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Example sentences for "cosmic"

Lexicographically close words:
cosiness; cosins; cosmetic; cosmetics; cosmi; cosmical; cosmically; cosmogonic; cosmogonical; cosmogonies
  1. Each of these coruscating meteors, he affirmed, must tell of the ignition of a bit of cosmic matter entering the earth's atmosphere.

  2. Whether true or false, the two conceptions stand as the final contributions of the eighteenth century to the history of man's ceaseless efforts to solve the mysteries of cosmic origin and cosmic structure.

  3. Outlined in a few words, it is an attempt to explain all the major phenomena of the universe as due, directly or indirectly, to the gravitational impact of such meteoric particles, or specks of cosmic dust, as comets are composed of.

  4. Since then the spectroscope has added its confirmatory evidence as to the identity of meteorite and shooting-star, and, moreover, has linked these atmospheric meteors with such distant cosmic residents as comets and nebulae.

  5. As puny man conceives time and things, an awful cycle will have lapsed; in the sweep of the cosmic life, a pulse-beat will have throbbed.

  6. In this extended view, nebulae and luminous stars are but the infantile and adolescent stages of the life history of the cosmic individual; the dark star, its adult stage, or time of true virility.

  7. And if one tiny planet sweeps up such masses of this cosmic matter, the amount of it in the entire stretch of our system must be beyond all estimate.

  8. The Structure of Nebulae Yet the new instruments, while leaving so much untold, have revealed some vastly important secrets of cosmic structure.

  9. The expression is therefore not exaggerated: our planet is but the plaything of the cosmic forces which accompany it in the meadows of the sky, and it is the same with everything existing in the universe.

  10. She shows that it is possible to paint a low-class humourist as rich in the new cosmic humour as any one of Dickens's is rich in the old terrene humour, and yet without one Dickensian touch.

  11. The most tragically dramatic scene in the poem is that in which Percy confronts the cosmic mystery, defying its menace.

  12. The imaginative conception packed into these fourteen lines is cosmic in its sweep.

  13. If we attempt a classification of Weltschmerz with regard to its essence, or, better perhaps, with regard to its origin, we shall find that the various types may be classed under one of two heads: either as cosmic or as egoistic.

  14. Instead of becoming cosmic in his Weltschmerz, he remains for ever egoistic.

  15. A careful consideration of all the points involved will lead to no other conclusion than that whereas in Hölderlin the cosmic element predominates, Lenau stands as a type of egoistic Weltschmerz.

  16. There is, at least, a fourth cosmic law as ascertainable as any of the others by observation and experiment.

  17. What may be termed the cosmic revery of a Senancour or an Amiel[241] has very much the same effect.

  18. Belief in cycles, endlessly repeating themselves through cosmic ages, went by the board.

  19. Then will begin the greatest of cosmic events: a drama that has doubtless been played numbers of times already on the stage of the universe: the last stand of the wonderful microcosm against the brute force of the macrocosm.

  20. Never in our outlook upon man's earthly future can we go back to the endless cosmic cycles of the Greeks or the apocalyptic expectations of the Hebrews.

  21. So what does this have to do with cosmic ray particle?

  22. They're called cosmic rays, but they're not radiation in the strict sense of the word.

  23. We are again without the bridge from the static to the dynamic and if latent heat, so called, is up to the present a stumbling block to the theory we can recognise a lack which may be denied in the cosmic process.

  24. We are frequently brought to a stop in our cosmic observations by lack of knowledge, but nowhere by insuperable theoretical difficulties.

  25. The behavior of a gaseous medium to such rapid alternations of potential makes it appear plausible that electrostatic disturbances of the earth, produced by cosmic events, may have great influence upon the meteorological conditions.

  26. They are still weak enough to believe in gods and godlike men, in spirit and inspiration, in the ineffable fulness and meaning of a noble life, in the cosmic relationship of man, in the divineness of speech and thought.

  27. Even in a more primitive Hebrew poet the same cosmic universalism reveals itself.

  28. If the evolution theory is correct, the molecular structure of the cosmic gas stands in the same relation to the phenomena of the world as the structure of the clock to its phenomena.

  29. The reader may remember Professor Huxley's picture of a cosmic vapour, from a knowledge of which a sufficient Intelligence might have predicted our present world.

  30. Monasticism is a reversal or a misdirection of the Cosmic Urge.

  31. It will at once be seen that a penalized free motherhood is exactly like the Monastic Impulse--a protest and a revolt from the Cosmic Urge.

  32. Necessarily, the Cosmic Urge is older than the Monastic Impulse; and beyond a doubt it will live to dance on the grave of its rival.

