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Example sentences for "canonization"

Lexicographically close words:
canonis; canonisation; canonised; canonist; canonists; canonize; canonized; canonries; canonry; canons
  1. The extant documents of his canonization record no less than four hundred and twenty-nine miracles alleged to have been performed by him.

  2. The procedure of the court connected with the canonization was conducted with the greatest rigor.

  3. We must also remember, however, that what are called miracles formed part of the evidence which led to the canonization of a saint, and a large number of healing miracles was usually included in the list.

  4. He took the first steps towards the canonization of Queen Margaret of Scotland, and sent missionaries under Portuguese auspices to the Congo.

  5. The earliest acknowledged instance of canonization by the pope is that of Ulric of Augsburg, who was declared a saint by John XV.

  6. This circumstance, together with the custom of ornamenting the basilica of St Peter very richly on the day of the ceremony, accounts for the considerable cost which a canonization entails.

  7. At this period there was no marked difference between canonization and beatification.

  8. The priory owed its chief fame to the murder of Archbishop Becket (1170) in the church, his canonization as St Thomas of Canterbury, and the resort of the Christian world on pilgrimage to his shrine.

  9. Gradually the canonization of saints came to be included in the centralizing movement which reserved to the pope the most important acts of ecclesiastical power.

  10. From that time the pontifical intervention became more and more frequent, and, in practice, the right of the bishops in the matter of canonization continued to grow more restricted.

  11. Canonization is the solemn and definitive act by which the pope decrees the plenitude of public honours.

  12. When the canonization of St. Dominic was announced in Toulouse it was celebrated in a solemn mass performed by Bishop Raymond in the Dominican convent.

  13. I may add that the opposition of the Conventuals was powerful enough to postpone until 1450 the canonization of San Bernardino, and a humorous incident in the struggle may be worth mention.

  14. The invocation of saints was useless; the best of them could do nothing but what God ordained, and many of those customarily invoked were in hell, for in modern times sinners stood a better chance of canonization than holy men.

  15. He is called Saint in Belgium, but is of local canonization only.

  16. Authority:--the Bull of his Canonization by Innocent III.

  17. The process of her canonization began under Clement XII.

  18. The real canonization of Israel's laws had, however, begun much earlier.

  19. Sidenote: Adoption of the late priestly law] The next great stage in the canonization of the law is recorded in Nehemiah x.

  20. Sidenote: The beginning of the last stage in the canonization of the Old Testament] The reference to the rest of the books in the prologue to Ben Sira indicates that even before 130 B.

  21. Thus we have a glimpse of the beginning of that third stage in the canonization of the Old Testament which, as in the case of the New, continued for fully three centuries.

  22. Sidenote: Canonization of the Psalter and Lamentations] The Psalter doubtless passed through different stages of canonization, as did the Old Testament itself.

  23. Sidenote: The other books of the fathers] The canonization of the book of Proverbs, like that of the Psalter, was undoubtedly by successive stages.

  24. Sidenote: Canonization of the book of Daniel] The absence of any reference in Ben Sira to Daniel is significant.

  25. These letters have been preserved for a long time afterwards, and have been viewed by many persons, who have deposed the truth judicially in the process of the canonization of the saint.

  26. His canonization is solicited, and what is done in order to it, by the king of Bungo.

  27. The act of canonization relates no more of the resurrection of the women, but the bare matter of fact, without any circumstances; but the resurrection of the men is related at large, of which the substance is in the ensuing account.

  28. The process of the saint's canonization makes mention of four dead persons, to whom God restored their life, at this time, by the ministry of his servant.

  29. Beatification= was a lower degree of honour, often a preliminary to canonization at a later period.

  30. A papal bull for the canonization of Bishop Benno of Meissen (§ 93, 9) called forth in A.

  31. Beatification limits the honor to be given to the beatified by restricting it to certain places or persons; whereas Canonization is the highest honor and permits all to venerate the Saint everywhere.

