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Example sentences for "posy"

Lexicographically close words:
postured; postures; posturing; postwar; posuit; pot; potable; potash; potass; potassa
  1. When the major had been there about twenty minutes he was preparing to take his leave,--but Mr Harding, bidding Posy to go out of the room, told his grandson that he had a word to say to him.

  2. When Posy is a great girl she can go to the cathedral every day.

  3. Posy was with him when Mrs Grantly went up into his room, holding for him his hat and stick while he was engaged in brushing a suspicion of dust from his black gaiters.

  4. So Posy scrambled off the bed, and the doctor was ushered into the room.

  5. Henry Grantly found his grandfather in bed, with Posy seated on the bed beside him.

  6. And then he sat with Miss Posy quite happy for an hour or so.

  7. And Posy shall come back when he has gone," said Mrs Arabin.

  8. Only then, perhaps, Posy won't want to go.

  9. He took a morsel of early lamb to his dinner yesterday, and relished it ever so well,--only he gave Miss Posy the best part of it.

  10. Posy will do me more good than Dr Filgrave I am quite sure;--but Posy shall go now.

  11. I think, if you please, Mrs Baxter, you shall leave me for little time, and take Miss Posy with you.

  12. When it had been proposed to him to pass the winter and spring at Plumstead, the suggestion had been made alluring by a promise that Posy also should be taken to Mrs Grantly's house.

  13. Then Posy went away, and her eyes never beheld the old man again.

  14. But he, as we have seen, had remained at the deanery, and Posy had remained with him.

  15. This time I have to bring her in an hour a posy of the rarest flowers, and where am I to find them?

  16. Bidding her ladies bring her the posy of jewelled flowers which had been given her at the palace, she took each flower in her hand and called it by name, and, in turn, each fairy appeared before her.

  17. I have a craving just now,' said the Witch, 'for a posy of rare flowers.

  18. The Witch has demanded a posy of the most beautiful flowers.

  19. Then the Lack-tact of Cairo would pull the door open, and go in to him carrying a posy of perfumed herbs, and would say, "Thy favour!

  20. Every posy of the May, Every bloomy stem, Every bud that breaks to-day Gather now for them.

  21. Fill them full of blossoms rosy, Violets and gay Cowslips, every pretty posy Welcoming the May.

  22. III To-day I have not got One spray of meadow-sweet, Nor blue forget-me-not My posy to complete.

  23. On these occasions he would fail to observe it even if Walter's hands contained a posy of wild-flowers as big as his head.

  24. But she looked like that posy after the frost has withered it, and with the cold moonlight layin' on it.

  25. And our niece Cicely was prettier and purer and sweeter than any posy that ever grew: so we thought then, and so we think still.

  26. But she wus sweet and gentle as ever the posy wus we had named her after.

  27. Some of the younger women pulled her hither and thither and kissed her, and one pinned a posy on her shoulder.

  28. And she said her name was--a posy of some sort; I forget.

  29. To the legacies of remembrances you have had handed down to you, I add this little story of a long ago time, a posy culled from quaint gardens.

  30. Bea came up stairs in a little while, with a lovely color in her cheeks, and looking very bewitching indeed, with her soft bright eyes, a posy in her belt, and a merry smile on her lips.

  31. Put this little posy in your hair and go on.

  32. Therein found I Mistress Anne, hanging in a thoughtful Posture, over a Posy of rare Flowers on the Table.

  33. Didn't you think it very strange of me, that day, when I gave you the posy out of the hedge?

  34. The posy she had given him stood in water at his bedside, every hour of the day seemed wasted that was not spent with this blue-eyed girl, and he never gave Waif a thought for more than a moment at a time.

  35. Nettled at her negligence, Mr. Aeneas was on the point of retiring into his shop, when he saw Lord George Hell hastening up the street, with a posy of wild flowers in his hand.

  36. Surely the flowers are good, and did you not gather this posy for me?

  37. From his breast he took the posy of wild flowers that he had gathered.

  38. And he picked a posy of wild flowers for her.

  39. And she kissed the posy and put it at her breast.

  40. In the centre there was placed a quaintly shaped jar of old brown lustre which held a full tall bunch of golden-rod and deep wine-coloured dahlias,--a posy expressing autumn with a greater sense of gain than loss.

  41. When they was rescued from the Posy Lass, her decks awash and her slowly breakin' up, there warn't nothing could be done for the feller that had lost his mind.

  42. Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring?

  43. It is too large a posy to carry, so I will beg you to accept them.

  44. A great wave of desolation had swept over her as she heard the cart rumble off, and took up her posy of gillyflowers and her small basket as she obeyed Mrs Lambert's summons to the parlour.

  45. It sounded like a sacred oath rather than the posy of a love-gift: 'For Marjorie Kennedy and the honour of Culzean!

  46. And though I saw it not, I am as certain as if I had seen the crest and posy upon it that the ring was his own, one which he had given her in some past day when they had far other hopes than to part in this fashion on her wedding morning.

  47. Well, the shet-up posy was dreadful worked up.

  48. Well, ’twas one o’ that kind o’ posy I was goin’ to tell you about.

  49. The shet-up posy never knowed what he done to her.

  50. In this posy of old inns, whose sweet savour reconciles the traveller to many hateful modern portents, mention must be made of the "George" at Odiham.

  51. One of the finest in this posy of old inns is the "Luttrell Arms," away down in Somersetshire, in the picturesque village of Dunster, on the shores of the Severn Sea.

  52. Rosy Posy was carried away by the nurse, but the three other children started for the billiard room.

  53. And Rosy Posy has one, too," said Marjorie.

  54. As Mrs. Maynard had seen most of the buildings before, she only cared to visit the newest ones, and so she and Rosy Posy spent most of the time wandering about the grounds or sitting on the benches beneath the Elms.

  55. She picked up Rosy Posy in her arms, and the little one smiled and patted her cheek, for Mrs. Bryant had a taking way with children, and they always loved her.

  56. Rosy Posy was a May Maid of Honor, and Mrs. Maynard was persuaded to accept the role of Queen Dowager of May.

  57. So Rosy Posy toddled ahead, followed by Mrs. Maynard, who carried a wand of flowers with gracious effect.

  58. But, impressed by their surroundings, the children were not very merry, and Marjorie sat decorously on the back seat with Rosy Posy beside her, while King and Kitty sat facing them.

  59. Mr. Maynard, as he balanced Rosy Posy on his knee; "you tell me, Baby.

  60. So Mrs. Maynard and Rosy Posy were deposited on their own doorstep, and the big red car flew across the street to give Delight an exhibition of its glories.

  61. Pompton took Rosy Posy in his arms, and the others following, they went into the big tent and were ushered to their places.

  62. Kitty and Dorothy wore light green dresses trimmed with pink paper roses, and were very pretty little princesses; while Rosy Posy as Maid of Honor wore one of her own little white frocks, tied up lavishly with blue ribbons.

  63. Rosy Posy as usual, looked the pink of perfection, for the child had a knack of keeping herself dainty and fresh even in difficult circumstances.

  64. Lucky we didn't have Rosy Posy with us," said King, picking up his smallest sister, and tossing her up in the air.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "posy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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