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Example sentences for "shouts"

Lexicographically close words:
shouted; shouters; shouther; shouting; shoutings; shove; shoved; shovel; shoveled; shoveler
  1. A crash sounded at the door, shouts rolled through the iron of the ship, and a grim struggle was begun at once.

  2. Bells clanged; shouts sounded; running feet were overhead; blocks creaked; the wind freshened and called for more canvas.

  3. The revolutionists were busy with the engines and the furnaces, and their shouts came aft with muffled curses.

  4. The ship rocked with shouts as the seaman loaded the gun and prepared for a second attempt.

  5. Their shouts rolled to the rafters; A bitterer way was mine, And I left them in the tavern, Drinking the yellow wine!

  6. The high shouts rang through all the corridors, `Shelley!

  7. Their shouts rolled to the rafters, Another chief began; His slit lips showed him for a Hun; He was an evil man.

  8. Their shouts rolled to the rafters, The drink-horns crashed and rang, And all their talk was a clangor of war, As swords together sang!

  9. Their shouts rolled to the rafters, The air was thick with wine.

  10. On this he sat perched, while wire rope snapped over and around him, and as the steamer forged ahead, managed to make himself heard over the shouts and curses with which the two skippers paid their parting compliments.

  11. He heard the shouts of a shipmate, and as he came to the surface, saw men on the rail, looking and waving.

  12. But the fellow had had time to observe him; he was evidently much surprised to see a gentleman go by at so unusual a pace; and he came out into the lane and began to call after Harry with shouts of ironical encouragement.

  13. Diphilus had applied to Pompey the phrase 'Miseria nostra tu es magnus,' and that he was compelled to repeat it a thousand times amid the shouts of the whole theatre.

  14. Such compositions cannot be attributed to the inspiration or skill of any early poet, but seem to have been copied from the uncouth and spontaneous shouts of a simple, unsophisticated priesthood, engaged in a rude ceremonial dance.

  15. At the word Rollo abandoned the man whom he was holding down, and with shouts of "Cardono!

  16. Suddenly the clamor of the conflict burst upon his ear--the shouts of the Indian warriors and the cry of the fugitive Spaniards.

  17. Again they raised shouts of defiance and insult.

  18. Shouts of "kill the tyrant," rose from all parts of the square, which were echoed even from the ranks of Don Pedro's soldiers.

  19. The barking of dogs, the shouts of children, and the voices of men and women, reached their ears.

  20. Tom Stevens had fought pluckily among the rest, and Will was ready with his shouts of encouragement, and a cutlass he had taken for use instead of his dirk, wherever the pressure was most severe.

  21. They changed their course several times as soon as it became quite dark, and presently had the satisfaction of hearing the shouts of their pursuers fade away behind them.

  22. Shouts were heard on shore and the sound of oars in rowlocks.

  23. With oaths and shouts the men pursued him.

  24. I thought then that they would at once shoot me, but there was a lively argument among them and shouts of laughter, and they evidently thought that it would be a great joke to leave me up here until I chose to slide down and be killed.

  25. They presently heard from the shouts and exclamations of the men that everything was going well, and on looking out they saw that the enemy’s foremast had been shot away, and in consequence she was unmanageable.

  26. Then, as our conquering hosts return, What shouts of jubilee shall break From placid vale and mountain stern And shore of mighty lake!

  27. Wall, he heard shouts as he come up to the shack, and saw Hurley whacking Tom here, the lad he'd got apprenticed to him.

  28. Shouts of anger and disappointment greeted the party as they swung out from behind the cover and into the open.

  29. Shouts and firing and sichlike would make them critters come on; silence gives 'em the hump.

  30. And as they pushed their way across it the shouts of the enemy came to their ear, while presently they could be seen descending the hillside.

  31. Shouts escaped from them as they raced for cover, and in little more than a minute all had disappeared from view.

  32. Shouts greeted them as they trailed into a narrow clearing, at the back of which stood a low-built shack half-buried in snow, and with its roof supporting a vast mass of that material.

  33. A figure crouched just behind the dogs, and the frosty air brought the sound of his shouts and the crack of the dog whip he wielded.

  34. Then shouts of rage and fierce orders burst from his lips; in his anger he dashed hither and thither, shouting at his men, and even striking those who seemed to be dawdling.

  35. The shouts of the villagers were also heard beneath in the court- yard; for Saunders Saunderson, who had kept the secret for several days with laudable prudence, had unloosed his tongue upon beholding the arrival of the carriages.

  36. Through the little village they were accompanied with the shouts of the children, who cried out, 'Eh!

  37. They still heard, however, at a distance the shouts of the soldiers as they hallooed to each other upon the heath, and they could also hear the distant roll of a drum beating to arms in the same direction.

  38. Loud shouts of triumph now echoed over the whole field.

  39. Our brigade was well down the mountain when the battle began and the roar of musketry and shouts of the contending forces came up the mountain side to us as we hurried on.

  40. Reinforcements are now entering on the Federal side with battle shouts and huzzas, which are answered in grim defiance by the Confederates.

