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Example sentences for "dismissed"

Lexicographically close words:
dismemberment; dismiss; dismissal; dismissals; dismisse; dismisses; dismissing; dismission; dismist; dismount
  1. He has dismissed the late King's band, and employs the bands of the Guards every night, who are ready to die of it, for they get no pay and are prevented earning money elsewhere.

  2. He soon after, however, dismissed most of the equerries, that he might fill their places with the members of his own family.

  3. Connel dismissed the guards and the foreman walked out of the office a free man.

  4. Connel cleared his throat, and with a sidelong glance at Tom and a wink, dismissed the young officer, ordering him to have a jet car sent for them right away.

  5. No such thing happened, no such thing could happen, without a dozen or more people being aware of it; so the idea of a confederate may be dismissed without a thought.

  6. Meantime Ailsa and the boy, dismissed from any further need of service, walked on through the deepening dusk and turned their faces homeward.

  7. And with this non-committal response he dismissed the subject airily, waved the major to a seat, and the business of the interview began.

  8. Miss Wharton dismissed them with a peremptory gesture.

  9. The next second she dismissed the thought as unworthy.

  10. But Nevins now was penniless, so he said, and why should impecunious infantry subalterns support in idleness a disgraced and virtually dismissed officer?

  11. True, Nevins had been dismissed in disgrace, and in a question of veracity between the two men there was little doubt that Loring's would prevail.

  12. In 1655 he was summoned to appear before Cromwell, who dismissed the Leicestershire shoemaker as a harmless enthusiast, whose attempts at moral and religious reform could not do anything but good among the people.

  13. Had it been in her power, she would have dismissed this person, who "was constantly altering for the worse.

  14. What should I have done, if I had dismissed mine?

  15. Yes, I met the dismissed couple in a state of utter despair.

  16. After she had been dressed and her breakfast was served she wrote: "The footman Franz is dismissed for rude treatment of the steward Freyer, and is not to appear in my presence again.

  17. She would not have dismissed Catacazy--not she.

  18. He analyzed them and dismissed them one after another.

  19. And never did a crowd of imprisoned schoolboys show more glad exultation at their release than was generally indicated by these brethren and sisters when the words of benediction dismissed them from their period of irksome restraint.

  20. If our pastor lived there he would be dismissed very soon.

  21. Those who accompanied us so far had drawn them out, and given them to the Christians, who thereupon dismissed all the others they had brought with them.

  22. Having dismissed the caciques of Tulla and Cayas, the Governor took up his course, marching five days over very sharp mountains,[296] and arrived in a peopled district called Quipana.

  23. After we had dismissed the Indians in peace, and thanked them for the toil they had supported with us, the Christians with subtlety sent us on our way under charge of Zebreros, an alcalde, attended by two men.

  24. He dismissed the cacique of Coca, that he might return to his country: he of Tallise gave him the tamemes that were needed; and, having sojourned twenty days, the Governor set out for Tastaluca.

  25. Towards noon she dismissed the Magian and allowed herself a short interval of rest and sleep; but as soon as she woke she collected her wits, and set to work again with fresh zeal and diligence.

  26. He dismissed the bishop with an inward apology.

  27. Bob murmured a few idle regrets about Dickie, but Miss Dolly dismissed them--and Dickie--peremptorily.

  28. A wild desire to attract her attention by asking her if his luggage had arrived safely, he dismissed quickly.

  29. He dismissed consideration of them as quickly again as he had done before.

  30. I told them that if they dismissed me I'd take the case into the courts, where at the worst their reading of the words 'open immorality' would be put upon record, and my character freed from stain.

  31. I should have been glad to have dismissed the subject of the Quaker-dress in the last section, but so many objections are usually made against it, that I thought it right to stop for a while to consider them in the present place.

  32. With respect to his word, he was known to have held it so sacred, that the judges frequently dismissed him without bail, on his bare promise that he would be forth coming on a given day.

  33. One of my informants dismissed the whole matter thus.

  34. And here we shall find that the subject may be dismissed in almost a single sentence; for caste laws, as regards these points, can never act as a moral restraint, because the possibility of enforcing them cannot and does not exist.

  35. At last, however, he dismissed me with many presents, and I lost no time in going on board a ship, which sailed at once, and for four days all went well.

  36. When it was over the Sultan dismissed all the court, keeping with him only the chief of the eunuchs and a little slave.

  37. So saying he dismissed me with rich presents, and I returned in peace to my own house.

  38. At this point Kingozi, apparently losing all interest, dismissed them into the hands of Cazi Moto.

  39. Then he dismissed them and leaned back with a sigh.

  40. I had been dismissed from Bond Street for no fault of my own; I had a sister practically depending upon me; it was useless in the circumstances to try and find employment elsewhere.

  41. She came to me at the very moment when I was dismissed from my situation.

  42. I was dismissed without any chance of a further situation, I had only a few shillings in the world and an invalid sister partially dependent upon me.

  43. There was little the matter with Vera save for the fact that her ankle was very troublesome, though one of the house surgeons dismissed the idea of the patient being moved for the next day or two.

  44. I dismissed those suspicions as unworthy of me and insulting to Captain Lancing.

  45. With a gesture of contempt the countess dismissed the girl.

  46. The cab was dismissed in Bond Street under pretext of shopping, and another engaged.

  47. Jessie passed on, feeling that she was dismissed for the present.

  48. He dismissed the four-wheeler in the street and told Robert curtly to go about his business.

  49. I wondered; but I dismissed this idea as absurd.

  50. I was glad when Miss Darrell dismissed her on some slight pretext.

  51. The next moment, however, he dismissed the matter.

  52. As a result, he dismissed Venizelos a second time, in spite of the fact that twice, by their votes, the Greeks had shown that they approved of his policy.

  53. German ambassadors and ministers have been dismissed from practically every capital in Spanish America.

  54. It was obvious that she had nothing in common with the women he had dismissed from his present and future; she was more detached, even, than La Clavel on the stage.

  55. At once he recognized that she was unusual, strange: he had dismissed her as plain, if not actually ugly, and that judgment he was forced to recall.

  56. She paid the hairdresser from a confusion of silver and gold on her dressing-table and dismissed him with a good nature flavored by a native proverb.

  57. At last, in a volatile rage, she dismissed the servant with his tongs and pomatum and crimping leads, and swore to Charles Abbott that she was going to the Argentine by the first boat that offered passage.

  58. Even a dismissed scout must return her badge and buttons to the organization, and there was Tessie Wartliz forging her way on the strength of that special merit badge!

  59. However, he dismissed these thoughts from his mind, and was normal again.

  60. So, after a pause and a perfunctory nod, they dismissed him and proceeded to look further in quest of accommodation.

  61. Disabled at length by sickness, he was honorably dismissed from the service, and returned to his family in 1649.

  62. Word was sent to the Bishop, that the constable was not to be found; and the prelate, telling Roberts he could send him to jail in the afternoon, dismissed him until evening.

  63. And, having inquired divers things of me, with respect to my former progression in learning, he dismissed me, to provide myself with such accommodations as might be most suitable to my studies.

  64. Conscious that it was too late to do anything at this hour, she simply dismissed him, bidding him go at once to the post, barred and locked her door, and sat down, stunned and heartsick.

  65. The adopted bride or bridegroom is necessarily subject to the elders, and may be dismissed by their decision.

  66. Recent legislation has been in favour of the mukoyoshi; but, as a rule, the law is seldom resorted to except by men dismissed from the family for misconduct, and anxious to make profit by the dismissal.

  67. Then the poorest samurai was secured against want, and not liable to be dismissed from his post without fault.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dismissed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.