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Example sentences for "typhoid"

Lexicographically close words:
typewrite; typewriter; typewriters; typewriting; typewritten; typhoon; typhoons; typhus; typical; typically
  1. From their respective viruses you may plant typhoid fever, scarlatina, or small-pox.

  2. Sow typhoid virus, your crop is typhoid--cholera, your crop is cholera.

  3. Returning to his room he was informed that because of the fear that he might be a typhoid carrier, the Patricks preferred him to find other lodgings.

  4. After he noticed no improvement, a doctor's examination showed he had typhoid fever, and on October 5 he was admitted to the Springfield Hospital.

  5. She could at last recover from typhoid fever.

  6. Would you mind my telling you that that poor child of mine who has just recovered from typhoid fever is sitting like a hall porter at your door, trembling like an aspen leaf," said Mrs. Leighton.

  7. Typhoid at her age is unusual," he said, "but she has not developed the power of resisting disease like ordinary people.

  8. I've had typhoid myself," said Nurse briefly.

  9. How she connected typhoid fever with the neurotic illness which Dr.

  10. You've had typhoid fever, Elma," said her mother.

  11. Typhoid recurring in any section of the line might mean the reprimand of the medical officer there; trench feet became a misdemeanour, so excellent were the precautions devised and carried out by the N.

  12. If you all die of typhoid I won't be responsible!

  13. I spent six weeks on my honeymoon in having typhoid at Venice," she continued.

  14. An excellent stimulating diaphoretic and tonic; in typhoid and putrid fevers, dyspepsia, &c.

  15. These ulcers rapidly slough, and the febrile symptoms of a typhoid character, which are present throughout, become more or less severe.

  16. Typhoid patients should only be nursed by the middle aged.

  17. At Leeds a similar outbreak was caused by the absorption by the milk of the typhoid effluvium.

  18. I have used it in doses of from 1 to 5 grams, with very marked advantage, in the low stage of typhoid fevers, confluent smallpox, and that form of mortification of the toes which is so singularly fatal to old people.

  19. This typhoid fever, strongly marked, as described in Dr.

  20. Clement, with strong typhoid symptoms, yet, at all events, not worse.

  21. On the other hand we have put these industrial accident cases to that same test of human measurement which we found of such significance in gauging the losses due to typhoid fever.

  22. When half a thousand people were dying each year from typhoid fever, the movement to clear the water supply was blocked and exploited at every turn.

  23. Leon Sadowski estimated that as high as fifty per cent of all young foreigners who come to Pittsburgh contract typhoid fever within two years of their coming.

  24. But even these figures, startling as they are, fail to afford a grasp of the meaning of this typhoid scourge in the lives of the wage earners of Pittsburgh.

  25. It is impossible to put in tabulated form the total value to a family of a mother's health, and strike a proper balance when typhoid has left her a physical or nervous wreck.

  26. Let me illustrate by the case of typhoid fever which has been epidemic in Pittsburgh for twenty-five years.

  27. This fact is illustrated especially in their ignorance regarding that terror which has waited upon foreigners in the Pittsburgh district,--typhoid fever.

  28. Such facts as these show the drain that typhoid has been on the vital forces of the community.

  29. In co-operation with the Typhoid Fever Commission we have analyzed by wards the death certificates of people dying in Pittsburgh for the past five years.

  30. Here typhoid fever, for which Pittsburgh has these many years held a tragic pre-eminence, is at its highest rate.

  31. It is impossible to estimate what is the cost to a boy or girl who is obliged to leave school in order to help support the family, because typhoid has incapacitated the natural bread-winners.

  32. The stools of typhoid patients should be disinfected, and great care taken that no water or other fluid is contaminated by them through imperfect sanitation, etc.

  33. Cool the head also if necessary, as directed for typhoid fever.

  34. Typhoid fever and other diseases are probably also spread by flies.

  35. Infectious diseases, such as Typhoid and Scarlatina, are frequently conveyed by cow's milk.

  36. Typhoid fever itself has been cured with this head cooling alone.

  37. Her hair, which all came out with the typhoid fever, grew in rapidly, and again black.

  38. Exposing herself too early on her recovery from this, she was thrown into typhoid fever and was by it completely prostrated.

  39. The flies had no barrier and they entered in noisome companies, to swarm, heavily buzzing, about the medicine spoons and the tumblers and crawl over the nostrils and mouths of the typhoid patients, too weak and stupid to brush them away.

  40. Dick was a handsome young specter, just beginning to turn the corner in a bad case of typhoid fever.

  41. Lots of folks die of typhoid fever," he remarked quite easily, "and it don't hurt to be ready.

  42. Of course, I'm not certain, but as good a nurse as you knows that it isn't safe to try to bluff typhoid fever.

  43. Typhoid in the vast majority of cases is waterborne, and hence the greatest care should be taken to avoid any dubious pan or pool.

