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Example sentences for "paresis"

Lexicographically close words:
parents; parentum; parer; parere; pares; paresseux; paretic; pareva; parfait; parfaite
  1. In this case the patient dies for want of nourishment; either in three or four weeks, of the inirritative fever; or without quick pulse, by what we have called paresis irritativa.

  2. If the abscess be very large, there may be paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve and perhaps also of the upper extremity.

  3. It would appear that in wet beriberi the heart is first weakened by paresis of the cardiac ganglia, with consequent incomplete emptying of its cavities.

  4. Sometimes to one or more of these symptoms is added more or less general paresis or complete paralysis.

  5. It is worthy of note that the appearance of paresis preceded the convulsions.

  6. Diminished sensation, paresis of the posterior extremities, hyperexcitability, convulsions, opisthotonos, dilation of the veins of the ear were observed.

  7. We failed to observe this phenomenon after the administration of large amounts of caffein to very young dogs, in which tonic and clonic convulsions alternating with paresis were observed.

  8. The man developed general paresis (softening of the brain) three years later and died about a year afterward.

  9. I told her no, but that in my opinion there was some danger of her husband developing general paresis or locomotor ataxia.

  10. Severe convulsive attacks also occur, without loss of consciousness, entailing actual paresis of the limbs.

  11. To draw a distinction between slight contracture of the latter and mild paresis of the former is a problem practically always insoluble.

  12. There are at this time a disinclination to stand or walk, a stooped posture or gait, occasionally a light icterus, a feeling of formication or paresis in the right leg, and lastly an increased resistance or a palpable tumor in the right ileum.

  13. Seeley of Ovid, New York, related to Morton a case of paraplegia with rectal paresis and dysenteric symptoms from malarial poisoning in a married lady aged thirty years.

  14. Various paraesthesiae, formication, numbness, pain, and veritable paresis are experienced in the right leg.

  15. These were nystagmus, paresis of facial muscles, laryngeal spasms, etc.

  16. The hyperaemia of inflammation is attended with dilatation and paresis of the vessel-walls and retardation of the circulation.

  17. There are also in many diseases of the cord disturbances of evacuation caused by paresis or paralysis of the sphincter ani.

  18. We have no positive knowledge as to the occurrence of paresis of the stomach in consequence of organic or functional changes {591} in the peripheral or central nervous system.

  19. Paresis of the rectum has been noticed as a result of chronic congestions of the heart and in hepatic disease.

  20. The gastro-intestinal irritation, by depressing the functions of the hepatic through the solar plexus, induces a paresis of the muscular layer of the portal system, and thus congestion ensues.

  21. The inability to swallow is not due to swelling of the tissues, but to actual paresis of the muscles, probably from interstitial infiltration, but perhaps from implication of their substance.

  22. This paresis of the legs was combined with complete anesthesia and analgesia.

  23. A band of hyperalgesia corresponded with the left eleventh and twelfth thoracic segments November 12, slight reflex disorders and some degree of paresis of the legs.

  24. There was also paresis of the left upper lid, which ceased when the right eye was closed.

  25. There still persisted a difficulty in remembering facts since the shock and there was still a functional paresis of the legs.

  26. In the presence of this hemispasm, it is remarkable that there should have been no anesthesia or analgesia of the face, cheek, or tongue; and moreover the paresis of the right mouth and tongue was far less marked than the contracture.

  27. There was a marked tendency to Rombergism; dermatographia marked; the skull and especially the lumbar spine was painful on tapping; hyperesthesia of the lumbar skin; paresis of left hand and left foot.

  28. At first, right-sided ankle-clonus and paresis of leg.

  29. Re syphilis and general paresis of military officers, as in Cases 1 and 2, Russo-Japanese experience was already at hand.

  30. Shortly after the explosion, the patient came to his senses again, but a surprising paresis of the eye muscles had developed.

  31. According to Sollier, the accommodative paresis is like that in post-diphtheritic paralysis--a disease due to cerebral cortex intoxication.

  32. There was a paresis demonstrable in dorsal decubitus, of the left side, especially of the leg, without atrophy.

  33. At the same time, Bonhoeffer does not find that the incubation period in paresis can be shortened by war factors; at all events, by the exhaustion factor in war (see Case 25).

  34. Early in the war, Boucherot at Fleury received four cases of paresis among 107 cases; the majority of these, however, had not left the interior.

  35. In this case of general paresis there is, besides the syphilis, also alcoholism to consider, so that it is not entirely plain that the exertions of campaign liberated the paresis.

  36. Thus sufferers from incipient paresis seem particularly prone to commit assaults and larceny; epileptics, crimes of brutality and violence.

  37. The frequency of paresis may be realized when one learns that in some regions it is responsible for about one-fifth of all cases of insanity sent to hospitals for the insane.

  38. But here, it is clear, the patient has done the damage before he reached the hospital, nor was it paresis as such that did the harm but the syphilitic infection of which paresis itself was but the outcome.

  39. Statistics show that in the state of New York more deaths result annually from paresis than from smallpox, tetanus, malaria, dysentery and rabies all combined.

  40. General paresis or softening of the brain is probably invariably preceded by syphilis.

  41. The great danger of the cerebro-spinal type is that it will result in paresis or locomotor ataxia.

  42. In convergent squint with congenital paresis of the abducens, not much can be attained without shortening the abducens.

  43. The binocular near point (if we may employ this expression in the absence of normal binocular fusion) was considerably removed without the existence of paresis of the accommodation, despite the over-correction of the hypermetropia.

