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Example sentences for "axle"

Lexicographically close words:
axiom; axiomata; axiomatic; axioms; axis; axles; axletree; axmen; axon; axons
  1. THE WHEEL AND AXLE The primitive friction reducer, which continues in use to the present day unmodified in principle, is the wheel revolving on an axle.

  2. Without them, as everyone knows, it would be impossible to run any wheel continuously upon an axle at high speed for more than a very brief period, owing to the great heat developed through friction.

  3. A moment's reflection will make it clear that the wheel is a lever of the first class, of which the axle constitutes the fulcrum.

  4. A windmill consists of a series of inclined planes, each of which forms one of the radii of a circle, or spokes of a wheel, to the axle of which a gearing is adjusted by which the power generated is utilized.

  5. In such a position of the axle and wheels it was clear that a rigid communication between the cross-head and the wheels was impracticable.

  6. My father began by inserting each axle into two cranks, at right angles to each other, with rods communicating horizontally between them.

  7. By this arrangement the parallelism between the cross-head and the axle was at all times maintained, it being permitted to take place without producing jar or friction upon any part of the machine.

  8. Thus we have seen that amongst the Slavs of Masuren the new fire for the village is made on Midsummer Day by causing a wheel to revolve rapidly round an axle of oak till the axle takes fire.

  9. He took the bent axle to the blacksmith, and returned to the hotel.

  10. That axle will be all right in about an hour.

  11. If you can start her up, I'll get my rope on the axle and help.

  12. And I'll just block her up and take off the wheel, and I reckon the blacksmith can straighten that axle easy.

  13. At the same time the fusee chain Y is wound up round the left-hand end of the crank axle E and the spring X extended.

  14. The crank axle E extends through both sides of the breech casing (d), slots (k, fig.

  15. The arm B' of the crank handle then engages the buffer stop C and causes the crank axle E to rotate and the crank E' to fall and so draw back the lock from, and open, the breech.

  16. I' is above the straight line joining the axis of the barrel, the striker T, and the crank axle E.

  17. When the wheel is rapidly revolved, the fluid is driven out with considerable force through the opening at the rim, while a partial vacuum is produced at the axle causing a rapid flow into the device at this point.

  18. The wheel and axle considered as a lever.

  19. Some forms of the wheel and axle have high efficiencies as in bicycles with gear wheels.

  20. Sometimes geared wheels using the principle of the wheel and axle are used to reduce speed, as in the transmission of an automobile (see Fig.

  21. A body has motion of rotation when it turns upon a fixed axis within the body, as a wheel upon its axle or the earth upon its axis.

  22. This arrangement enables the spring for the trailing axle to be kept clear of the firebox, thus allowing the latter to extend the full width between the frames.

  23. The axle bearings are all alike, all being 7.

  24. The axle box guides are all fitted with adjusting wedges.

  25. The axle passes through both sides of the cab, the crank being attached to the outside.

  26. Next the builder should mark off 1-1/2 inches from either end, and carefully bend at right angles, after which holes are drilled to accommodate the crank-axle B.

  27. These are constructed in such a way that during the process of washing the water passes through their wire-covered surfaces and is drained into the hollow axle of the roll by an interior arrangement, called buckets.

  28. The surface is covered by a wire cloth, and the hollow axle of the drum acts as a drain for the fiber-laden water, which, in passing through the drum, deposits a film of fibers upon the revolving surface.

  29. Moreover, the labour of the barrow-men constantly excites the sympathy of the humane traveller and the dismal screech of the wheel revolving upon its unoiled axle is worse than the rasp of filing a saw.

  30. The Chinese depend upon the shrieks of the wheel to tell them how the axle is wearing, but the disconsolate foreigner finds that his nerves wear out much faster than the wooden axle.

  31. Gilliatt had succeeded in removing the axle of the paddles, the extremities of which might have proved an obstacle and checked the descent.

  32. The axle of the wheels must have been taken to pieces by some watchmaker.

  33. Then, quick as a flash, he leaped from his saddle, abandoning his machine, and flung himself toward the back axle of the vehicle.

  34. He stood on the axle now, and reaching up gripped the top.

  35. The invention consists in the combination with the axle clip and knuckle joint of a sliding bearer and spring catch to facilitate the opening and closing of the coupling.

  36. In his experiments thus far, Mr. Eddy has discharged the copper wire leading from his collector into a wooden box containing a pasteboard wheel with darning-needle axle and tinfoil edges.

  37. The axle is grounded, and the copper wire from the collector placed near the tinfoil periphery of the wheel, so as to discharge its sparks through the intervening distance, and by the shock cause the wheel to turn.

  38. It was jogging along at its usual rate of speed when suddenly and without the slightest warning an axle under a "foreign" car, near the rear of the train, snapped in two.

  39. He also realized from what he saw, that if it were not done in time, the car itself might be set on fire, or the axle broken off.

  40. If the women needed a sieve or a vat, or the men had to get another axle or wheel for a time, they sent from one farm to another, and helped each other out in a neighbourly way.

  41. Zhilin asked his master to let him have a penknife, and with it he cut out a small axle and little boards, and made a wheel, and to each end of the wheel he attached a doll.

  42. The engine brought up, but there was an ominous trickle of oil under the back axle, and investigation showed that the axle casing (aluminium) had split.

  43. A close investigation of the motor axle case shows that repair is possible.

  44. The motor axle case was completed by Thursday morning, and, as far as one can see, Day made a very excellent job of it.

  45. Every axle of a railway train carries a wheel at each end, rigidly attached to it.

  46. They had a common axle of wrought iron, of five inches diameter, and a vertical shaft of cast iron passing through the centre of the bed, having a rectangular cross-head through which the axle worked.

  47. On another day when Saint Kyaranus was sitting in a carriage with his father, the axle of the carriage broke in two in the middle of the plain; and the father of the saint, with his attendants, was distressed.

  48. At another time when with his father he was sitting in a carriage, the axle of the carriage broke in two; but yet for the whole day they continued their journey safely, without any mishap.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "axle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.