  33. Back of it all was the Cosmic Urge, with a fair slip of a girl, and meetings by stealth in the moonlight; and then those orders from his father to give up the girl, which he obeyed with a vengeance.

  34. The Cosmic Urge is the creative instinct.

  35. The Monastic Impulse is a protest against the Cosmic Urge, or reproductive desire.

  36. The Church has aureoled and sainted the men and women who have successfully fought the Cosmic Urge.

  37. We shall find that when the Sun reaches the celestial equator, so that it is equal day and equal night on the Earth, that he is on the line of the celestial horizon; it is cosmic sunrise.

  38. So it is with vegetation, so it is with infant life, and so it is with cosmic conditions.

  39. It is simply another turn of our cosmic kaleidoscope, and behold!

  40. All the greater myths of the dim past were formulated to express cosmic time, solar and polar motion, and the phenomena resulting therefrom.

  41. They are chronological tables of cosmic time, and relate to eras of the past, of the Sun's motion, and not by any means to living creatures of antediluvian creations, as some wiseacres have imagined.

  42. It is the fiery red streams of awakening life that we all manifest at sunrise; then comes a change of magnetic polarity after the first fiery flush of cosmic life; the gleeful chattering of the birds and the cackling of the poultry.

  43. But it required the boldness of Mr. Wells to throw overboard entirely the conventional novel plot and make a hero of the cosmic energies.

  44. Democracy is an absurdity where faith in the individual as individual is impossible; and this faith is impossible where intelligence is regarded as a cosmic power, not an adjustment and application of individual tendencies.

  45. The detective, he says, who stands alone and fearless amid the knives and fists of a thieves' kitchen, is the original and poetic figure, and the criminals surrounding him represent cosmic conservatism.

  46. It is too late, after a busy day, and at that hour, to begin overtime on fashioning a new and better planet out of cosmic dust.

  47. But the special reason I wished to call attention to Victor Hugo's lyric is that it has that particular quality called by philosophical critics "cosmic emotion.

  48. But if you think of yourself in relation not to this world only but to the whole universe of hundreds of millions of stars and planets--in relation to the whole mystery of existence--then you have a cosmic emotion of the highest order.

  49. Tennyson has charmingly represented a lover wishing that he were a necklace of his beloved, or her girdle, or her earring; but that is not a cosmic emotion at all.

  50. When you think of yourself emotionally not only in relation to your own country, your own nation, but in relation to all humanity, then you have a cosmic emotion of the third or second order.

  51. Of course there are degrees even in this; the philosopher or the metaphysician will probably have a finer quality of cosmic emotion than the poet or the artist is able to have.

  52. The suggestion is that, after all, time is only a very relative affair in the cosmic order of things.

  53. But lovers very often, according to their degree of intellectual culture, experience a kind of cosmic emotion; and Victor Hugo's little poem illustrates this.

  54. It is a profound foolishness, a cosmic trick and quip, to the contemplative eye of the philosopher--yes, and of the futurist.

  55. As sure as cosmic sap was cosmic sap, just that sure was I that ere the voyage was over I should be pestered by her making love to me.

  56. To-day's promised to be a far worse one, and then laughed at us as a proper cosmic joke.

  57. Full justice is done to Kant, as the originator of that "cosmic gas theory," as the Germans somewhat quaintly call it, which is commonly ascribed to Laplace.

  58. The Gothic cathedral with its soaring arches free from all heaviness is the perfect expression of that cosmic feeling that inspired Eckhart and reached its artistic perfection in Dante.

  59. Those who realise the love-death as a necessity of their inmost being, resemble the great ecstatic whom earthly life can no longer satisfy, because he is conscious of a force compelling him to enter into a higher cosmic existence.

  60. This would have been a love-death of cosmic grandeur.

  61. Kant would have said that the principles of such a man would become cosmic laws; sin would be the estrangement from God, the will to draw away from God.

  62. The first love and the cosmic consciousness of genius were simultaneously present, they were one in their inmost soul.

  63. Before this poem all ecstasies of sensuousness masquerading as cosmic emotion are dull and timid.

  64. Stripped of every grand and cosmic feature, it degenerated into the principal form of amusement.

  65. If the love-death is the immortalisation of love unable to find satisfaction on earth, so its counterpart, cosmic sensuousness is, in the last sense, orientalism.

  66. Earthly sensuality did not satisfy Novalis, voluptuousness detached from man, voluptuousness in itself, was his dream and his religion--the supremest creation ever achieved by sexuality intensified into a cosmic emotion.

  67. This union occurred at the time when Goethe and Novalis were bringing spiritual love and cosmic sensuousness to their highest summit.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cosmic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.