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Example sentences for "fried"

Lexicographically close words:
frictionless; frictions; fridaie; fride; frie; friend; friende; friendes; friendless; friendlessness
  1. Or liver may be served plain fried with bacon, without any sauce whatever.

  2. French roll, scooped out and fried for that purpose, and sauce over.

  3. Veal cutlets cut and fried as above may also be served upon some very light mashed potatoes, omitting the sauce.

  4. At home I prefer the whiting fried with their skins on, merely dipping them in flour.

  5. A few slices of fat ought to be fried with the beef.

  6. Scramble ashore as fast as you can, for Aunt Cynthia is crazy lest her fried chicken 'frazzle ter a cinder,'" she cried as she greeted her guests.

  7. Pollo en padella are spring chickens cut up and fried with tomatoes, large sweet chillies, and white wine.

  8. Another Venetian dish which I can strongly recommend is the Fegato alla Veneziana, calf liver cut into thin slices, fried with onions in butter, and flavoured with lemon juice.

  9. Ardei Ungelute is a dish of green pepper, meat, and rice; Sarmalute are vine leaves filled with meat and served with a preparation of milk; Militei is minced beef fried on a grill in the shape of a sausage.

  10. Salade de Princesses Liégeoises is a salad made with scarlet runners mixed with little pieces of fried bacon.

  11. Srazis are little rolled strips of mutton with forced meat inside, fried in butter.

  12. There is an excellent Neapolitan method of treating egg-plants, fried in oil, cut in slices, sandwiched with cheese and tomatoes, and then baked.

  13. The favourite mode of preparation is to first soak out the salt, then let the cod simmer, but not boil, adding afterwards pimientas dulces and chopped onion fried and pounded.

  14. By way of fish you will always find the trout delicious, either fried or else à la meunière.

  15. Try it, only try it, the first time a fried sole appears on the dinner table, under which are your legs.

  16. I tried it; and owned that I had never known, till then, the right way of eating fried sole.

  17. We invited him to partake of our meal, to which he at once assented, eating the onions with a spoon, exclaiming at almost every mouthful, 'I like fried leeks.

  18. We had fried onions, and the flavour was very agreeable.

  19. But speaking of eating, and discussing fried fish and salt pork, aroused harrowing reflections in our company.

  20. He, undoubtedly, would eat his fish raw; whereas we were planning to have ours cut in slices, and fried with salt pork.

  21. The fellows began to smoke cigarettes and pipes as soon as they were up, and made the fire and cooked some bacon and fried some potatoes, and we all ate, with the flies buzzing around.

  22. And we had fried potatoes, hot bread (or what people would call biscuits), and wild raspberries with condensed milk.

  23. She thought she'd make fried mush for supper," said Tillie.

  24. The pitching of the tents is a lesson in architecture, the building of the camp-fire a victory over damp nature, and the supper of potatoes and bacon and fried trout a veritable triumph of culinary art.

  25. This required no little strength of character, for the perfume of fried veal chops was wafted to his nostrils, but he held himself in hand, and when he had burned his pipeful of tobacco he curled down and went to sleep.

  26. There was a half of a veal cutlet, browned to a nicety, a portion of fried potatoes, a thick slice of bread without butter, and a cup of coffee.

  27. The next moment she fanned him with the cloth she was spreading for the meal, then she put a plate of fried bacon and a pan of corn bread on the table, went to the back door, and called the children from their work.

  28. Betsey said you loved fried chicken an' biscuits," she said.

  29. The good housewife fried some slices of dark red ham.

  30. A whole opossum embedded in a great heap of fried sweet potatoes was placed by Len and Cæsar on each end of the long table, and Aunt Milly followed them with a great bucket of coffee and pans of smoking biscuits.

  31. At noon she fried a bit of chicken for Ruth, but took nothing herself except a cup of tea.

  32. And I eating sole leather and fried potatoes?

  33. For dinner, we had round steak, fried, more fried potatoes, and boiled onions.

  34. I had fried salt pork, fried eggs, and fried potatoes for breakfast.

  35. The first thing she offered him, of course, was the fried potatoes, that dainty dish which the murderers had greedily made away with!

  36. In fact, he thought something other than chivalry was necessary to face single-handed and alone those fried potatoes and Juffrouw Laps's persistent attentions.

  37. He began again; but the doctor interrupted him before he had hardly mentioned the fried potatoes.

  38. Beefsteak and French fried potatoes were the favorites, and hot oyster stews.

  39. Dick ate hot biscuit and creamed potatoes and fried chicken till Alice declared she shouldn't have the face to stay a month, if he gorged like that all the time.

