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Example sentences for "parasites"

Lexicographically close words:
parasang; parasangs; parasceve; paraschites; parasite; parasitic; parasitical; parasitically; parasitism; parasitized
  1. They are parasitic only in the sense that their work is done either for parasites or for the parasitical consumption of active capitalists.

  2. They are parasites on a parasite; and they defend the institution of private property with a ferocity which startles their principal, who is often in a speculative way quite revolutionary in his views.

  3. In other words, the whole machine runs on exactly as before, the vast elaborated machine by which toilers are exploited and parasites are fed.

  4. In this letter the unusual mortality of seven elephants in about fifteen days is attributed to the presence of this liver-fluke, the two other parasites (Amphistoma and Ascaris lonchoptera) being also present in the intestines.

  5. Six of these parasites were sexually united, the odd worm being a female.

  6. On some of the Parasites principally affecting Ruminants,” ‘Trans.

  7. The entozoa of the duplicidentate rodents (Leporidæ) acquire importance from the fact of their abundance and from the intimate relation which some of them bear to parasites infesting the dog and other animals.

  8. The osculant position of the anisodactyle pachyderms (Hyracidæ), formerly classed as rodents, renders it desirable that their parasites should be briefly noticed in this place.

  9. This absence of parasites in the male deer is noteworthy.

  10. From facts within my own knowledge I can confidently assert that parasites in general, and hydatids in particular, play a far more important part in the production of disease and death than is commonly supposed.

  11. Having been requested to identify the parasites I had the good fortune to recognise amongst them characteristic examples of Stephanurus dentatus.

  12. It was said to be even more destructive to the parasites than the bath of poke and tobacco juices.

  13. I wanted to see how the lambs would behave, and also how the parasites would enjoy it.

  14. They say that I love to have parasites about me.

  15. The thing to discover is what genus of parasites the grubs enclosed belong to.

  16. Not long ago, in winter, I took from the chrysalis of a great peacock moth four hundred and forty-nine parasites belonging to the same group.

  17. Probably, a number of pricks are administered, as the presence of thirty parasites seems to demand.

  18. Several other microscopic animals occur as parasites upon man, and some of them are so definitely associated with certain diseases as to lead to the belief that they are the cause of these diseases.

  19. Those which can live as parasites upon man are, of course, especially related to human disease, and are of particular interest to the physician, while those which live in animals are in a similar way of interest to veterinarians.

  20. These organisms are thus to be regarded as parasites of the red corpuscles.

  21. We have only to suppose that the pathogenic bacteria, when growing as parasites in man, produce such poisons, and we have at once an explanation of the method by which they give rise to disease.

  22. This small class of parasites are then decidedly our enemies.

  23. Again, we have still other parasites which are not thus confined, but which, as soon as they enter the body, produce a general infection, attacking the blood and perhaps nearly all tissues simultaneously.

  24. These poisons when inoculated into the bodies of animals give rise to much the same symptoms as the bacteria do themselves when growing as parasites in the animals.

  25. This power of resisting the activities of the parasites seems to be increased during the progress of the disease, and, if it becomes sufficient, it finally drives off the bacteria before they have produced death.

  26. Each of these parasites must be fought by special methods, and we must not expect that a method that is of value in one case must necessarily be of use elsewhere.

  27. More than one brood of parasites may be in the blood of the individual at the same time, one producing sporulation at one time and another at a different time.

  28. Associated with these relations are the specializations which parasites show in regard to the age of the host.

  29. They are all intercellular parasites living mostly on the leaves of higher plants.

  30. Many parasites can enter a seedling, but are unable to attack the same host when older--e.

  31. A second class of the egg animals consists of the Gregarines (Gregarinae), which live as parasites in the intestines and body-cavities of many animals.

  32. They live in the sea as parasites upon other fish, into whose skin they penetrate (Myxine, Bdellostoma).

  33. The parasites can fructify abundantly on these little stalks, and in consequence propagate themselves in the new season by the conidia coming from the vivacious mycelium.

  34. Of far greater interest are the Coniomycetous parasites on living plants.

  35. A] Cantharellus, again, is a woodland genus, many of the species loving to grow amongst grass or moss, and some as parasites on the latter.

  36. Kuchenmeister, "Animal and Vegetable Parasites of the Human Body.

  37. By establishing themselves as parasites on some species.

  38. It is impossible to estimate the number of these parasites that may exist in the human rectum.

  39. We have not the space to discuss the numerous theories which have been offered to account for the presence of these parasites in the human body.

  40. The presence of these parasites has given rise to morbid conditions of the system, followed by the most serious results.

  41. The parasites can only be detected with a microscope.

  42. The fish was passed aft for the inspection of Hugh and Jack; and Fannin called their especial attention to the presence on its back of three of the parasites of which they had been talking only a few moments ago.

  43. The line, however, between these two classes of fungi is not well defined, since some parasites live on both living and dead wood.

  44. The parasites are of first importance, for, since they kill many trees, they control to a large extent the supply of living timber.

  45. This is the beginning of the end for all the Jivro parasites of our race.

  46. The Schrees must have been carrying them as helpless parasites for too many centuries to realize they could do without them, for them to be so inept.

  47. Parasites and preferment-hunters crowded the levee of the new lord keeper.

  48. A murmur, approaching to a groan, from the younger or sillier part of the parasites (the mature and the sensible have no extra emotion to throw away), followed him as he disappeared.

  49. There are eight of them--the finest collection of parasites in the entire galaxy.

  50. Old Doc's library on parasites was too inadequate for more than diagnosis.

  51. These are both nothing more than parasites upon workingmen.

  52. At such times one wonders that many small species on which they are parasites do not become extinct by means of their pernicious habit.

  53. Fleas and other parasites are likely to bother the animals and they should have plenty of room so that they can change dens when the old habitations become infested with vermin.

  54. If the enclosure is too small, fleas, seed ticks, and other parasites are a great enemy to the animals.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parasites" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.