  44. No disease causes such havoc in modern campaigns as typhoid or enteric fever, and it becomes the duty of every one having authority to impress this fact upon the men committed to their charge.

  45. On her return from Narragansett Pier, she was stricken with a mysterious typhoid fever, which often lays its fatal touch on the most youthful and vigorous frame.

  46. About that date Weatherby, who had been seedy for several days, became seriously ill with a sort of light typhoid fever, and had to be evacuated.

  47. Yes, sir--I doubt even the efficacy of typhoid in most cases; it's as difficult for an old person to change a habit of thought as to take the wrinkles from his face.

  48. The question has been raised, whether in typhoid cases, and in cases of torpid reaction in general, water is at all applicable?

  49. As a general rule, in typhoid cases, bathing should form one of the principal features of the treatment; i.

  50. A sudden disappearance of the rash, before the sixth day, commonly increases the typhoid symptoms, and must be considered a bad omen.

  51. If the circulation of air is necessary in any other form of scarlet-fever, it is all-important in torpid reaction, especially when it inclines to a typhoid type.

  52. I found him with all the symptoms of typhus, and scarcely any of scarlatina, except the tongue, which seemed to struggle between a typhoid and scarlatinous appearance, but soon took all the form and color of the former.

  53. As a general rule, it is proper to administer a cathartic, unless in typhoid fever, and for this Dr.

  54. In typhoid fever there is ulceration of the intestines and mesenteric glands.

  55. The germs of typhoid can maintain life for months in water, and thus it happens that ponds, lakes, rivers and streams which receive sewage can spread the germs of typhoid fever.

  56. In typhus and typhoid fever the chills are slight; in other fevers they are more marked; while in ague they are often accompanied by uncontrollable shaking.

  57. Typhoid fever is a specific form of fever developed from the action of a specific germ upon a susceptible system.

  58. In June, 1890, I took typhoid fever of malignant type; for two months I hovered between life and death; at length the fever left me in a prostrated condition.

  59. Occasionally it is a result of febrile diseases, as scarlatina, typhoid fever, etc.

  60. The poison of typhoid fever is eliminated mainly through the bowels.

  61. Leave it to science to discover something new with; give it to the laboratories to study up typhoid or cancer.

  62. Half of it goes for typhoid research and half for a nurses' home here.

  63. Stuart Wheeler had fallen a victim to typhoid fever, contracted while in Puerto Rico, and to the grave of this lost comrade the Troopers marched in silent sorrow to pay the last military respects.

  64. Chew, who were in a similar condition of ignorance somewhere in the Klondike regions of Alaska, and Corporal Borie, sick in bed with typhoid fever.

  65. Well, you wouldn't hardly call it that, seeing that she's been sick with typhoid for seven weeks.

  66. I'd be willing to take a course in typhoid myself, if I thought I could lose twenty-five pounds.

  67. A nurse once gave me a graphic description of her efforts to read "Romola" to a convalescent typhoid patient.

  68. Two weeks previously he had been attacked with typhoid fever.

  69. I remember on one occasion of an old Dutchman, a typhoid convalescent, declaring that he could eat nothing until he could get some fresh fish, and of course I must procure them for him.

  70. In one of those storms, I saw a tent blown down, in which one of our officers lay suffering from typhoid fever.

  71. Typhoid fever began to make its appearance in camp, as the burning sun of June came pouring down upon us, and the hospitals were soon crowded with its victims.

  72. Measels, dysentery and typhoid fever were the prevailing diseases after the retreat.

  73. In the summer of 187-, when young Doctor Putnam was recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, he used to take short walks in the suburbs of the little provincial town where he lived.

  74. I have been very sick myself lately: I was near dying of the typhoid fever.

  75. A considerable number of cases follow upon attacks of infective disease such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever or rheumatic fever.

  76. Many forms are of typhoid or comatose types.

  77. When death occurs, it is usually preceded by a condition known as the "typhoid state.

  78. As in the stage of depression, so in the stage of excitement the first attack may closely follow upon typhoid fever, erysipelas or rheumatic fever.

  79. When death does occur in this way the patient almost invariably passes into the typhoid state.

  80. Typhoid fever broke out in the neighbourhood.

  81. You perforate the intestine, since typhoid fever is an alteration of its follicular membrane.

  82. Beginning at the end of November with what appeared to be influenza, it proved to be an attack of typhoid fever, and, congestion of the lungs supervening, he died on the 14th of December.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "typhoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.