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Example sentences for "abalone"

Lexicographically close words:
abaght; abah; abaht; abajo; abaka; abalones; abandon; abandoned; abandoning; abandonment
  1. Oft in the daytime had I not heard the flageolet lifting its bird-like voice over the counter of the juvenile jeweller, who wrought cunningly in the shimmering abalone shells during the rests in his music?

  2. Some of the boys are searching in the sea up to their waists--hard work when one considers how tough the abalone is, and how tasteless.

  3. They also have as the chef in charge of the abalone dishes, Herbert, formerly chef for one of the yacht clubs of the coast, who claims to have the only proper recipe for making abalone's tender.

  4. Under ordinary circumstances the abalone is tough and unpalatable, but after the deft manipulation of Herbert they are tender and make a fine dish, either fried, as chowder or a la Newberg.

  5. The habitation deposit consists of loose, ashy dark soil charged with clam and abalone shells, and mammal and bird bones.

  6. Abalone shell covered the top of the cog stone .

  7. The ornamentation was of the downy feathers and black-tipped plumes of the eagle, pieces of abalone shell, and chalchihuitl, and a snake's rattle on the apex.

  8. Mother said he would bring abalone when he came," cried Cleeta, dancing from one foot to the other; "and she said they are better than mussels or anything else for soup.

  9. Sholoc has come from Santa Catalina with baskets of abalone and fish, and with ollas all speckled, and strings of money.

  10. There were also strings of bits of abalone shell which had been punctured and then polished, and these Sholoc hung around his neck.

  11. Presently the leading man, who was short, dark, and handsomely dressed in a suit of sealskin ornamented with abalone shell, turned to them.

  12. Out of it, while the Englishman watched with wondering eyes, she drew a garment made of creamy doeskin, deeply fringed and trimmed besides with strings of wampum, the polished fragments of abalone shells and many-colored beads.

  13. More timidly the women, their eyes fixed wistfully upon the gaudy red and yellow cloth, approached the strangers, offering in their turn bits of abalone shell polished to iridescent beauty.

  14. Abalone shell was commonly used by peoples of adjacent California.

  15. Specific mention of the use of abalone among the historic Indians of the peninsula is rare in the documents; however, contemporary Kiliwa women use pieces of the shell for ornamentation (Meigs, 1939, p.

  16. Since abalone do not occur in the Gulf of California, these shells must have been obtained by the Bahía de Los Angeles people from the Pacific Coast, either directly or in trade.

  17. Watch close, now, and maybe you'll see him pick up an abalone shell, and look up and make faces.

  18. Likewise, they brings up abalone shells; you can see 'em brought up, and can buy 'em for a quarter apiece.

  19. The third day still another kind of fruit was discovered by him and obtained by the spider woman; this was the abalone shell.

  20. Hence they went to San Francisco Mountain (Arizona) and made two songs and prayers and dressed that mountain in abalone shells with two eagle plumes upon the head.

  21. The abalone has a large, very strong, white "foot" inside its long shell, and there is a row of holes in the shell itself.

  22. It is conjectured that the abalone perhaps exhausts the air under the shell, and so causes the shell to cling more tightly to the rock than ever, through atmospheric pressure.

  23. It is very difficult to take an abalone from its rocky home, unless the creature is surprised.

  24. Instances have been known where Chinese abalone hunters have tried to pry off the shell from a rock with their hands, and have had their fingers caught and held as though by a vice.

  25. In some localities every rock is covered with them, and in places where the black abalone is common, I have found them piled one upon the other.

  26. Then they went to San Francisco Mountain (Arizona) and made two songs and prayers and dressed that mountain in abalone shells with two eagle plumes upon its head.

  27. My father had a set of cuff-buttons made of abalone shell," she said.

  28. The abalone meat they pounded religiously to a verse of doggerel improvised by Saxon.

  29. The Abalone Eaters, in two rigs and on a number of horses, descended in force on Bierce's Cove.

  30. Hall initiated them into the mysteries of pounding and preparing the abalone meat for cooking.

  31. You must never, never pound abalone without singing this song.

  32. They were talking in excited voices, holding up the deep-bowled abalone shells, now polished and shining, and evidently trying to attract attention.

