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Example sentences for "adjuration"

Lexicographically close words:
adjudicating; adjudication; adjunct; adjunction; adjuncts; adjurations; adjure; adjured; adjures; adjuring
  1. Adjuration is the invocation of the name of God used in a request or command to another person in order to move that person to do or omit something.

  2. Adjuration is lawful and an act of the virtue of religion, since it professes reverence for the divine attributes in using them as the most efficacious motives of appeal.

  3. But, like an oath, adjuration must be accompanied by qualities that make it lawful.

  4. The simple adjuration is made by private persons and without ritual ceremony.

  5. Imperative adjuration may be used in addressing subjects or inferiors.

  6. If the deception is mortally sinful, however, some authorities think that the adjuration added to it is a grave sin against religion.

  7. But adjuration may be used in prayers to God Himself or to the Saints, as is done in obsecrations.

  8. The end of an oath is to confirm one's words by the testimony of God; the end of an adjuration is to influence another to a certain course through an appeal to his respect, fear or love of God.

  9. There must be truth, and hence an adjuration is sinful when used for a lying cause, as when a well-to-do person pretends to be indigent and begs that alms be given him for the love of God.

  10. It is an invocation, and in this respect it is like an oath, for both an oath and an adjuration call upon the name of God.

  11. Thus, there must be judgment, and hence those persons are guilty of sin who employ adjuration without necessity (e.

  12. Thus, deprecative adjuration may be used in reference to those who are in some way one's superiors.

  13. The sin committed does not seem grave, since the act to which the other person is invited is good, and the act of adjuration itself does not ask God to testify to the lie, but only uses His name without reason.

  14. The adjuration is gravely irreverent to God if the thing sought (e.

  15. And, perhaps, if it had really fallen to the lot of Mansell to confront her in the hut and listen to her words of adjuration and appeal, he might have been induced to consent to her wishes.

  16. Reading no expression whatever in that "Book of Beauty" but the mildest sort of despair, he drew himself up again, and grunted out an adjuration to "heave ahead.

  17. That subject was too painful, so he ended with another adjuration to his daughter.

  18. But Grace was so frightened, and so pledge-bound, that no adjuration stopped her.

  19. The solemn adjuration was put, the question asked, and Aymer in an audible voice replied, "I will.

  20. Elisha's answer begins with the solemn adjuration which we first hear from Elijah.

  21. This solemn and remarkable adjuration seems to have been habitual upon Elijah's lips in the great crises of his life.

  22. Y: Is there (not) in these an adjuration (or evidence) for those who understand?

  23. Y: And that is indeed a mighty adjuration if ye but knew,- P: And lo!

  24. This adjuration had its effect, for a man answered--"Sidonia made the young men mad, and so it all happened.

  25. Jesus did not expressly condone; He declined to condemn; but He sent the sinner away with a solemn adjuration to a better life.

  26. First, so that the adjuration is referred to the irrational creature in itself: and in this way it would be vain to adjure an irrational creature.

  27. Supplication" is an adjuration not for the purpose of compelling, for this is forbidden, but in order to implore mercy.

  28. If, however, he merely intend, through reverence of the Divine name or of some holy thing, to obtain something from the other man without putting him under any obligation, such an adjuration may be lawfully employed in respect of anyone.

  29. Of the Taking of God's Name by Way of Adjuration 91.

  30. This argument considers the adjuration whereby the demon's help is besought in doing or learning something: for this savors of fellowship with them.

  31. Therefore it would seem unlawful to employ adjuration towards one.

  32. Accordingly the adjuration of an irrational creature may be of two kinds.

  33. Origen is speaking of an adjuration whereby a man intends to put another under an obligation, in the same way as he would bind himself by oath: for thus did the high-priest presume to adjure our Lord Jesus Christ [*Matt.

  34. Origen is speaking of adjuration made, not authoritatively by way of compulsion, but rather by way of a friendly appeal.

  35. This is the kind of adjuration used in the exorcisms of the Church, whereby the power of the demons is expelled from an irrational creature.

  36. I am trying in Looking Backward to square the adjuration with the truth.

  37. Mindful of the adjuration of Burns, Keep something to yourself, Ye scarcely tell to ony, I shall yet hold little in reserve, having no state secrets or mysteries of the soul to reveal.

  38. He was feebly repeating to himself his mental adjuration of a few hours before when he caught her eye, and was taken with a blush and a fit of coughing.

  39. Some of the earliest words of the church's ritual are words of defiance and adjuration of the enemy upon whom it was her mission to trample.

  40. The instances of modern spiritualist manifestations being stopped by religious adjuration are very frequent.

  41. A stone having been cast upon the earth, fire is quenched in water, and the adjuration repeated: "May this body become petrified, and may Allah thus extinguish me if I utter that which is not true!

  42. For instance, in the adjuration of Achilles by the staff or sceptre.

  43. If, on the other hand, Annas sent Jesus without delay to Caiaphas, who examined Him, it is reasonable to conclude that witnesses were at once produced, and that the adjuration and condemnation immediately followed.

  44. On the adjuration to tear the crosses from the graves and use them as swords, follows the line: "God forgives the deed ye do.

  45. Marjorie made a never-to-be-forgotten picture, as surrounded by her body guard, she stood with her arms full of roses and listened to the quaint adjuration to Beautye.

  46. Mr Pecksniff striking in here, with a request that Mr Jonas would immediately walk upstairs, he so far complied with the young lady's adjuration as to go at once.

  47. Among his parting remarks was an impressive adjuration to me to cultivate the squire's attachment at all costs.

  48. Intensely enthusiastic for the men of her race, she would have me, above all things, by a form of adjuration designed to be a masterpiece of persuasive rhetoric, 'prove myself an Englishman.

  49. Such was his announcement, in a very excited voice, but incidentally upon a solemn adjuration to the squire to beware of his temper--govern his temper and not be a turncoat.

  50. They expelled demons partly by adjuration and partly by means of a certain miraculous root named Baaras.

  51. I pronounced the adjuration and they instantly ceased.

  52. In this case, I pronounced the adjuration mentally; no person knew what I had done.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adjuration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appeal; bid; call; clamor; cry; entreaty; imploring; imprecation; invocation; plea; prayer; suit; supplication