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Example sentences for "farmstead"

Lexicographically close words:
farmin; farming; farmland; farmlands; farms; farmsteads; farmyard; farmyards; farn; farness
  1. It was proud and dignified Ljung Björn Olafsson, who was married to one of the Ingmar girls, and was the owner of a large farmstead in the heart of the parish.

  2. Then they rode over Reekdale, and over the neck of land to Skorradale, and so up through the wood in the neighbourhood of the farmstead of Water-Nook, where they got off their horses, as it was very late in the evening.

  3. As he was come down from the farmstead (into the plain) he saw two men coming to meet him; they were Thorolf and Asgaut.

  4. We found a barn at last, at a farmstead where all was still, and there we slept some hours.

  5. We came to a farmstead where the dogs barked, and folk were still about.

  6. In this farmstead world, each individual member must therefore be made happy.

  7. If this may be so, there will be some comfort for the housekeeper in the farmstead on a rainy day when the wood from the pile outdoors is so wet that it will not burn, and the water is cold, and everybody in the house is cross!

  8. The farmstead girl must take her place in the farmstead or the farmstead unit will lack one of its component parts and fall to pieces.

  9. It means that the farmstead will have to be broken up, that the farm home must go out of existence, and the whole system of farm life must be revolutionized.

  10. In the varied business of the farmstead the daughter may see her love of animals gratified.

  11. She was already a unit in the complex structure of the farmstead before she was so acutely needed.

  12. If the young girls in the farmstead do not measure up to the standard, will they try to do what is in their power to make themselves more strong, fit, and beautiful?

  13. We are, then, face to face with the question, so important to us at the present moment, whether the daughter in the farmstead family is having her own full meed of happiness in her farm home or not.

  14. It is possible that all the skill of the woman in the farm home will be needed as time goes on to keep the financial foundations of the farmstead firm.

  15. There cannot be much isolation in such a farmstead as that!

  16. I took a wound or two in the stampede that followed, and was laid by in a little farmstead near Wilstrop Wood.

  17. The three of them set out, along a cart-track first, that led between labourers' cottages on one hand and a trim farmstead on the other, then into the open fields.

  18. It was a good night for foraging; every pitfall of the ground, every farmstead sleeping in the bosom of its guardian trees, showed clear in the dawn-light.

  19. As they reached Tockwith village, and were passing the farmstead where Cromwell had dressed the wound in his neck not long ago, five men rode out at them through the rosy light of dawn.

  20. Fairfax was three miles away, sleeping in a farmstead bed-chamber, when we roused him with the news.

  21. The farmstead was, in fact, a mansion of large size, an old manor-house, and had it been situate near a fashionable suburb and been placed in repair would have been worth to let as much per annum as the rent of a small farm.

  22. The real farmstead which it supplanted lies in a hollow at some distance, and is occupied by the head bailiff, for there are several employed.

  23. The man in hodden grey and rough top boots who might be seen going out on dusky mornings from his little farmstead of Ellisland near Dumfries.

  24. Up to this moment all his restlessness had not led him to think of actually deserting the farmstead and the alien flock.

  25. But when the migrating flocks began to pass overhead, on the long southward trail, and their hollow clamour was heard over the farmstead night and morning, he grew more restless.

  26. We passed under the farmstead of Laggan of Dunscore, and thought of Burns and Nicol coming there to seduce the worthy farmer away to partake of their festivities at Minniehive.

  27. The subject was the more excitingly placed before me, by my seeing every morning, from my bedroom windows, the smiling farmstead of Ellisland, which the poet built, and where he spent more than four years of his life.

  28. A farmstead is, but a unit in a farming community, yet travelers form an impression of the entire community by individual farm homes which they see in passing.

  29. Therefore, not only financial consideration but personal pride and a feeling of community spirit and enterprise should urge the farm owner to develop his farmstead according to the best of modern methods.

  30. And the following spring Eric gave Thorbiorn land on Stokkaness, where a goodly farmstead was founded, and there he lived thenceforward.

  31. Cock robin sings the louder for the silence of other birds, and if he comes to the farmstead and pipes away day by day on a bare cherry tree or any bough that is near the door, after his custom, the farmer thinks it an evil omen.

  32. Deep shadows gather round the farmstead and the ricks, and there is not a sound, nothing but the rustle of a leaf falling from the hollow oak by the gateway.

  33. By sharp contrast, the Anglo-Saxon labourer who lives in the cottage close by and works at the old timbered farmstead is profoundly religious.

  34. And all the colors were so bright and painted that the little farmstead seemed to have been conceived of the gayest mind on earth.

  35. For it is extremely dull in this orchard, with nothing to do except watch the changes of the apple-trees, and meanwhile the farmstead lacks water and milk, there being no entry to the well nor maids to milk the cows.

  36. The little farmstead of Craw Gill, that lay at a distance of about a couple of miles down the valley, on the side of a ravine, was apparently dead asleep.

  37. The 4th Company of the Emperor Alexander Regiment crossed the stream and forced its way through a breach made by the sappers into the farmstead in which the enemy's main force was gathered.

  38. The farmstead whose possession was so obstinately disputed was taken by storm at about five o'clock, with the co-operation of the Grenadiers of the 8th Life-Regiment.

  39. In the farmstead at the north entrance of Chevilly, however, the French still held their ground with great obstinacy.

  40. Then in conjunction with the Bavarians, who were pushing on through the valley to the northward, the village of Daigny, the bridge and the farmstead of La Rapaille were carried after a bitter fight.

  41. By two o'clock the 28th Regiment advancing from Roupy by the road from Ham had carried the farmstead of L'Epine de Dallon; and almost simultaneously Count von der Groeben's infantry came up to renew the offensive.

  42. He had inherited a farmstead of some twenty-five or thirty acres, and this he soon had blooming as the rose.

  43. Well," said the evil one, "I have been out on the farmstead where the newly wedded couple live.

  44. One night three tailors were working at a farmstead in the neighborhood.

  45. It was the osteria, half farmstead and half inn.

  46. My earliest memory is of being put out to nurse at a farmstead in the Campagna.

  47. In this manner is the hay crop of these distant uplands safely delivered at the little gaard or farmstead in the valley's lap.

  48. The house is painted white, and has about it an air quite like a farmstead in New England or New York.

  49. He had heard of a farmstead at Dovre, where so many trolls were accustomed to congregate on Christmas Eve, that the people who lived there had to flee, and find places to stay at other farms.

  50. This farmstead Per Gynt decided to hunt up; for he thought he would like to see these trolls.

  51. Finally he came to a farmstead that lay in a rocky section, and asked for work.

  52. The farmstead was perfectly still as he went by it again.

  53. The barns and stable, as they swiftly passed them, looked much neglected, and there was not about the whole farmstead another man or woman to be seen.

  54. Sterbohol Farmstead has been new built, in man's memory, but is dirty as ever.

  55. Croat fellows, in this Farmstead of ours," says De Ligne, "had fallen to shooting pigeons.

  56. The lonely farmstead on the uplands had been till now a very happy and tranquil home.

  57. All the land lay under a shroud of mist and vapor; and even on the uplands round old Marlowe's little farmstead the heavens were gray and cold, and the wide prospect shut out by a curtain of dim clouds.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "farmstead" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barnyard; croft; demesne; estate; fallow; farm; farmland; farmstead; grassland; hacienda; homestead; location; orchard; pasture; pen; place; plantation; ranch; station