  33. Yet as each man rose again usually he had secured one or more of the large abalone shells.

  34. The abalone clings to the rocks with terrible power and many a lonely fisherman has been drowned while gathering this mollusk, by getting his fingers caught between the shell and the rock.

  35. To the Chinese the abalone is an object of great economic importance and they gather them in large quantities, dry the animals and use them as food, principally in the form of soup, which is said to be very delicious.

  36. The Haliotis or abalone shells abound in many parts of the world and are widely known for their beauty.

  37. Beads were also made of olivella, conus, and abalone shell which probably were imported from the Pacific Coast by trading with intervening tribes.

  38. Wrapped around the wrists were three necklaces with abalone shell pendants.

  39. Suddenly, I saw under the green surface a large abalone with its shell gaping widely.

  40. Then they saw my plight, and, with a marlinspike, pried the abalone loose.

  41. One day, a friend had arranged to go abalone hunting with me, but just as we were getting ready to start out, a telegram called him away from town, on important business.

  42. The thought came to me that if I should keep perfectly quiet, the abalone might think his danger gone and loosen his grip.

  43. The abalone would be torn to pieces before it would let go.

  44. In a fury of rage and terror, I struck at the abalone with my left hand while with all my strength I tried to tear away my right.

  45. The body of the abalone is a mass of muscle that has tremendous strength.

  46. It's a favorite sport here to get up 'abalone parties,' just as you fellows in the East go crabbing.

  47. Almost all the natives had Indian money, called wampum, which they made from abalone or clam-shells by cutting out round pieces like buttons or small, hollow beads.

  48. They dry the meat of the abalone also, and use the beautiful shells, which you have no doubt seen, for carving into curios, or making into jewellery.

  49. She also hangs wampum or bits of abalone shell on the finest ones.

  50. When Fog lifted the last time it took up with it the skin with the turquoise and abalone and began to expand, spreading wider and wider until a blue film covered all, in the form of the sky.

  51. On the buckskin a shell of abalone was placed, on the doeskin a bowl made of pearl.

  52. Upon the one was put the turquoise and a piece of abalone shell; on the other the white shell and a pearl.

  53. There were turquoise spikes in the southern, abalone in the western, and jet in the northern walls.

  54. The Sun then waved them to a seat and brought forth four large pipes, two of abalone and two of lignite.

  55. All those who had bits of white shell, turquoise, crystal, pearl, or abalone were directed to contribute them for the making of the stars.

  56. I insist on knowing; and what was that abalone shell remark?

  57. Here one could buy sheepskin Indian moccasins made in Massachusetts, or abalone shells, or burnt-leather pillows, or a whole collection of photographic views so minute that they could all be packed in a single walnut shell.

  58. I could have a feast of Lucullus any day in California on abalone soup, with its delicate sea flavor, bread, and olives.

  59. The owner has established on a little cove a short distance from his house an abalone canning factory.

  60. We took luncheon at the picturesque Pebble Lodge, where we had soup served in shining abalone shells, and where the electric lights were shaded by these shells.

  61. In the lining of the shell there is often found the beautiful blister or abalone pearl, formed by the same process as the oyster pearl, the animal throwing out a secretion at the point where it is irritated.

  62. Both the exterior and the lining of the abalone shell have most exquisite coloring and are capable of a high polish.

  63. Monterey Bay is the home of the abalone and it has been so ruthlessly fished for that new laws have had to be made to protect it.

  64. Abalone soup has a delicate flavor, really superior to clam soup.

  65. I am gathering some abalone and other kinds of shells, and some fine sea-mosses, and when I get home I expect to make lots of pretty things.

  66. The Chinese use the abalone for food, and have waged a persistent war upon the family along the Pacific coast until the specimens are not nearly as common as formerly.

  67. The shell of the abalone is susceptible of taking a very high degree of polish, and is extensively used in commerce for colored mother-of-pearl and for inlaid work.

  68. The species are known on the Pacific coast by the name of abalone shells, and in England and the Channel Islands as ormers or sea-ears.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abalone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.