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Example sentences for "memorizing"

Lexicographically close words:
memorised; memorising; memorization; memorize; memorized; memory; memorye; memos; memsahib; men
  1. For these reasons, modern education emphasizes clearness of presentation and ability to apply, rather than the mere memorizing of knowledge.

  2. In other words, will the memorizing of any set of facts strengthen the mind to remember more easily any other facts whatsoever?

  3. Whatever may be said against the practice of memorizing topical outlines, it must be acknowledged that unless it is done the pupil's knowledge of the subject is likely to be very hazy, indefinite, and disconnected.

  4. The first consideration, therefore, relative to the memorizing of knowledge is to decide the conditions favourable to establishing such nervous paths during the learning process.

  5. The act of memorizing will at once strengthen the faculty of memory itself, and will enrich you otherwise.

  6. It is one of the weakest forms of cramming, and is most ridiculous and least useful when the memorizing is done by simultaneous oral repetition.

  7. All memorizing by repetition of words, even if they are understood, is cram, if the pupil can work the thought into his life by repetition of process or of operation.

  8. It is very easy to criticize the old-fashioned method of studying reading by means of learning by heart whole pages of the psalter, and of studying arithmetic by memorizing what a number is, and so forth.

  9. The carrying-out of such ideas meant the careful organization of the teaching process and teaching method, to secure certain predetermined ends in child development, instead of mere miscellaneous memorizing and school-keeping.

  10. To retain the interest of the pupils amid such a load of memorizing various school devices were resorted to, chief among which were prizes, ranks, emulations, rivals, and public disputations.

  11. Any one who finds the memorizing beyond his powers should abandon public speaking and devote his energies to something easy.

  12. The most helpless of these is the speaker who is bound closely to his fully written manuscript or who departs from it only by memorizing the sentences.

  13. The boys in school were given as their daily task the memorizing of the works of the poets, and what was begun under compulsion appears to have been continued in later life as a pleasure.

  14. The memorizing of Confucian books by Chinese students and of the Koran by Moslem students is very exact.

  15. Pestalozzi's just insistence upon the active use of the senses, as a substitute for memorizing words, left behind it in practice schemes for "object lessons" intended to acquaint pupils with all the qualities of selected objects.

  16. Such memorizing should not be done usually as a task.

  17. The error is not in memorizing complete poems and fine poetic passages, but in doing this in a mechanical fashion.

  18. Furthermore, we must remember that a Japanese youth gives the best years of his life to the bare memorizing of these symbols.

  19. The possibility of simplifying the colossal task of memorizing these uncorrelated ideographs does not seem to have occurred to the Japanese; though it is now being attempted by the foreigner.

  20. In comparing the Occidental with the Oriental, it is to be remembered that there is not among Occidental nations that attention to bare memorizing which is so conspicuous among the less civilized nations.

  21. We should not forget also that some Occidentals manifest astonishing facility in memorizing Chinese characters.

  22. The entire educational effort was to develop the powers of observing and memorizing accidental, superficial, or even purely artificial relations.

  23. Memorizing may make the material grow so familiar that it loses its interest for the speaker.

  24. The drawbacks of such memorizing have already been hinted at in an early chapter.

  25. As preparation for exercise in dramatics, whether simple or elaborate, training in memorizing and practice in speaking are extremely valuable.

  26. Then memorizing the lines will fix these stage directions in his mind.

  27. Memorizing has a decided value, but for speech-making the memory should be trained for larger matters than verbal reproduction.

  28. That these incredible feats were the result of a system of memorizing similar to what I have explained.

  29. The problems of habit building or memorizing are already well on the way to solution.

  30. We are also beginning to see from these tests, that a systematic method of attacking such a problem as the memorizing of the tables will do much to save time and promote efficiency.

  31. He looked back down, memorizing the elevator, and then pulled the hatch shut again.

  32. Magnum and slowed the car, memorizing the road as he passed it.

  33. This is not the usual preparation for division, though memorizing the multiplication table is indeed used as a preparation for multiplication.

  34. Science would laugh at the notion of memorizing every individual form of rock.

  35. Avoid memorizing as much as possible, but work solely by the application of principles.

  36. The arrangement suggests memorizing every word in the language ending with either of these terminations, and until we have memorized any particular word we have no means of knowing what the termination is.

  37. But after all, the drudgery of memorizing must be gone through with.

  38. In neither case is the learning either mere memorizing of facts or the mere understanding of a principle in abstracto followed by its application to concrete cases.

  39. Indeed, we may replace the independent memorizing of these facts by a set of instructive exercises wherein the pupil derives the subtractions from the corresponding additions by simple acts of reasoning or selective thinking.

  40. As to the first, it is true that Luther did not put a low estimate on the memorizing of the Catechism.

  41. Self-evidently, it was not Luther's opinion that instruction or memorizing should end here.

  42. Thus Luther indeed placed a high value on exact memorizing of the Catechism.

  43. To insure the desired results (memorizing and understanding the text), the children should be questioned, especially at home by the parents.

  44. As far, then, as the material for memorizing is concerned, Luther certainly did not demand more than even the least gifted were well able to render.

  45. The all-important point in this teaching of facts is to keep the lessons interesting and not allow them to become mere lifeless memorizing of isolated happenings; for a fact is of value only when related to other facts.

  46. The following statement of the chief principles of memorizing will, it is hoped, put mere verbal repetition in its proper place.

  47. This statement is especially true of history, for, unless it is steadily borne in mind, the temptation is very great to make the teaching of this subject consist in mere memorizing of events and dates.

  48. After a certain point of fatigue, whether in the acquisition of motor habits or the memorizing of information, in which the process is much the same, the rate of learning is much slower and the degree of accuracy much less.

  49. Thus the effort of memorizing is considerable, for I must always bear in mind that this C major chord has a C sharp in it, or that such and such a chord is changed into a most unusual one.

  50. I really do not know when the memorizing takes place.

  51. For memorizing piano music I can say I have no method whatever.

  52. For the actual memorizing of the piece I generally do it phrase by phrase, not always 'each hand alone,' though occasionally I do this also.

  53. In regard to memorizing piano music, it may be said this can be accomplished in three ways: namely, with the eye, with the ear, and with the hand.

  54. The problem is to discover the best means of memorizing music quickly and surely.

  55. It may be that Leschetizky's principle of memorizing will not appeal to every one.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "memorizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    memoir; recall; recollection; reconsideration; reflection; remembrance; reminiscence; retrospect; retrospection; review; rote; study