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Example sentences for "proletarian"

Lexicographically close words:
prolate; prole; prolegs; proles; proletaire; proletarians; proletariat; proletariate; proliferated; proliferating
  1. The proletarian party appears as an appendage to the small traders' or democratic party; it is betrayed by the latter and allowed to fall on April 16, May 15, and in the June days.

  2. The strength of the proletarian party was on the streets; that of the small traders' class was in the National Assembly itself.

  3. There are no classes in the Proletarian Paradise.

  4. Evidently, the lower caste of the Proletarian Paradise was well on the way to its own version of bread and circuses.

  5. And you admit that your precious Party, the ruling organ of this Proletarian Paradise of yours, actually orders what amounts of assassination?

  6. Unhappily, due to the fact that the Proletarian Paradise is surrounded by potential enemies, we have not as yet established this formula.

  7. The fame of Joseph Mauser has penetrated to the Proletarian Paradise," he said, his voice conveying sincerity.

  8. However, briefly, some of the more recent additions to the Sov-world, particularly in the more backward areas of southern Asia, have not quite adjusted to the glories of the Proletarian Paradise.

  9. So when the Council came together it was distinctly rather parliamentarian than proletarian in its character.

  10. In the United States the tendency is steadily towards a very dangerous reactionism, with a corresponding strengthening of the radical element which aims at revolution, and that impossible thing, a proletarian dictatorship.

  11. Labour is not more culpable than capital, nor the proletarian than the industrial magnate and the financier, nor the nominal secularist than the nominal religionist.

  12. The first tasks in this direction are speedy peace, genuine proletarian domination, reshaping of economic life from the pseudo-socialism of the war to the real socialism of peace.

  13. The program declared a new proletarian battling organization necessary, and continued: "The proletarian revolution has created such an organization in the Soviet system.

  14. Bewaffnung des Volkes; "people" used as a synonym for the proletarian section of it.

  15. In all capitalistic lands the Soviet system is growing out of the same economic conditions and becoming the bearer of the proletarian world-revolution.

  16. An appeal not to shoot one's "proletarian brother" is, in the nature of things, an appeal which strikes home to these people.

  17. To deny this were portentuous, even for the proletarian communist movement of Eastern Asia.

  18. In the lecture in which he criticized the inadequacies of democracy as applied in the West, Sun Yat-sen made an interesting comment on the proletarian dictatorship which had recently been established in Russia.

  19. Russian serfs and military slaves and wage slaves and Negroes are finding an accord, and here we have the foundation for a grand proletarian revolutionary movement throughout the world.

  20. The Soviets are the organization of the proletarian revolution, and have purpose either as an organ of the struggle for power or as the apparatus of power of the working class.

  21. On the contrary, Max Adler, the trade union lawyer and legal adviser of the social revolution, sees in the concentration of powers even an advantage, which allows the direct expression of the proletarian will.

  22. Under the cloak of "humanitarian instincts" Kautsky only hides the enemy of the proletarian revolution.

  23. Our party has never refused to lead the way for proletarian dictatorship through the gates of democracy, having clearly summed up in its mind certain agitational and political advantages of such a "legalized" transition to the new regime.

  24. The continuous "independence" of the trade union movement, in the period of the proletarian revolution, is just as much an impossibility as the policy of coalition.

  25. It is the fate of Kautskianism to try to help the proletarian revolution when it is in satisfactory circumstances, and to raise all kinds of obstacles in its way when it is particularly in need of help.

  26. All questions of the proletarian State Marx decides according to the revolutionary dynamics of living forces, and not according to the play of shadows upon the market-place screen of parliamentarism.

  27. Trotsky's book is one of the most effective weapons in the literary arsenal of the revolutionary proletariat in its fight against the social traitors for leadership of the proletarian masses.

  28. In his fall, this "successor of Marx" has reached a stage at which his sole serious political programme consists in speculations on the collapse of the proletarian dictatorship.

