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Example sentences for "areca"

Lexicographically close words:
are; area; areal; areas; areaway; ared; arede; aren; arena; arenaceous
  1. The barber then sprinkles him with cocoanut water, this time using areca blossoms, and makes him sip a little thereof.

  2. His formal permission is required before the carpenter can cut down the areca palm, with which the little shed in which the tali is tied is constructed.

  3. A small earthen pot containing rice, a cocoanut, betel, and areca nuts, is placed near the girl.

  4. He then gives them a little betel leaf and a small piece of areca nut, and receives in return a quarter of an anna.

  5. Within it a similar structure is prepared with the leaves of an areca palm, which has been cut down at an auspicious moment, and with the formal sanction of the Tandan of the tara.

  6. Some large pieces of the bark of the areca palm, containing salt, chillies, etc.

  7. Probably the operation had been more painful than he could bear, or, may be, he could not afford to pay the five betel leaves and areca nuts, which are the customary fee of the filer.

  8. On their return they are met by the Valaiyan matrons carrying coloured water or rice (alam), garlands of flowers, betel leaves and areca nuts.

  9. Two large bundles of betel leaves are prepared, each of which contains a thousand or fifteen hundred leaves, and with them are placed forty or fifty tobacco leaves, and seventy to a hundred areca nuts.

  10. She sleeps on a mat, surrounded by a little ridge of rice and paddy, cocoanut and areca palm flowers, and near her head is a copper pot marked with vertical daubs of white.

  11. While the last of these sections, in addition to their traditional occupation, are washermen and climbers of areca palm trees, the Pana Velans take sawing as a supplementary employment.

  12. The only offences of general occurrence among them are petty cases of theft of cocoanuts, plantains, areca nuts, and roots of common occurrence.

  13. It is replaced by the Areca catechu; by Nipa fruticans, Cycas circinalis, and a few others.

  14. Areca nuts, plantains, sweet potatoes, betel leaf and tobacco, were the produce of the village gardens, as rice was of the fields that surround them.

  15. Houses are interspersed along the bank, and surrounded by extensive plantations of areca palms, plantains, and a few cocoa-nut trees.

  16. Trinkat, being flat, is divided amongst the inhabitants of the other two islands, where they have their plantations of coconuts and areca palms: these last being very abundant.

  17. The ordinary dainty among the islanders was the buyo or betel quid, consisting of a leaf of betel pepper (tambul or siri) smeared over with burnt lime and wrapped round a piece of areca nut (bonga).

  18. American origin, but reached the Orient long before the advent of Europeans); betel-nut palm (Areca catechu L.

  19. The palmyra, the cocoanut, the nypa, the date, and the areca palms, all figure to some extent.

  20. They have a universal and disgusting practice of chewing the areca nut.

  21. They take the seri leaf and put on it a quantity of that red lime in the form of paste, and then a portion of the areca nut, the leaf with the lime on it, and some fine cut tobacco, are all put into the mouth together.

  22. The nut of the areca palm is possessed of astringent properties similar to the bark used in tanning.

  23. The bride at the same time dispatches a lad neatly dressed, bearing a tray of areca nut, who meets them there, and invites them to be seated and enjoy themselves.

  24. A man's rank is indicated somewhat by the number of slaves that follow him, and the golden box containing the areca nut, &c.

  25. Black teeth are an element of beauty, and besides the chewing of the areca nut, they resort to other means of coloring.

  26. The trouble arose through her desire to earn some pin-money by being photographed in the act of climbing an areca palm, a proceeding which did not meet with his approval.

  27. Down the arms and over the shoulders are similar designs representing leaves of the areca palm.

  28. The areca palm is much cultivated in the countries where it is a custom to chew betel, that is to say throughout Southern Asia.

