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Example sentences for "dinosaurs"

Lexicographically close words:
dinners; dinnertime; dinning; dinnot; dinosaur; dins; dint; dinted; dints; diocesan
  1. The reptilian pubis is best understood by comparing the arrangements met with in the various other groups with that in the Orthopod Dinosaurs such as Iguanodon.

  2. The bone usually called the pubis in birds corresponds to the post-pubis of Dinosaurs and forms a long slender rod (fig.

  3. The diagnostic characters of the different groups of Dinosaurs are in the main those given by von Zittel.

  4. In Iguanodon, Polyonax, Hypsilophodon and Hadrosaurus among Dinosaurs the mandible has a predentary or mento-meckelian bone which, in some cases at any rate, was probably sheathed in a horny beak.

  5. It is probably homologous with the pre-pubis of Dinosaurs but in some birds is formed in part by the ilium.

  6. Except for its horned snout and armored eyes, this monster was not unlike in general type to those other predatory dinosaurs which had already appeared upon the scene.

  7. The bulls came thrusting themselves to the front--a terrific array which might have struck panic to the hearts of even the colossal Dinosaurs had they not been too stupid with rage for any new impression to pierce their brains.

  8. When the two raging Dinosaurs lost sight of their prey they stopped short, stupidly bewildered.

  9. Dinosaurs and other reptiles waded about in swamps and developed to tremendous sizes.

  10. The tracks of the dinosaurs are found in rocks which apparently were formed from river deposits of sands and muds.

  11. Many of the seas were changed into lands, new mountains were formed and the dinosaurs and giant reptiles were largely replaced by mammals and other modern varieties of life.

  12. Their war-horse clanked along like a badly rusted machine, approaching the dinosaurs obliquely.

  13. The dinosaurs instantly dropped on all-fours and joined in the flight, though at about half-minute intervals they rose on their hind legs and for a few seconds ran erect.

  14. If so, he readily pardoned David his theories on the Dinosaurs and his doubts as to the unvarying evidence of Divine Wisdom in the story of Creation.

  15. For it is rare that a complete skeleton of these monster Dinosaurs is recovered.

  16. The gigantic ichthyosaurs, mesosaurs, and dinosaurs held dominion over the sea and land, and the monster flying reptile, the pterodactyl, over the air.

  17. Ten miles south of the Bone Cabin Quarry, in the Como Bluffs, another bed containing the remains of huge dinosaurs was discovered.

  18. Thus the resemblance of the Ornithosaur drum-stick is almost as close to Dinosaurs as to Birds.

  19. So that the occurrence of Pterodactyles in a marine stratum is not inconsistent with their having been transported by streams from off the old land surface of the Lias, on which coniferous trees grew and Dinosaurs lived.

  20. In the limbs and the bony girdles which support them there is more resemblance between Pterodactyles and Dinosaurs than might have been anticipated, considering their manifest differences in habit.

  21. These illustrations may be accepted as demonstrating a relationship between the Ornithosaurs and Dinosaurs now compared, which can only be explained as results of influence of a common parentage upon the forms of the bones.

  22. The development of such a bony condition would make a close approximation between the Ornithosaurian pelvis and that of those Dinosaurs which closely resemble Pterodactyles in skull and teeth.

  23. There is great similarity between Dinosaurs and Pterodactyles seen in the region of the instep, known as the metatarsus.

  24. And some Dinosaurs also have the hand with three digits terminating in claws, which are quite comparable to the clawed digits of Pterodactyles.

  25. Only, Dinosaurs like Iguanodon, for instance, have the slender fibula as long as the tibia, and contributing to unite with the separate ankle bones of the similarly rounded pulley at the lower end.

  26. In some of the older genera of these carnivorous Dinosaurs of the Trias, the lateral vacuities of the head are as large as in Dimorphodon.

  27. And while the Pterodactyle shoulder-girdle is often absolutely Bird-like, that region in Dinosaurs can only be paralleled among Reptiles.

  28. I sure thought the Dinosaurs were arter me!

  29. At first the earth was peopled with dinosaurs and flying dragons, and the seas by squid-like mollusks.

  30. In the distance are other Dinosaurs and Crocodiles.

  31. Physically the Mesozoic has passed away, but still exists morally in an age of evil reptiles, whose end is as certain as that of the great Dinosaurs of the old world.

  32. In the Mesozoic, in addition to the great Dinosaurs and Pterodactyls of the land, it had at least fifty or sixty species of aquatic reptiles, besides many turtles.

  33. To one side, beyond the notch in the mountains, was the swamp where the dinosaurs fed.

  34. Earth-shakers" was Guru's name for the dinosaurs and "squatting place" was his word for city.

  35. The dinosaurs would stampede across the city.

  36. The screams of the dinosaurs were louder, as if the great beasts were excited by the conflagration in the city of the Ogrum.

