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Example sentences for "vividly"

Lexicographically close words:
vivers; vivet; vivid; vivida; vividest; vividness; vivification; vivified; vivifies; vivify
  1. In connection with this last "incident" a circumstance arose which demonstrates more vividly than mere adjectives the underhand methods employed by the Sofia authorities.

  2. As the mere announcement of the fact vividly exhibits the staying powers of the auto in a long, stiff climb, the engineering details may be disregarded.

  3. The country within the last two years has unquestionably felt more vividly than ever before the anomaly of an hereditary Upper Chamber embedded in democratic institutions.

  4. That morning of our start is still vividly in my memory.

  5. In order to bring the magnitude of this sacrifice more vividly before the reader, let us assume that a European war is not likely to occur more frequently than about every thirty years.

  6. It has been said that this effect has been vividly illustrated in certain forms of chlorosis.

  7. Indeed, we can with difficulty realize the severity with which measures of isolation have been carried into effect at times when the devastation produced by the plague was still vividly remembered.

  8. I should think it was," answered Varne, vividly interested.

  9. He remembered vividly those trustful blue eyes, so clear and straight, and withal appealing in their glance.

  10. Helston Varne was becoming more and more vividly interested.

  11. He recalled vividly that last meeting at the head of Plane Pond, under the sprouting green leafage of early spring in the Plane woods.

  12. Here is seen, transpiring vividly enough, the uncertainty and indecision arising from the conflict between the orders of the Department and his own sounder judgment.

  13. At that place Yekl meets them in a vividly told scene--ill-concealed disquiet on his part and naive alarm at the situation on hers.

  14. The Socialists go in vividly for politics, while the Anarchists have nothing to do with them.

  15. His words come vividly to mind in reviewing the curious catalogue which a European statistician lately furnished of the number of sovereigns who have perished by violent deaths or been discrowned by disaster.

  16. It is one which has been illustrated in the history of modern states, not less vividly than in the history of antiquity.

  17. Little August and his beloved Hirschvogel the great Nürnberg stove, Florentine Lolo and his faithful Moufflou, Raphael the child of old Urbino, and others, are vividly pictured.

  18. This diary of Reformation days is fictitious, but it serves to bring most vividly before us Luther and the men of his time.

  19. The light fell across her face under the dark brim of her hat, and touched its beauty into something vividly apart from the shadows and sordidness of the place, yet paler than its sunlit brilliancy.

  20. The boys had set fire to little piles of early fallen leaves along the sides of the streets, and a faint, pungent smoke hung about and melted into the twilight, and the flame leaped forth vividly now and then from the dusky heaps.

  21. As he stood, the past recurred to Bulwunt Rao so vividly that, though years had intervened, it seemed only as if that night had gone, and morning had succeeded.

  22. There was no denying that such thoughts would recur more vividly than the others, causing the Lalla to writhe in his bonds, and to break out into a cold sweat from head to foot, in, as it were, the very bitterness of death.

  23. I could have sworn to him in any court of justice on the strength of his back alone, so vividly did I picture it.

  24. Each item in it photographed itself vividly on my mind's eye.

  25. The sight brought Clara's face framed in it vividly be fore my eyes, and drew me into the shop.

  26. The World War began, as we all most vividly remember, with the successful, although briefly but most importantly delayed invasion of Belgium.

  27. This increase in margins shows vividly in the higher priced foods, for instance, pork products.

  28. I think that the sight of this mountain, drawing ever nearer, vividly recalled his terrors and caused him to desire to efface the bad impression he knew he had made on us, to whom he looked for safety.

  29. Hassan's remarks about fires and ant-heaps and the sun were too vividly impressed upon my memory.

  30. Every detail of her narrative was so vividly given that I lived it all over again.

  31. So vividly did she describe these lessons that her pictures haunted me.

  32. VIII Winifred described the designs on the divan so vividly that I could almost see them.

  33. This was on occasions when she perceived bat my father's memory retained too vividly the impression left on it of his love for the wife who was dead--dead, but a rival still.

  34. So vividly did she bring before my eyes the scenery of North Wales, that when at last I went there it seemed quite familiar to me.

  35. His voice to the last retained its distinctive clearness, and the transitions of tone, as each personage in the story, conjured up by a word, rose vividly before the eye, seemed to be more marvellous than ever.

  36. But never had Mr. Brumley noted quite so vividly Lady Beach-Mandarin's habitual self-surpassingness.

  37. From it a vividly artistic corridor ran to the house and the rest of the shrubbery was all trampled and littered with sheds, bricks, poles and material generally.

  38. These too were moments quite different and separate in quality from delight, from the keen appreciation of flowers or sunshine or little vividly living things.

  39. Around these the action centers, though half a dozen others, vividly sketched, have a hand in the proceedings.

  40. In 1784, Washington brought vividly before the Virginia Legislature the necessity of improving the means of transportation.

  41. The scale of equivalents in pounds sterling vividly displays the confused currency situation of the period.

  42. The little incident brought back vividly days when we sojourned in fair Provence, and from the cottage doors, mingling with the pure air of heaven wafted across the Mediterranean, there came the everlasting perfume of garlic.

  43. The picture of that last interview remains vividly in our memory.

  44. We did not again see Manresa, but even a comparative approach to its neighbourhood brought all the splendid and imposing outlines, the blood-red river, vividly before us.

  45. Just beyond this we had stood last night listening to the rustling of the reeds, lost in the scene so vividly reflected by the lurid glare of the torches.

  46. Not the least intention had we of paying that interesting old town a second visit, but the very fact of knowing that our faces were set that way, brought our late experiences vividly before us.

  47. It was delightful to go down to the fine harbour and watch the vessels loading and unloading, the flags of all nations vividly contrasting with the brilliant blue sky as they flashed and fluttered in the wind.

  48. Fifteen years have gone by since that day, but we see it as vividly before us as though it had been but yesterday.

  49. One we recall most vividly was with Frederick Sandys, whom he had not met for thirty years.

  50. It was the only thing George Boughton brought vividly away in his memories of the Academy.

  51. Safonoff was indifferent to his sister's revolutionary ventures because he never vividly realised the danger she incurred.

  52. The Old Woman's Death" and "The Burned House" are as vividly picturesque as ballads.

  53. At the view of this change, I vividly felt how lonely and joyless had been the dead, changeless plain I had left behind me.

  54. She has a thorough knowledge of human nature, and so vividly drawn and natural are her characters that they seem instinct with life.

  55. The miserable destitution of her home, the glimpses of refinement that broke through her outbursts of passion, the state of revolting intoxication in which she was plunged--all arose vividly to his mind.

  56. Two of them were notorious malefactors, "the third recalled vividly to my mind Voltaire's Lusignan in the tragedy of Zaire, which I had been perusing a few days before.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vividly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    effectively; faithfully; fervently; fluently; forcefully; graphically; impressively; passionately; powerfully; smoothly; warmly