  29. The question in its ultimate form is merely scholastic, for not even the most extreme determinist would hold that only the economic argument must be relied upon by the orators and the press of the proletarian movement.

  30. But such religious movements are in no sense representative of the working-class movement; in fact they are resented and antagonized by the regular proletarian movement which proceeds under the leadership of the Socialists.

  31. The proletarian movement, unlike that of the bourgeois, has produced no definite religious school, it has not claimed any particular set of religious doctrines as its own.

  32. It is evident that this is not entirely true, for in the English-speaking countries, at all events, not only the bourgeois but frequently also the proletarian movements attempt to justify themselves from Scripture.

  33. The only religions which evidently persist are the dogmatic, those appealing undisguisedly to faith, and even these do not maintain their proletarian following.

  34. We, more happy than our proletarian brothers, are at least certain, if we succumb, of not leaving our families resourceless.

  35. Christ, the proletarian of Nazareth said, The chains of the slaves will be broken; all men shall be united in one fraternal equality; the poor, the widows and the orphans shall be succored.

  36. One of the factors promoting the development of productive forces is "proletarian violence.

  37. The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner.

  38. The immediate aim of the Communist is the same as that of all the other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat.

  39. They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.

  40. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interests of the immense majority.

  41. The practice of developed capitalism about the middle of the 19th century directly challenged proletarian thinkers to criticise Kant's doctrine of practical reason.

  42. In conclusion I call your attention to the eminently proletarian character of the science of truth.

  43. Natural science has its own monism which is distinguished from philosophical proletarian monism in that it does not appreciate the historical outcome of philosophical research.

  44. Proletarian philosophy, in solving the riddle of the human mind, gives us the assurance that there are no insoluble riddles before us.

  45. The thought on which the proletarian demands are based, the idea of the equality of all human beings, this ultimate proletarian idea, if I may say so, is fully backed up by the deeper insight into the tortuous problem of logic.

  46. Dietzgen's work demonstrates that the proletariat has a mighty weapon not only in proletarian economics, but also in proletarian philosophy.

  47. Platonic logic lacked what is taught by our present, or if you prefer, future proletarian logic, viz.

  48. Therefore, the idealist philosophical systems from Kant to Hegel which consist chiefly in the development of the dialectic method, must be regarded as the indispensable pioneers and precursors of Dietzgen's proletarian philosophy.

  49. Proletarian logic teaches not only the equality of all human beings, but universal equality.

  50. The enlightening effect of this proletarian philosophy consists furthermore in its opposition to all superstition and its demonstration of the senselessness of all idol worship.

  51. Before concluding, let me say a word about my aim of speaking especially of democratic-proletarian logic.

  52. You cannot possibly comprehend the proletarian civilization of the future.

  53. He did not do it, however, but went down the steps with Van Lieverlee without having enrolled in the proletarian class.

  54. It is to be evolved from the proletarian class to which we belong, and with which your young friend wishes to connect himself, as I perceive with pleasure.

  55. October 22nd became the reviewing day for the forces of the proletarian army.

  56. The sight of these young armed workmen by the camp fires in the snow was the best symbol of the proletarian revolution.

  57. All that was necessary, they thought, was to send an agitator to the Cossacks, who would lay down their arms the moment the object of the proletarian revolution was explained to them.

  58. German militarism, openly and before the whole world, assumed the role of executioner of the peasant and proletarian revolution in Russia.

  59. The Pulkovsky division, by their brilliant charge, is strengthening the cause of the proletarian and peasant revolution.

  60. The soldiers, sailors and workingmen of Petrograd have shown that they can and will, gun in hand, affirm the will and power of proletarian democracy.

  61. The imperialistic ring that is pressing around us will lie burst asunder by the proletarian revolution.

  62. All the more so, since the revolution had awakened the hitherto dormant and backward proletarian masses, thus making uninformed intellectual radicalism into a preparatory school for them.