  37. The Ogrum had erected the wall to keep the dinosaurs out of their city.

  38. You will probably get a chance to examine all the dinosaurs you want.

  39. The herd of dinosaurs crossed the city, turned and swept along the edge of the bay.

  40. What the dinosaurs had started, fires would finish.

  41. Of the monstrous Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic rocks one hardly needs to speak.

  42. Among the dinosaurs on the other hand we find that--setting aside Brontosaurus and its allies as aquatic--the predaceous kinds equalled or exceeded the largest of the herbivorous sorts.

  43. In contrast with the Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus this skeleton represents the smaller and more agile carnivorous dinosaurs which preyed upon the lesser herbivorous reptiles of the period.

  44. Not that dinosaurs were any more abundant there than elsewhere.

  45. Many of the bones of other herbivorous dinosaurs found in the Bone-Cabin Quarry were similarly scored and bitten off, and the teeth of Allosaurus were also found close to them.

  46. We can exclude feathers from consideration, for these dinosaurs have no affinities to birds, and there is no evidence for feathers in any dinosaur.

  47. After Brown] These Duck-billed Dinosaurs probably ranged all over North America and the northerly portions of the Old World during the later Cretacic.

  48. These Beaked Dinosaurs were, so far as we can tell, all vegetarians.

  49. It is very remarkable that three distinct kinds of these great dinosaurs lived at the same time in the same general region, as proved by the fact that their remains are freely commingled in the quarry.

  50. There are also indications of aquatic habits in some of the giant dinosaurs which render it probable that a considerable part of their life was led in the water.

  51. However, we found some of the types of dinosaurs that have since become famous.

  52. This renders it probable that they were the prey of the smaller pneumatic-built dinosaurs such as the present animal.

  53. Experience with Brontosaurus and with other large dinosaurs proves that it is impossible to design a metallic frame in the right pose in advance of assembling the parts.

  54. Defn: An order of herbivorous dinosaurs with birdlike characteristics in the skeleton, esp.

  55. Defn: A genus of large Jurassic dinosaurs remarkable for a powerful dermal armature of plates and spines.

  56. Defn: An order of carnivorous dinosaurs in which the feet are less birdlike, and hence more like those of an ordinary quadruped, than in the Ornithopoda.

  57. Defn: An extinct order of herbivorous dinosaurs having the feet of a saurian type, instead of birdlike, as they are in many dinosaurs.

  58. Defn: A genus of gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having a birdlike pelvis and large hind legs with three-toed feet capable of supporting the entire body.

  59. In truth, instead of a great comet hitting the earth and destroying the dinosaurs and many other living beings, it was the Great Wars, the nuclear wars, that caused all the damage.

  60. However, with the extinction of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous, the mammals were able to diversify rapidly and fill the empty ecologic niches that the dinosaurs once occupied.

  61. This filling of ecologic niches voided by the dinosaurs coupled with the spreading of mammals into hitherto unoccupied niches resulted in the development of a large variety of mammals.

  62. Jurassic 185 First birds, dinosaurs and mammals continue to evolve; beginning of Cordilleran Orogeny which formed the Rocky Mountains.

  63. And, as a matter of fact, those who complain that these names are hard to pronounce do not stop to think that, in many cases, the names of the Dinosaurs are no harder than others.

  64. Meaning, by birds, the Dinosaurs and the like?

  65. From the terrestrial Dinosaurs it seems that Birds and Mammals arose.

  66. Of great importance was the rise of the Dinosaurs in the Triassic, for it is highly probable that within the limits of this vigorous and plastic stock--some of them bipeds--we must look for the ancestors of both birds and mammals.

  67. It is highly probable that birds evolved from certain Dinosaurs which had become bipeds, and it is possible that they were for a time swift runners that took "flying jumps" along the ground.

  68. I've always wanted to spend the rest of my life fighting dinosaurs on Venus while my family is on Mars and my career is on Earth.

  69. You know very well there aren't any dinosaurs on Venus," Coleridge replied mildly.

  70. The case amounts almost to a demonstration if we compare with Dinosaurs their contemporaries, the Mesozoic birds.

  71. Professor Marsh considers that this, when alive, must have presented the strangest appearance of all the Dinosaurs yet discovered.

  72. Just as the Pterosaurs filled the place now occupied by the birds, so the Dinosaurs filled that represented by the mammals, or rather they took up a place holding some close relations with both the birds and the mammals.

  73. Woodward in a recent paper refers to a still more curious resemblance of the Dinosaurs to the biped lizard of Australia (Chlamydosaurus), which runs on its hind limbs, and even perches on trees.

  74. Evidently in point of size the Dinosaurs had a better claim than even Behemoth to be called the aEurooechief of the ways of God.

  75. Great dinosaurs sleep still in the Triassic strata of the Atlantic border and in the Jurassic of the Western states, to be unearthed from time to time and be given mausolea in our museums.

  76. Though the dinosaurs dominated life in those days, higher forms, their descendants, unnoticed were gradually creeping in, eventually to supplant them.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dinosaurs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.