  32. Canonization is a solemn ceremony by which the Church declares that a certain person, now dead, was remarkable for extraordinary holiness while on earth, and is now in heaven worthy of our veneration.

  33. Can the Church err in the Canonization of a Saint?

  34. The Church cannot err in matters of faith or morals, and the Canonization of a Saint is a matter of faith and morals.

  35. How does the Canonization of a Saint take place?

  36. Confessor’s favourite Saint; but he had a job of his own in that branch to drive with the Court of Rome, and he accordingly solicited in his turn the co-operation of Father Osma, to obtain the canonization of Brother Sebastian.

  37. Charles could not bring himself to part with his treasure, and the forms of canonization precluded the College from proceeding without it.

  38. At the same time, therefore, that the pretensions of the Bishop of Osma to canonization were urged at Rome, the Spanish minister was instructed to speak a good word for the humble friar Sebastian.

  39. Her fame brightens with the increasing light of our own century, and her canonization is now loudly demanded from the Church.

  40. As to the blessed, one may pray for their canonization or accidental glory, not for their essential glory, which they already possess.

  41. Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, against the preaching friar Jean de Montson, and in 1389 to petition in the name of the king for the canonization of the young cardinal Peter of Luxemburg.

  42. Agobard was reverenced as a saint in Lyons, and although his canonization is disputed his life is given by the Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum, Jun.

  43. Christian of the Kings of France, the honors of canonization and the title of Saint.

  44. Frederick Barbarossa; and since that time, the canonization of Charlemagne has never been officially allowed and declared by any popes recognized as legitimate.

  45. The gorgeous drapery of romance gradually wreathed itself round his name, till by canonization as a saint he received the highest glory the world or the Church could confer.

  46. The glories of the first Frankish conqueror were triumphantly recalled, and Frederick was compared by his admirers to the hero whose canonization he had procured, and whom he strove in all things to imitate[195].

  47. What interests me in Joan of Arc is not the fact that the story of her martyrdom and subsequent canonization could be used as a weapon against the Church of Rome, but because the story in itself is so very compelling.

  48. But my object in this lecture is to help clear some obscure questions in connection with the trial, martyrdom and subsequent canonization of this girl of nineteen.

  49. The bull of canonization makes no mention of the stigmata.

  50. Canonization here is only a pretext which the old pontiff seizes for recurring to his favorite figures.

  51. Assisi for the preliminaries of the canonization of St. Francis.

  52. He must have been in Assisi in 1228, for his account of the canonization is that of an eye-witness.

  53. Stephen obeyed up to the time of his canonization (1189), but from that time forward ambition, avarice, and luxury made such inroads upon the solitude of Grammont that its monks became the byword and scoff of the Christian world.

  54. The bull of canonization says nothing of the Saracens whom she put to flight.

  55. Its branches are reputed to have all borne at one time the names of saints, and it had like canonization itself.

  56. That were a fitter canonization than to put his name among the names of cities, steamboats on the lake, or tobaccos, as is our custom in America.

  57. The effort for her canonization began shortly after her death and was renewed at intervals, until she was beatified in 1783.

  58. Even after canonization her Conceptos del Amor divino, when printed with the works of her disciple Jerónimo Gracian, were put on the Index and remained there.

  59. His canonization was at once demanded by his admirers, and only delayed (till 1247) through the opposition of Henry III.

  60. The date of his canonization is unknown, but churches dedicated to his memory are found all over England.

  61. That part of the Bull of canonization serves as so apt a commentary on Alexander's words that we quote it in full.

  62. The movement, already on foot, to obtain his canonization received thereby a new and powerful impetus.

  63. It was a double ceremony, for it was also the occasion of the canonization of Saint Aloysius, who had been born in March of the same year in which Stanislaus died.

  64. Veronica secured canonization through a blunder over the words Vera Icon: still more droll, how hagiology includes both a mountain and a mantle!

  65. This “Canonization of the Ogre,” as it has been named, was propounded by Professor D.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canonization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.