  63. So that two districts which include great cities with large proletarian populations, produced one-fourth of the total amount of crime, though their population is far from forming one-fourth of the whole.

  64. But far more demoralising than his poverty in its influence upon the English working-man is the insecurity of his position, the necessity of living upon wages from hand to mouth, that in short which makes a proletarian of him.

  65. But the proletarian must depend upon himself alone, and is yet prevented from so applying his abilities as to be able to rely upon them.

  66. The proletarian is, therefore, in law and in fact, the slave of the bourgeoisie, which can decree his life or death.

  67. Everything that the proletarian can do to improve his position is but a drop in the ocean compared with the floods of varying chances to which he is exposed, over which he has not the slightest control.

  68. The proletarian produces the goods which the bourgeois sells with advantage.

  69. The small masters of Birmingham, though they suffer from the crises, still stand upon an unhappy middle ground between proletarian Chartism and shopkeepers' Radicalism.

  70. The proletarian is helpless; left to himself, he cannot live a single day.

  71. What inducement has the proletarian not to steal!

  72. I have used the illustration of soap and hot water; one can imagine he is actually watching the scrubbing process, seeing the proletarian Founder emerging all new and respectable under the brush of this capitalist professor.

  73. With only one qualification to be noted: that the Church has never been able to suppress entirely the memory of her proletarian Founder.

  74. Let us realize at the outset that they do their preaching in the name of a proletarian rebel, who was crucified as a common criminal because, as they said, "He stirreth up the people.

  75. In this same way their ministers of religion are occupied to scrub and clean and dress up their disreputable Founder--to turn him from a proletarian rebel into a stained-glass-window divinity.

  76. And for two or three centuries his church followed in his footsteps, cherishing his proletarian gospel.

  77. So in the Catholic Church there are proletarian rebellions; there is many a priest who does not carry out the political orders of his superiors, but goes to the polls and votes for his class instead of for his pope.

  78. It serves for the proletarian class, of course, and for a very large part of the middle class.

  79. But mere poverty of income, companionship in misery, the sharing of an equally poor existence, does not suffice to place the farmer in the proletarian class, as many Socialist writers have shown.

  80. If it fails in this, its owner falls back to the proletarian level from which, in most instances, he arose.

  81. Many of the proletarian freemen had fled to the districts of the barbarians, and feared nothing so much as a return to Roman rule.

  82. The colossal influence of the Russian revolution manifests itself in killing party routine, in destroying Socialist conservatism, in making a clean contest of proletarian forces against capitalist reaction a question of the day.

  83. It was compelled to do so under the pressure of revolutionary proletarian masses.

  84. We ought to do all in our power to draw the attention and gain the sympathy of the poor non-proletarian city population.

  85. Two features of proletarian politics are bound particularly to meet with the opposition of labor's allies: Collectivism and Internationalism.

  86. The growth of proletarian class consciousness makes class struggles undergo a transformation; it deepens them; it puts a foundation of principle under them, thus provoking a corresponding reaction on the part of the governing classes.

  87. At which point the proletariat will be stopped on its march in this direction, depends upon the constellation of forces, not upon the original purpose of the proletarian Party.

  88. There is no doubt, however, that the Soviet represented the interests of all these proletarian masses.

  89. Politically, it would be a great blunder on the part of the labor government as it would make the masses of peasants hostile to the proletarian leadership of the revolution.

  90. The only ally of the urban proletariat may be the proletarian and half-proletarian strata of the village.

  91. One shock, and the proletarian crater will begin to erupt torrents of revolutionary lava.

  92. We cannot imagine a proletarian government expropriating large private estates with agricultural production on a large scale, cutting them into pieces and selling them to small owners.

  93. A proletarian government must necessarily take decisive steps to solve the problem of unemployment.

  94. Now we have yet to see the man who, having any practical experience of Proletarian Democracy, has any belief in its capacity for solving great political problems, or even for doing ordinary parochial work intelligently and economically.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proletarian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.