she owned the country.

  24. There is hardly a native born citizen among them, and yet they have the impudence to tell us Americans what kind of a government we shall have over us.

  25. The second lieutenant would be voted for next, and Tom Randolph, whose father had done so much for the company, had had the impudence to bring himself forward as a candidate.

  26. Self is the beginning of all hatred, of iniquity and slander, of impudence and indecency, of theft and robbery, of oppression and bloodshed.

  27. It was unnecessary to admit for a moment the existence of impudence or ruffianism.

  28. No, but why do you choose this time to tell me that my coming for help to you was nothing but impudence in your sight?

  29. You know it is true, and yet you have the impudence to stand here and deny it.

  30. Your boldness and impudence are refreshing after the craven spirits which have appeared before me in the past.

  31. You certainly have a great deal of impudence to speak in such a manner about my daughter," Weston retorted.

  32. As to recalling the Cardinal, "as they had the impudence to propose to his Majesty," the Duke most decidedly advised against the step.

  33. The council agreed to his opinion, and Pompey the Great (an example of incredible and unforeseen events) was slain, as the sophister himself had the impudence to boast, through the rhetoric and cleverness of Theodotus.

  34. Now a meanness that clothes itself in the Satanic to terrify cowards is the vilest form of impudence venturing at insolence; and an insolent impudence with Jew features, the Jew nose and lips, is past endurance repulsive.

  35. She could prattle deliciously, at times pointedly, relying on her intuition to tell her more than we get from books, and on her sweet impudence for a richer original strain.

  36. Willoughby cast at their backs with an impudence that reminded him of his friend Horace's calling for a book of the trains, when a minute afterward he admitted he was going to stay at the Hall another two days, or three.

  37. The impudence of that confession," exclaimed Prof.

  38. Frank Merriwell has had the impudence to call here to see me--as soon as this!

  39. You owe me three hundred pounds, you've owed it me for years, and you have the impudence to take this attitude with me, have you?

  40. The impudence the consummate impudence of it from this fraudulent old ruffian with one foot in bankruptcy and one foot in the grave, if not in the dock.

  41. This Abbe had the impudence to try to persuade even me that the marriage he had brought about was an excellent one.

  42. He had begun the same follies here, and was in the habit of entering the Princess's chamber at all times, and he even had the impudence to be jealous.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impudence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrogance; assurance; audacity; brass; bravado; cheek; confidence; contempt; daring; defiance; despite; discourtesy; disdain; disesteem; dishonor; disparagement; disregard; disrespect; effrontery; face; familiarity; flippancy; freedom; gall; hardihood; heroics; hubris; impertinence; improvidence; imprudence; impudence; indiscretion; insolence; irreverence; mouth; nerve; overconfidence; pertness; presumption; ridicule; rudeness; sauce; temerity