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Example sentences for "ganger"

Lexicographically close words:
gander; ganders; gandher; gane; gang; gangers; ganging; gangland; ganglia; gangling
  1. I jumped out of bed, shaking in every limb, for I thought that the old ganger was killed.

  2. A match was again found; the lamp was lit, and after much rough doctoring on the part of his gang, the ganger recovered and swore himself to sleep.

  3. I did not take very much heed to his droning voice, my mind reverting continuously to the tragedy which I had just witnessed, and I do not think that the ganger took very much pleasure in the reading.

  4. The bird on the bough atop of the slope trilled louder; the song of the man died out, and he turned to the ganger who stood near him, with a questioning look.

  5. Our ganger built a large shack at Kinlochleven when work was started there, and furnished it with a hot-plate, beds, bedding, and a door.

  6. What the hell are you workin' for when the ganger is out of sight?

  7. I did not know that it was wrong to work when the ganger was out of sight," I said to the man who had spoken.

  8. Joe was working upon this rumour now, and the ganger began to look uncomfortable.

  9. While the thunder of the riven earth was still in our ears the ganger blew his whistle, the signal to cease work and return to our shacks.

  10. Billy ceased thinking just then, for a wild swing of Moleskin's heavy fist missed Gahey and caught the ganger under the ear.

  11. We hurried towards him, and found our ganger vainly striving to rise with both arms caught in his entrails.

  12. I knocked Carroty out," said the man who accused me of working when the ganger was out of sight, and he looked covertly in my direction.

  13. Afterwards the ganger read me the rules which I had to observe while in the employment of the company.

  14. You're a damned hasher, and no ganger within miles of you!

  15. To the other end a fore-ganger is bent, to which is fastened a long cord called the whale-line, which lies carefully coiled in the boat in such a manner as to run out without being interrupted or entangled.

  16. Fore-ganger is also the short piece of rope immediately connecting the line with the shank of the harpoon, when spanned for killing.

  17. My ganger said, 'I am glad you have come back, because they stick; I have tried to get the lot down, but not one has screwed in more than a foot.

  18. Well, I had the crane stopped in a second, for my nephew was watching like a vulture, and I and my ganger had provided ourselves with a bar each, and were standing on the flanges.

  19. I met my ganger in one, and managed to get in front of them and ask on the quiet who they were.

  20. Here was a golden opportunity for Rollo the Ganger and his vikings.

  21. Rollo the Ganger must have been nearly eighty years old when he died in 927.

  22. The Italian ganger turned out to have his pride also, and did not lag, and only the free-born British subject from Sierra Leone endeavored to shirk his due proportion of the toil.

  23. Over the ganger is the inspector of permanent way, responsible for the gangers doing their duty, who generally goes over all his district once a day on the engine, and walks one or more gangers' beats.

  24. The same having been done on the other side, the trucks were pushed along the newly-laid ten yards, and the process was repeated, the Irish ganger above-mentioned swearing till the surrounding bogs seemed to quake.

  25. You can hear the ganger shouting and swearing even at this distance.

  26. They work in gangs, each with a ganger swearing at them in the most offensive and outrageous way.

  27. An Irish ganger walked to and fro along the top, keeping his eye on the men, and occasionally shouting in an excited tone.

  28. An English ganger hard by never spoke at all, but no doubt his men felt lonely.

  29. If a ganger or a constable who is diverted to the fortresses of the king, his son be able to carry on the business, one shall give him field and garden and he shall carry on his father's business.

  30. If a man has bought the cattle or sheep which the king has given to the ganger from the hand of the ganger, he shall be deprived of his money.

  31. By God, if I could only get that Ronny McKinnon under my bonny blue hanger," said Gilchrist, the ganger that had the soft side for Mirren Stuart.

  32. How urchins, searching at day's decline The Common Pasture for sheep or kine, The terrible double-ganger heard In leafy rustle or whir of bird!

  33. Mr. Ganger wanted you to come, and so do I.

  34. He always welcomed any plan for giving her pleasure, and was blessing Ganger in his heart for providing the diversion.

  35. And not only the neighbors, but Nat Ganger and Sam Dogger accepted.

  36. Don't let old Kling touch it," Ganger roared out as soon as he stepped inside, before he had even said "How do you do?

  37. Thus, Charles the Simple insists that Rolf-ganger shall change his law (creed) and his name, and Rolf or Rou is christened Robert.

  38. From Rolf Ganger also are descended the earls in Normandy.

  39. I slipped out my revolver, asked the ganger to hold up the lantern he was carrying so that I could see inside the tent when I opened the tattered flap, and, raising it, slipped inside.

  40. The ganger was quite delighted as he took hold of the stirrup leather to make the man secure while I went in to pull out his handcuffed mate.

  41. When I returned the ganger had been found and took us towards the portion of the camp where the two men shared one of the dirtiest of tents I had ever seen.

  42. I handed the revolver to the ganger and left them in his charge while I searched their filthy abode.

  43. He was not sure; but he knew where the ganger who was in charge of the tunnelling party hung out, and he would probably know their whereabouts.

  44. Rolf the Ganger had been proud rather than ashamed of his brutal ferocity and selfishness.

  45. They said that the minister had prophesied that in the spot where Ganger Patie had cursed the messenger of God, even there God would enter into judgment with him.

  46. And--and, she said also that Rolf Ganger had left the King in a huff, and perhaps we might look for help from him too.

  47. Hakon was glad to hear this, and told her to inform Haldor that he would soon be in the fiord with his longship, that he would aid the people of Horlingdal in resisting Harald, and that it was probable Rolf Ganger would also join them.

  48. Rolf Ganger did not respond so heartily to this as Erling wished, and he felt much disappointed; for, being a man who did not often express his feelings, he felt all the more keenly anything like a rebuff.

  49. Men choose to call me Ganger because I prefer to gang on my legs rather than gang on the legs of a horse.

  50. They were little loss, for they were masterless vikings who might have given trouble at any time if no plunder was to be had, and I was not sorry to see them sail away to join Rolf Ganger in France.

  51. The ganger perhaps'll let you off if you pay for it out of your wage.

  52. They seemed to have thought of that, for the ganger shouts down the crooked hole--`How are we to get down the rope to you?

  53. When the ganger finds it he'll think it was Shock broke it, and then you'll be all right, eh?

  54. He's jealous of you, like, because the ganger makes so much of you.

  55. I can see no other way,' said the ganger at last.

  56. I heard the ganger shout from up in daylight, and I began to feel about for you; and, Lor'!

  57. And you are employed as a ganger on this section of the Canal?

  58. In his younger days Jim had wielded the pick and spade and trundled the wheel-barrow, but at the time of which I speak he was the boss or ganger over a regiment of navvies.

  59. The ganger keeps on engaging men; but presently he stops.

  60. Then the ganger comes out and picks them from among the remaining crowd.

  61. The ganger after being blown fifty feet, escaped most miraculously with only a few bruises.

  62. A flat trolley with a European ganger and seven coolies and natives went over the first mine without exploding it; but on reaching the second, about a mile beyond, an explosion took place.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ganger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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