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Example sentences for "starter"

Lexicographically close words:
starshine; starship; starships; start; started; starters; starting; startings; startit; startle
  1. The starter worked, and she got into action as slick as a whistle, Dan said.

  2. In a moment the self-starter sputtered, and then the car wheels began to roll.

  3. The next moment the starter dropped the flag.

  4. That starter never was any good; talk about his startin' a race, why!

  5. The horses were soon lined up for the start, and after three or four attempts, the starter caught them well in motion, dropped the flag, and the race was "off.

  6. We want somebody to act as starter for the races this afternoon, Mr. Upton,” said Scarborough.

  7. But he’s so overanxious and eager always—and he’s apt to get away without realizing—without the starter realizing.

  8. She knew that it would not be possible to make a change in the starter plate.

  9. At last came the moment when the starter plate was fitted into place on the cylinder.

  10. One-quart glass fruit jars or milk bottles make very satisfactory containers, because the condition of the starter may be seen at any time.

  11. Few Brick cheese-makers use an acid test or a starter but these precautions would improve the product of many factories.

  12. If a cheese-maker knows that there is "gassy" fermentation, he should add more starter and develop more acid when ripening the milk to try to overcome this.

  13. If an even incubating temperature can be maintained, it will require less mother starter than if the temperature goes down.

  14. This starter should be examined carefully as to physical properties, odor and taste.

  15. This starter may have an objectionable flavor, due to the media in which the organisms were growing when shipped.

  16. This may be added in very small quantities and the acidity secured by closely watching its development or by adding starter in amount sufficient to obtain the required acidity at once.

  17. Such curdling requires at least twelve to twenty-four hours, frequently much longer unless abundant starter is introduced.

  18. After the milk is in the container in which the starter is made, it should be kept covered as continuously as possible.

  19. In Milk | of milk when received } | | when starter added.

  20. The maker must remember that a starter is not merely milk, but milk full of a multitude of tiny plants, very sensitive to food, temperature, clean surroundings and the quantity of their own acid.

  21. This reduces the amount of mother starter necessary.

  22. Generally, the more starter added, the more rapid will be the coagulation and the better will be the flavor of the cheese.

  23. To insure the development of a clean acid flavor, a small amount of lactic starter should be used.

  24. By this method, if the milk selected for the large starter is poor, the mother starter for the next day will be the same.

  25. I threw in the self-starter on the old brain, but there was nothin' doin'.

  26. The motor is prob'ly all cold now and the starter may gimme an argument.

  27. Leaping to his feet he fired, and the bartender, bung-starter in hand, sprawled on top of his employer.

  28. So they had the starter with them at all events; and, they started.

  29. Also, that silver stud depresses the corresponding stud in the female plug, which turns on the gas flow before it makes the connection with the starter battery.

  30. That's the electrical connection for the starter battery.

  31. Dawson shouted at him as he jabbed the starter buttons.

  32. In what was little more than the continuation of a single movement he whipped up the ignition switch, snapped on the booster magneto, and punched the starter button as he rammed the throttle open.

  33. The starter warned them that time was up and that he'd start them the next time they came down if he had the ghost of a chance.

  34. I know my business," said the starter hotly.

  35. Gear shifter lever must be in neutral position, and clutch foot pedal in forward engaged position, before using foot starter crank.

  36. Starter should operate without binding, and return spring should bring starter crank to its disengaged position when foot pressure is removed.

  37. In extremely cold weather, resistance to the starter crank is increased by “stiff” oil in engine and transmission.

  38. Remove circuit breaker cover, operate engine with starter pedal, and observe opening and closing of circuit breaker points.

  39. Straddle motorcycle, place right foot on starter crank, and shift weight of body for forceful downward crank operation to start engine.

  40. Prime cylinders by operating foot starter crank one or two strokes.

  41. If engine offers little resistance to starter crank in testing either or both cylinders, it is an indication that compression is not adequate in one or both cylinders.

  42. Insert clamp bolt with bolt head toward rear wheel (crank in upward position) to provide clearance when starter crank is operated.

  43. When these objects are named, the players run up to the starter when their names are given, each one putting his hands on the shoulder of the one before him, the first one having put his hands upon the starter in the same way.

  44. The starter may imitate the noises a locomotive makes as it starts out on its journey.

  45. By the use of the pure-culture starters, the butter maker is able to add to his cream the same kind of bacteria from day to day, and the butter will be more uniform than when the less constant home-made starter is employed.

  46. It is impossible to give a hard and fast rule as to the length of time a starter can be kept in good condition.

  47. This is especially important in the starter that is to be added to the cream, since otherwise the starter cannot be uniformly mixed with it and white specks of curdled casein will be noted in the butter.