  29. He nodded his head, and drew from the pouch in the knot in his sarong a few broken fragments of areca nut.

  30. It is improved for transporting rice, areca nuts, choice cabinet woods, and other inland products to the coast.

  31. The betelnut is the product of the areca palm, and resembles a nutmeg in shape and size.

  32. Karl recognised the tree as the Areca catechu, or betel-nut palm--by many considered the most beautiful palm of India.

  33. They are decorated with cloth, garlands, lamps and palm leaves, and the pillars should be of areca palm cut by an Asari on Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday.

  34. Four betel leaves and areca nuts are placed at each corner of the dais, and the pair go round it three times, saluting the betel as they pass.

  35. Betel leaves and areca nuts are presented to the Arayans or their representatives, and afterwards to the Rajyakkar, or chief men of the village.

  36. The eldest son goes to the pyre with a pala (pot made of the spathe of an areca palm) of milk, which he sprinkles on the pyre with a brush of chamatha tied with karuga grass.

  37. On the first day, the bridegroom goes to the home of the bride, accompanied by his relations and friends, and sweets, betel leaves and areca nuts, etc.

  38. The ends of the cloths of the contracting couple, with betel leaves and areca nuts in them, are tied together, and they link together the little finger of their right hands.

  39. The Arayan receives two vellis, a bundle of betel leaves, areca nuts, and tobacco.

  40. The Pattar Brahmans always collect on these occasions, and receive small presents (dakshina) of two to four annas each, with betel leaves and areca nuts from the bridegroom, and sometimes from the bride.

  41. It is customary to place a cocoanut on a heap of rice, with some betel leaves and areca nuts at the side thereof.

  42. The bride is seated in a room, with a lamp and a tray containing betel leaves, areca nuts, and flowers.

  43. At the place where he sits for the operation, a cocoanut, betel leaves and areca nuts are placed.

  44. The nut of the areca palm (Areca catechu L.

  45. The areca palm grows well in this territory, and quite an extensive grove is to be found near the village of Bakaok, yet this is the only place where any number of the people are addicted to its use.

  46. The betel nut is the fruit of the Areca or betel palm, Areca Catechu, and the betel leaf is the produce of the betel vine or pan, Chavica Betel, a plant allied to that which yields black pepper.

  47. The Areca palm is a native of the Malay Peninsula and Islands and is extensively cultivated over a wide area in the East, including southern India, Ceylon, Siam, the Malay Archipelago and the Philippine Islands.

  48. He spits betel and areca juice on the wound and staunches the bleeding with a handful of the ashes of the babul.

  49. Apait has resigned to me his bed, if that can be so styled, which consists merely of a few laths of areca placed upon four stakes.

  50. The cocoa and areca palms become rare, and give place to the bamboo.

  51. The nutlike seed of the areca palm, chewed in the East with betel leaves (whence its name) and shell lime.

  52. The nut of the Areca catechu, is wrapped in the leaf of the piper betel, the first being astringent, the second pungent.

  53. Areca nut, santonin, and male fern, are now all sold in capsular form, thus diminishing their nauseating effects.

  54. As soon as he appears in front he is stroked with the sweet-scented blossoms of the areca palm and tied to a woman.

  55. The office of the latter is hereditary; his duty is to impose a taboo on any of the crops, such as the coco-nuts and areca nuts, whenever he thinks it desirable to prohibit their use.

  56. Ye shall have no lack of food nor of betel-leaves nor of areca nuts nor of tobacco.

  57. Betel-leaf White lime is smeared upon the green leaf, which is then used to enwrap a bit of areca nut for chewing.

  58. Betel The areca nut is first taken out of its covering before being united with the betel leaf and lime.

  59. The ripe leaves are gathered fresh every morning, and taken to market, where they find a ready sale at remunerative prices for chewing with the areca nut, and a pinch of slaked shell lime.

  60. All our visitors had their teeth darkened with the practice of betel chewing--we saw them use the leaf of the betel pepper, the green areca nut, and lime, the last carried in a small calabash with a spatula.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "areca" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.