  44. Hence it is that paresis and locomotor ataxia are comparatively quite common among actors, brokers, and financiers.

  45. Paresis is what is sometimes called softening of the brain, and it attacks by preference men under thirty-five.

  46. It is not impossible that paresis should develop in the Superior of a religious community.

  47. A favourite method of testing the speech of a person suspected of beginning paresis is to ask for the pronunciation of a word like Constantinople.

  48. The sudden cure of advanced paresis would be as much a miracle as the sudden replacing of a lost femur.

  49. Indeed this affection and paresis are sometimes spoken of as parasyphilitic affections.

  50. Another nervous disease, corresponding in some of its features to paresis and indeed sometimes spoken of as a spinal form of paresis, is locomotor ataxia.

  51. Syphilis that affects the nervous system as in tabes and paresis is an incurable syphilis, and there is no means whereby any physician, no matter how skilful he may be, can tell whether or not a given patient has such an infection.

  52. Paresis is softening of the brain, with insanity and death.

  53. These and other facts strongly indicate that the form of syphilis which ends in tabes or paresis remains infectious over a much longer time than ordinary syphilis does.

  54. My diagnosis was paresis of the muscularis of the intestine.

  55. There were almost complete anæsthesia and great paresis of the bladder.

  56. We are coming, more and more, to apply the principles of preventive medicine and this is as important in paresis as in anything else.

  57. The patient can always be given the advantage of this doubt then and the awful word incurable or even the diagnosis paresis need not be mentioned to him.

  58. One of the symptoms which neurotic patients are sure must be a preliminary sign of paresis is a disturbance of memory.

  59. With a persuasion like this haunting him night and day, exhausting nervous energy and making his central nervous system less and less resistive, it would be almost a miracle if paresis did not develop.

  60. In this way much of the depression that constitutes so large a part of the really sane period of the early stage of paresis and which inevitably hastens the course of the disease may be avoided.

  61. Patients have heard that paresis causes memory disturbances and fearing the development of the disease, they disturb themselves very much by finding real or supposed defects of memory.

  62. Patients who are worrying about paresis and its possible development will almost surely disturb their power over their muscles and cause at least a slight tremor or swaying.

  63. There are forms of paranoia in the middle-aged which sometimes exhibit symptoms so strongly simulant of paresis as to deceive even the expert.

  64. Sometimes it is the first {477} symptom of paresis or of locomotor ataxia.

  65. It is beyond all question, then, for the good of the patient suspected of paresis that his physician should give him the benefit of every doubt.

  66. General Paresis in which gross brain lesions were not observed at autopsy, and upon investigation 13 other cases were found to be, for various reasons, improperly classified.

  67. A genetic hint from general paresis (frontal site of lesions in cases with autopsychic trend.

  68. A Comparison of the Mental Symptoms Found in Cases of General Paresis with and without Coarse Brain Atrophy.

  69. But in both papers dealing with paresis [2,4] we rest under the suspicion that the delusions are possibly of cerebral manufacture.

  70. Acute miliary tuberculosis may produce the impression of a general paresis or of an amentia in Meynert's sense.

  71. In dementia, the causes of insanity tend to exhaust the body and to mental failure, while in general Paresis "the shock of disease comes after long and unwise contact with worry, wine and women.

  72. Elbert Hubbard says of those who live at a certain hotel and waste their substance there, that they are apt "to have gout at one end, general paresis at the other, and Bright's disease in the middle.

  73. Incomparably small, on the other hand, is the aid which psychotherapy can offer in cases of real destructions in the brain, as in the case of tumors, hemorrhage, paresis or the degeneration by senility.

  74. Next morning he was much improved, the paresis gradually wore off, and the pulse steadily gained strength.

  75. In most cases, however, the paresis is succeeded by complete paralysis, and the animal appears as though suffering from curare.

  76. If the dose be not too strong, this condition of paresis lasts for several hours, and then disappears.

  77. He was kept under observation: the paresis and insensibility were very marked.

  78. Indeed, it was long ago observed that the swallowing of alcohol until symptoms of drunkenness appear retards or diminishes the phenomena of torpor and paresis that precede the ultimate phase of the intoxication.

  79. Terminating his connection with Paresis Hall, he lived a life of leisure between Chick Tricker's Park Row "store" and Nigger Mike's at Number Twelve Pell.

  80. At one time Ellison challenged fortune as part proprietor of Paresis Hall, which sink of sin, as though for contrast, had been established within the very shadow of Cooper Union.

  81. To this paresis of the cords is united a paresis of certain muscles of the larynx; to which is added, in serious cases, a swelling of the aryepiglottic ligament.

  82. Another symptom denoting paresis of the cranial nerve-centres is a marked change in the expression of the face.

  83. She passes a good night, but on Monday morning symptoms denoting paresis of the respiratory and glosso-pharyngeal centres make their appearance, almost identical with those described by Indian writers as following cobra-bite.

  84. The wings are usually first attacked, or paresis comes on in wings and legs at the same time.

  85. Paresis of this centre does not play as important a part here as it does in India, more especially after cobra-bite.

  86. The heart in vaso-motor paresis and paralysis is weakened in the first instance by the direct action of the poison on the medulla oblongata and the intracardiac ganglia.

  87. This truly pathognomic condition is never absent, and becomes intense when paresis becomes intensified into paralysis.

  88. It is evident that in the highest of psycho-motor centres, the organs of thought and of consciousness, the paresis of the lower centres assumes the form of sleep, and paralysis that of coma.

  89. There can be no doubt that it is produced by vaso-motor paresis and paralysis.

  90. As there is always more or less paresis and dilatation of the large veins of the splanchnic system, a tight bandage about the abdomen is of great advantage in raising the blood pressure to the safety mark.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paresis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.