  40. Mrs. Morton and Annie were up soon after daylight busy with the mysteries of fried chicken and fresh rolls.

  41. Some fresh milk and eggs, some crisp slices of fried bacon, a cup of coffee, and a few things of a similar nature will be more than sufficient.

  42. They reached their destination tired from the exertion of the climb and generally weary from the day's strenuous outing, but soon the odor of fried fish made them glad they had taken the trip and that the results had been so satisfying.

  43. Even Aunt Betty, usually a light eater, consumed three eggs, two glasses of milk and a plate of fried bacon, topping them off with a cup of strong coffee.

  44. We rested at this place, and feasted upon fried eels, which I found equal to those caught in the Thames.

  45. Then Gervaise, who was on the point of going for a sou's worth of fried onions to season her soup, shuddered from head to foot and said she would not go out ever again.

  46. Leonie sent for two sous' worth of shrimp, Augustine for some fried potatoes, Sophie for a sausage and Lisa for a bunch of radishes.

  47. Next the baker's was a shop where fried potatoes and mussels with parsley were sold.

  48. A constant succession of shopgirls carried off paper parcels of fried potatoes and cups filled with mussels, and others bought bunches of radishes.

  49. But Sally and David had eyes only for the tall stack of buckwheat cakes, the platter of roughly cut, badly fried "side meat," the huge graniteware coffee pot set on a chipped plate in the center of the table.

  50. Serve all soups with croutons of toast or fried bread.

  51. It may also be garnished with slices of hard-boiled egg, beetroot, fried tomatoes, &c.

  52. Drain, and stew or steam till very tender along with some shred onion and tomatoes previously fried together, without browning, in 1 oz.

  53. A few tomatoes sliced and fried along with, or instead of the carrot, or a cupful of tinned tomatoes would be a great improvement.

  54. When cold, it can be cut in slices, rolled in egg and bread crumbs, and fried a nice brown.

  55. Serve with poached or buttered eggs, fried or baked tomatoes, &c.

  56. Serve with fried tomatoes or any suitable sauce.

  57. They can be of ordinary toast, fried bread, or shredded wheat biscuits.

  58. The vegetables should be lightly fried in a little butter, the lentils scalded or washed well, and all boiled together for an hour or even less with the required quantity of water.

  59. Serve them, as also the golden marbles, on sippets of toast or fried bread with tomato or parsley sauce.

  60. Serve like a mince, garnished with sippets of toast or fried bread, or toasted Triscuits.

  61. Cut in small pieces and seasoned it makes an excellent addition to stews, hashes, or fried meats, but it should only be added a few minutes before serving, as the aroma is dissipated by over cooking.

  62. It may also be delicately fried with bread crumbs, or stewed in white sauce.

  63. Orcella should be eaten the day it is gathered, either stewed, broiled, or fried with egg and bread-crumbs like cutlets.

  64. When broiled or fried it truly makes a luscious morsel.

  65. Pour the mushrooms on bread fried in butter, and laid in the dish ready for them.

  66. He had fried all the rest of the kid of potatoes, and two large slices of ham.

  67. I can give you tea and coffee, fried fish, and fried potatoes.

  68. The host helped him to a big piece of ham and a great heap of fried potatoes.

  69. He placed them where they caught an abundance of fish, and then landed them upon Blank Island, while he made a chowder, and fried fish and potatoes for their dinner.

  70. I shall treat myself to a slice of fried ham before I bother my head any more about this craft or any other.

  71. It was soon "done to a turn," and the fried potatoes were as brown and nice as those prepared by his mother.

  72. Fried foods were prepared in iron 'spiders', large frying pans with legs.

  73. After the food was fried and while the coals were still glowing the fat of oxen and sheep was melted to make candles.

  74. After eating a hasty breakfast of fried fat pork and corn pone, they worked in the fields until the bell rang again at noon; at which time they ate boiled vegetables, roasted sweet potatoes and black molasses.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fried" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afflicted; baked; barbecued; bent; cockeyed; coddled; curried; elevated; fired; fried; fuddled; heated; high; illuminated; intoxicated; lit; loaded; organized; parboiled; pickled; pissed; plastered; polluted; potted; raddled; roast; scalloped; seared; smashed; soaked; soused; stewed; tanked; tight; bent; cockeyed; coddled; curried; elevated; fired; fried; fuddled; heated; high; illuminated; intoxicated; lit; loaded; organized; parboiled; pickled; pissed; plastered; polluted; potted; raddled; roast; scalloped; seared; smashed; soaked; soused; stewed; tanked; tight

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fried bread; fried parsley