  48. As a result of experience alone, improvements in the development of the "home made" starter took place.

  49. The inoculation and the temperature should be so controlled, as to ripen the starter at the time it is to be needed.

  50. In cream to which the starter is added, there are present a greater or less number of acid-forming bacteria, depending upon the age of the cream, and upon the condition under which it was produced.

  51. More recently the most successful butter makers have propagated the so-called "mother starters" in small vessels, and have used the larger mass of starter for the inoculation of the cream alone.

  52. The slimy whey (lange Wei) of Holland is added to milk in the manufacture of Edam cheese, apparently serving the same purpose as the addition of the pure culture starter in cheddar cheese making.

  53. The latter can best be made in one of the many forms of starter cans now on the market, since by their use, the maker can heat and cool the milk with little trouble, and can maintain the starter at any desired temperature.

  54. Under these conditions, the bad flavors are materially reduced in intensity, and desirable flavors absorbed by the fat from the selected starter used.

  55. When the starter is propagated under practical conditions, it sooner or later deteriorates, either in acid production, or in flavor, and a new pure culture must be procured from the manufacturer.

  56. Here the starter proved to be a loquacious individual, and I caught him, fortunately, in the slowest part of the afternoon.

  57. But at that moment there was the sudden sound of a self-starter in a car, then the purr of a motor and the clatter of gears.

  58. It is a magnificent bunker and a very good one-shot hole, but these caverns in front of the nervous starter do most sadly retard progress on a crowded green.

  59. The self-starter hummed as it spun the flywheel, but nothing whatever was elicited save a profane phrase from Foster and a growl from Mert.

  60. On the level Bud went into neutral and pressed the self-starter with a pessimistic deliberation.

  61. As soon as his pants hit the seat Dave rapped open the throttle, and punched the starter button with his other hand.

  62. He motioned Dave and Freddy in back, tossed a slip of paper at a guard who hurried over, and stamped on the starter button.

  63. It does, and thanks, sir,” Dave said, and jabbed the starter button.

  64. For a couple of seconds the starter made a grinding sound and the steel-bladed propeller rotated in a series of slow jerks.

  65. Matt King is entered to race for Phoenix in the one-heat one-mile bicycle contest," the starter was yelling through a megaphone.

  66. It's won when you face the starter on your wheel and cut out Perry.

  67. Prescott, however, if it saw a chance to pull off the race without Matt, was allowed to insist, under the rules governing the contests, that the starter bring the racers to the mark on the dot.

  68. No time to lose, for the starter is calling the men for the race.

  69. I tried the self-starter generator, but it doesn't do what I want.

  70. Lyrical art was represented on its more spontaneous side by the songs and ballads of Jan Janssen Starter (b.

  71. The songs of Starter are in close relation to the lyrics of the English Elizabethans, and have the same exquisite simplicity and audacity of style.

  72. His amorous and humorous lyrics recall the best period of Dutch song, and are worthy to be named beside those of Starter and Vondel.

  73. By the bye, a Maxwell car with a starter has been given us.

  74. The action of the starter being controlled by a current relay and not by an oil or air dash pot, the motor will start rapidly when under a light load, and slowly when more heavily loaded.

  75. The multiple switch type of starter is designed to overcome the arcing on sliding contacts which, in the case of large motors would be very severe.

  76. Cutler-Hammer compound starter with no voltage and overload release.

  77. If the supply of energy be present, the contact arm of the starter should be moved into such position that all resistance is inserted into circuit with the motor.

  78. The starter and switch are placed at the desired point and the two main wires and the field wires run from that point to the motor.

  79. Cutler-Hammer multiple switch starter with no voltage release; for use with large motors, or with motors of medium size where the starting conditions are severe or when more than fifteen seconds are required to accelerate the motor.

  80. The distinction between the current controlled starter and the starter with dash pot governor should be noted.

  81. The starter here shown limits the starting current to a fixed value throughout the starting operation, which is an ideal condition and prevents blowing fuses in starting.

  82. Since regulation by this method is for speeds above normal, a starter must be used to bring the motor up to its rated speed.

  83. This device will upon pressure of the "start" button, set the machine in motion and bring it up to the predetermined speed, either as previously set by the starter limits or by the setting of the rheostat arm.

  84. Monitor starter giving automatic start with knife switch control; designed for use with printing presses.

  85. Usually the starter is combined with the regulator, as shown in fig.

  86. In addition to these types of resistance, some forms of starter are equipped with what is known as "unit" type resistance.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "starter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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