  41. That officer was designated by General Lee to give notice, if the combat was successful, by advancing his brigade, under the shouts of infantry charge, as the signal for general assault.

  42. After a stretching gallop of three miles, I rode him quietly back, now and again turning him to accustom him to the bridle-thong, but not venturing to feel his mouth, and then brought him up to the toldo amidst the shouts of the spectators.

  43. And then again they would trip off into the figure 8, swinging round with arms interlocked; and again roof and rafter would 'dirl' with the triumphant shouts of the men.

  44. With triumphant shouts they marched along this ocean path, following a leader whom they now believed to be the chosen avenger of the gods.

  45. At length land was seen by all, and with shouts of joy they ran their ships ashore upon the beach of Southern Corea.

  46. And now, with blare of trumpet and clash of weapons, with shouts of triumph and songs of praise to the gods, the fleet set sail for home.

  47. But why the shouts out there in the lane--why had they not rushed in at once--and why now that shot!

  48. The howls, yells, shouts and execrations welled into a louder outburst as he dashed into the lane.

  49. Came the trampling of feet from overhead now; and now, as the woman still screamed, answering shouts and yells came from the dance hall.

  50. Shouts and execrations arose on high and mingled in one vast roar.

  51. His appearance was hailed with shouts of derision, although his majestic face and dignified manner were only calculated to excite admiration.

  52. As the shouts of laughter and yells of derision came down to his ears he raised his head and uttered a few words.

  53. Such were the shouts that answered the cry.

  54. But now murmurs and cries and shouts passed around.

  55. Murmurs arose and cries and shouts with the intention of maddening the tiger and urging him on.

  56. Stop, stop," shouts Curtis; "do you mean to cut off our last and only chance of safety?

  57. Curtis leaps on to the netting, casts a rapid glance at the snow-white billows, and turning to the helmsman shouts with all his might, "Starboard the helm!

  58. Shouts and hideous curses sounded up and down the lines like the snarls of savage animals.

  59. And then, suddenly, wild yells and shouts burst out from the rolling mist and the Shumadians fell upon the invaders with set bayonets.

  60. Then deafening shouts and cheers went up, and the enthusiasm became intense, the gentlemen drawing and brandishing their swords, and the ladies waving their pocket-handkerchiefs, and fluttering their fans.

  61. And then, above the clash of arms and the shouts and groans, Black Ali's voice rang out, "Yield and I will spare your lives.

  62. But the Brunswickers swooped down upon them with shouts of triumph.

  63. Then Black Ali's men fired musket shots, but the bullets only made little splashes in the water and drew more derisive shouts and mocking laughter from the new masters of the ship.

  64. Meanwhile the din without increased; the shouts and yells and menaces against the hated foreigners grew louder; the blows thundered upon the iron-studded door faster and harder.

  65. Silas heard the mocking refrain repeated over and over between shouts of laughter long after they were out of sight.

  66. The sun set, and the dusk deepened; the air was loud with birds; there were shouts of children in the distance; gradually these died away, and the stars came out.

  67. He lay, well propped up on pillows, in his little bedroom, and he could hear the shouts of the coasting boys.

  68. So she sat in the deepening dusk and knitted, and heard the laughter and shouts of the boys at play a little way down the road with a deeper pang than Ephraim had ever felt over his own deprivation.

  69. The lamps in the street below were lit, and the shouts of the children at play came up to him.

  70. They could hear the distant shouts of the men cutting down the trees in the garden, and the blows of the axes.

  71. Their figures were sharply outlined against the serene sky; their shouts and laughter floated across the fields.

  72. When Dellwig's shouts became intolerable, she did not hesitate to wince conspicuously and to put up her hand to her head.

  73. The glorious sunshine, the shimmering green of the grass, the warm breezes, and the shouts of victory mocked the mother's anguish.

  74. Their shouts rose in unison, swelled into a thunder peal, and died away as one voice.

  75. But above all other impressions was the contagion of the thunder shouts of hosts of men surging through the streets--the human roar with its animal and spiritual magnetism, wild, resistless, unlike any other force in the universe!

  76. Margaret winced at the coarse words, but the galleries burst into shouts of laughter that lingered in ripples and murmurs and the shuffling of feet.

  77. Thus time went on, when one night I was awoke by hearing a fearful uproar, rapid reports of firearms, shouts and shrieks of men fighting desperately.

  78. Shouts rent the air as at length the king issued from the Commissioner's house, carrying in his own hand a magnificent diamond-hilted sword, accompanied by the queen, and followed by several of the princes and princesses.

  79. He thus proceeded down to his barge waiting at the steps, when, amid the shouts of the multitude, and the firing of guns, he embarked with his family and attendants.

  80. Mad Sal watched the proceeding, making her shrieks and wild shouts heard till the boat had got far off from the beach: she then suddenly stopped, and a gleam of sense appeared to pass through her mind.

  81. Nevertheless, when Doctor Joe passed the word along the line to reassemble, Seth gave several lusty shouts for Jamie.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shouts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.