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Example sentences for "campe"

Lexicographically close words:
campaigns; campanile; campaniles; campanili; campanulate; camped; camper; campers; campfire; campfires
  1. And the sayd lord should send onely a captaine with three or foure hundred Ianissaries, for to keepe the towne when the campe were withdrawen.

  2. For the Turke seeing the people of the campe discouraged and willing no more to goe to the assaults, sent to the sayde Basha to come to Rhodes with his people, which would haue withstood vs sore as fresh men.

  3. And among all other things our ambassadour demaunded of Acmek, and prayed him to tell for trueth how many men died of the campe while the siege was laied.

  4. And it was written vnto vs from the campe how the Ianissaries and other of the host would fight no more: and that they were almost all of one opinion for to go away, saue some of the captaines of the foresayd Mustafa Bassha or Acmek Bassha.

  5. There were slaine aboue fiue hundred men, and all the trusse and baggage of the campe lost.

  6. Wherevpon he marched straight to their campe and giuing them battell, vanquished them: and vsing the victorie as reason moued him, he lead his armie against those that inhabited the inner parts of Wales, spoiling the countrie on euerie side.

  7. But Campe was an oracular temple and inclosure, sacred to Ham or Cham: where people used to exercise.

  8. The Campanians in Italy were an antient Amonian colony; and they were denominated from Campe or Campus, which was probably the first temple, they erected.

  9. Tullus vnderstanding the death of their Prince, with great expedition marched into the countrie about Alba, pssiang by the Albanes campe in the night which by the watche and scoutes was skried.

  10. The campe receiued Brutus with great ioye and triumphe, for that he had deliuered the citie of such a tyraunte.

  11. Then he leuied an armie of chosen and piked men, and marched to the Campe at Ardea, committing the gouernemente of the Citie to Lucretius, who before was by the king appointed Lieutenant.

  12. In whom is contayned a large campe of noble facts and exploites atchieued by valiaunt personages of the Romaine state.

  13. Newes brought into the campe of these euentes, the king with great feare retourned to Rome, to represse those tumultes, and Brutus hearinge of his approche, marched another waye, because hee woulde not meete him.

  14. An historie though dreadfull to hearing as fitter for the Campe then Courte, yet, for the worthinesse of the quarell, not to bee shunned from tendrest eares, for that it spreadeth foorth a victorious paterne of valiant Chiualrie.

  15. Ile rayse the whole Campe but Ile apprehend him.

  16. The rumour of the Duke of Burbons death Hath so possest the Campe with admiration That they regardlesse suffer all to passe.

  17. If ever Ferdinand staynd Katharines honour I was a party: yet in all your Campe Who dares step forth and call me ravisher?

  18. No other campe nor Court will Katharine have Till fates do limit her a common grave.

  19. If you remember, he & English Pembroke Last day forsooke your Campe as discontent.

  20. Durst you adventure thorow the enemies Campe And put your lives in danger to save mine?

  21. Tis as darke as Pitch: I can resemble our Campe to nothing better then hell, save that in hell they are always waking and heere the villaynes are as drowsie as swyne.

  22. In an Early English poem it is said of Nebuchadnezzar that "Holghe (hollow) were his yghen anunder (under) campe hores.

  23. The Englishmen returned vnto their campe in a great chafe towards the constable; and the next daie to increase their displeasure, an other corosiue was ministred, that smarted sorer.

  24. And for performance of the effect hereof, he againe tooke a corporall oth, and sealed the writing before the duke of Glocester, in the English campe at Leuington besides Hadington, the third daie of August, in the yeare 1482.

  25. Immediatly after this consultation the king sent ambassadours to all the multitude of the English men, requiring them not to remoue their campe nor fleet from the city of Iaphet, but quietly to attend the kings further commandement.

  26. In the night following, Cnute remooued his campe in secret wise, and marched towards London, which citie in a maner remained besieged by the nauie of the Danes.

  27. The Gouernour lodged in the best part of the towne, and commanded presently to make a fense of timber round about the Campe distant from the houses, that the Indians might not hurt them without by fire.

  28. Iulie they pitched their Campe at noone betweene Amaye and Naguatex along the corner of a groue of very faire trees.

  29. The Campe pitched hard by a lake of salt water; and that euening they made some salt there.

  30. Being returned to the campe they had intelligence of another prouince called Los Quires, [Sidenote: Quires bordering vpon Rio del Norte.

  31. There came to the campe an Indian, accompanied with others, and in the Caciques name gaue the Gouernour a mantle of Marterns skinnes, and a cordon of perles.

  32. The towne was called Tanico: he pitched his Campe in the best part of it neere vnto a Riuer.

  33. The next day after they had thus fought before the campe of the Romans, they shewed themselues aloft on the hills, and began to skirmish with the Romane horssemen, but not so hotlie as they had doone the day before.

  34. He spent a ten daies about the repairing of his nauie, and in fortifieng the campe for defense thereof, which done, he left those within it that were appointed there before, and then returned towards his enimies.

  35. Remember, Alexander, thou hast a campe to governe, not a chamber.

  36. Yea, levie the campe sirs, and hence againe eche one,[574] R.

  37. Erie Leofwinus throwghe the campe ypass'd, And sawe bothe men and erlies on the grounde; They slepte, as thoughe they woulde have slepte theyr last, And hadd alreadie felte theyr fatale wounde.

  38. For ‘maskerade’, Campe would have fain substituted ‘larventanz’.

  39. Brükmann differentiates too the different kinds of sentimentalism and their effects in much the same fashion as Campe in his treatise published two years before.

  40. In the second form of this essay (1785) Campe speaks of the sentimental fever as an epidemic by no means entirely cured.

  41. Campe is incorrect in his assertion that Sterne coined the word.

  42. Campe does not make the erroneous statement at all, but Bode himself puts it in the mouth of Lessing.

  43. In the latter part of his volume, Campe treats the problem of preventing the perverted form of sensibility by educative endeavor.

  44. But Campe and Knuth did not believe the nerve-racking plan of examinations wise, any more than it is wisdom to pull up a plant and examine the roots to see how it prospers.

  45. Campe told them tales of history--of Achilles, Pericles and Cæsar.

  46. Heinrich Campe was the tutor of the Humboldts for two years, when he entered the employ of the King as Commissioner of Education.

  47. The intent of Tutor Campe was to give these boys a scientific education.

  48. When Campe resigned in favor of Knuth his action was in degree prompted by his love and consideration for the boys.

  49. When Campe resigned his immediate tutorship he was allowed to select his successor, and he chose a young man by the name of Christian Knuth.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "campe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.