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Example sentences for "grog"

Lexicographically close words:
grocer; groceries; grocers; grocery; groceryman; groggeries; groggery; groggily; groggy; groin
  1. It was excluded the fellowship of such as heap up gold and silver; not because it did, but for fear it might, ask a small portion of their beloved wealth.

  2. Charmed with his candour, our conversation continued: he directed me in the college modes, and I sent to the Bursar, and prevailed on Turl to breakfast with me.

  3. A double allowance of grog had been already served; but many of the men had been imbibing freely, owing to the proximity of the shore and the ease with which liquor could be obtained.

  4. I reckon you are the only man what don't take his grog here," said the boy.

  5. There was no flogging then, for a bit of grog stopping did nearly always, and the men used to take a pride in themselves and their ship, as is the case everywhere when the officers are gentlemen.

  6. Despite his efforts, poor Jarwin was so visibly affected at parting from his kind old master, that the steward of the ship, a sympathetic man, was induced to offer him a glass of grog and a pipe.

  7. I answered in this way because I was sitting before the fire at the time drinking my grog rather thoughtfully, and I knew my throwing in an undecided word now and then, would induce her to continue talking.

  8. Well, there I sat for maybe an hour, the noise of the storm getting ever louder and louder, so at times I could hardly hear the rattle of my spoon as I stirred up the grog in the tumbler.

  9. One hat served nine; their shirts were latent; their dinners intermittent, and their grog often eleemosynary.

  10. In a few minutes there was a blazing fire, the hot grog was upon the table, and Pellatt and Old Beans were smoking away like steam.

  11. To be useful and kind to my Thomas I stay'd, For his trousers I washed, and his grog too I made.

  12. Our ship was not exactly popular as a rendezvous, however, for the custom of the grog tub, prevalent in most ships in harbour, was entirely unknown to us.

  13. The advocates of so-called temperance can say what they please, but the judicious administration of grog on board ship (sailing-ships especially) will always have my support.

  14. There was grog again at breakfast, for the benefit of those who had been in their bunks at midnight.

  15. Grog was served at midnight to all on deck.

  16. Hot glass of grog and a chat over the fire: that's the best thing after such a wetting as we got this afternoon.

  17. Gentlemen often had a glass of grog when they thought the ladies had gone upstairs.

  18. Well, I shall just have my grog before I turn in," he observed, according to custom.

  19. Many captains, in those days, would have given him a couple of dozen, or put him on nine-water grog for a month.

  20. If I had had too much grog aboard, I could not have done it, and it's a strong argument in favour of keeping sober on all occasions, but more especially when any work is to be done.

  21. We've done tea, but we shall have the grog and the bread on the table shortly.

  22. It was now evening, and old Perigal had his glass of grog before him.

  23. If it suits me to drink my grog like this, am I not at liberty to do it?

  24. And take your own case--would you have liked it if they had brought you your grog in a wash-basin, eh?

  25. Then they were prone to resort to the grog ships, which hovered around them, and they too often drank a great deal more rum than was good for them.

  26. The grog ships were finally driven from the sea.

  27. As a doctor he realized how harmful liquor was to them, and he was going to fight the grog ships and do his best to put them out of business.

  28. Came in a yellow and two posters, knocked up the Temperance and then knocked up me to see for the pony, and was much put out as he could not get any grog at the Temperance.

  29. Meantime, the news spread like wildfire, and all the city was in commotion, for grog was very popular.

  30. How he had managed to get the grog to keep up his spree was a mystery which we could not solve, though we had had him closely watched, so I cut the matter short by packing him into my ambulance and carrying him off to Camp Sill.

  31. Moonshine was very much attached to his master, very much attached to having his own way, and was, farther, very much attached to his master's grog bottle.

  32. I see more grog on de table: so I take up de bottel and I say, 'Massa Cockle, you go up stairs?

  33. All right, sar, all right; dat last glass grog gib me fine idee; you nebber ab more trouble bout Missy O'Bottom.

  34. Den I say, 'Missy O'Bottom pose massa not come soon as he take one two glass grog cut my head off.

  35. A short time after this another fellow, very much the same sort of man as Berkeley, as he called himself, addressed me, and invited me to come forward and take a glass of grog with him.

  36. It was never his brightest time, for though he did not actually get tipsy, the reaction following the four or five pretty stiff glasses of grog which he drank at night, generally at this time took place.

  37. Then let us get some grog aboard, and die like men," cried some of the crew.

  38. A glass of grog or two would do us more," replied the seaman.

  39. Let us fit out the boat with everything we require, go about our work steadily and quietly, drink as much grog as will not hurt us, and take a good provision of it with us.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grog" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alcohol; beverage; booze; brew; budge; drink; gargle; gin; grog; guzzle; hooch; imbibe; juice; lap; liquor; lush; nip; potable; potation; quaff; rum; sauce; schnapps; sip; soak; spirit; spirits; sup; tipple; tope; whiskey